コード例 #1
 def test_teensy_device_get_packet_size_must_never_fail(self):
     The Teensy's packet size is preset and must be available and non-zero
     even if the device is not connected.
     vendor_id = 0
     product_id = 0
     usage_page = 0
     usage = 0
     device = TeensyDevice(vendor_id, product_id, usage_page, usage)
     self.assertGreater(device.get_packet_size(), 0)
コード例 #2
 def test_teensy_device_get_vendor_and_product_ids(self):
     Test that the VID and PID supplied with the constructor is returned.
     vendor_id = 0xA1B2
     product_id = 0xC3D4
     usage_page = 0xE5F6
     usage = 0x1AB2
     device = TeensyDevice(vendor_id, product_id, usage_page, usage)
     self.assertEqual(device.get_vendor_id(), vendor_id)
     self.assertEqual(device.get_product_id(), product_id)
コード例 #3
 def test_teensy_device_no_such_device(self):
     Operations must fail if there's no such device.
     # So it seems TeensyRawhid will actually sometimes not raise an IOError
     # for an invalid VID and PID (i.e. it will return None as if it has
     # successfully opened the device). This is awkward and probably a
     # bug -- either in TeensyRawhid or in the kernel. Replicate this by
     # executing open(...) consecutively on an interactive Python terminal:
     # The first invocation will fail and the subsequent ones succeed. If
     # you then wait a while (a few minutes, but I don know exactly how
     # long) and try again it will again fail, before succeeding again. What
     # does seem to make a difference is to use values greater than zero. It
     # will then behave consistently.
     vendor_id = 0x1
     product_id = 0x1
     usage_page = 0x1
     usage = 0x1
     device = TeensyDevice(vendor_id, product_id, usage_page, usage)
     self.assertRaises(IOError, device.open)
     self.assertRaises(IOError, device.send, "foo")
     self.assertRaises(IOError, device.receive)