コード例 #1
def readin():
  ncu = (NetCDFFile('/home/scottyiu/Desktop/work/data/model/50yrs/seasonal/3D/uwind/uwind_sea_' + myjob + '_yseasmean.nc'))
  uwnd = ncu.variables['u'][:,myheight,:,:] #7 for model, 14 for era: 200hPa
  lons = ncu.variables['longitude'][:]
  lats = ncu.variables['latitude'][:]
  ncv = (NetCDFFile('/home/scottyiu/Desktop/work/data/model/50yrs/seasonal/3D/vwind/vwind_sea_' + myjob + '_yseasmean.nc'))
  vwnd = ncv.variables['v'][:,myheight,:,:] #7 for model, 14 for era: 200hPa

  uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'tyx')
  vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'tyx')
  lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

  return (ncu,uwnd,lons,lats,ncv,vwnd,uwnd_info,vwnd_info)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: pelson/windspharm
 def test_prep_recover_data(self):
     """prepared and recovered data matches original?"""
     u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
     up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
     ur = recover_data(up, uinfo)
     err = error(u, ur)
     assert_almost_equal(err, 0.)
コード例 #3
 def test_get_recovery(self):
     # recovery helper should produce the same result as the manual method
     u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
     up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
     ur1 = recover_data(up, uinfo)
     recover = get_recovery(uinfo)
     ur2, = recover(up)
     assert_array_equal(ur1, ur2)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: arnaldorusso/windspharm
 def test_get_recovery(self):
     # recovery helper should produce the same result as the manual method
     u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
     up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
     ur1 = recover_data(up, uinfo)
     recover = get_recovery(uinfo)
     ur2, = recover(up)
     assert_array_equal(ur1, ur2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: pelson/windspharm
    def test_get_recovery(self):
        get_recovery(info)(pdata) matches recover_data(pdata, info)?

        u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
        up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
        ur1 = recover_data(up, uinfo)
        recover = get_recovery(uinfo)
        ur2 = recover(up)
        err = error(ur1, ur2)
        assert_almost_equal(err, 0.)
コード例 #6
# files.
ncu = Dataset(example_data_path('uwnd_mean.nc'), 'r')
uwnd = ncu.variables['uwnd'][:]
lons = ncu.variables['longitude'][:]
lats = ncu.variables['latitude'][:]
ncv = Dataset(example_data_path('vwnd_mean.nc'), 'r')
vwnd = ncv.variables['vwnd'][:]

# The standard interface requires that latitude and longitude be the leading
# dimensions of the input wind components, and that wind components must be
# either 2D or 3D arrays. The data read in is 3D and has latitude and
# longitude as the last dimensions. The bundled tools can make the process of
# re-shaping the data a lot easier to manage.
uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'tyx')
vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'tyx')

# It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the
# bundled tools make this easy.
lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computation of streamfunction and
# velocity potential.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute the streamfunction and velocity potential. Also use the bundled
# tools to re-shape the outputs to the 4D shape of the wind components as they
# were read off files.
sf, vp = w.sfvp()
sf = recover_data(sf, uwnd_info)
コード例 #7
ファイル: rws_example.py プロジェクト: ajdawson/windspharm
# files.
ncu = Dataset(example_data_path("uwnd_mean.nc"), "r")
uwnd = ncu.variables["uwnd"][:]
lons = ncu.variables["longitude"][:]
lats = ncu.variables["latitude"][:]
ncv = Dataset(example_data_path("vwnd_mean.nc"), "r")
vwnd = ncv.variables["vwnd"][:]

# The standard interface requires that latitude and longitude be the leading
# dimensions of the input wind components, and that wind components must be
# either 2D or 3D arrays. The data read in is 3D and has latitude and
# longitude as the last dimensions. The bundled tools can make the process of
# re-shaping the data a lot easier to manage.
uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, "tyx")
vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, "tyx")

# It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the
# bundled tools make this easy.
lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computations.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute components of rossby wave source: absolute vorticity, divergence,
# irrotational (divergent) wind components, gradients of absolute vorticity.
eta = w.absolutevorticity()
div = w.divergence()
uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)
コード例 #8
ファイル: mass_stream_func.py プロジェクト: kwodzicki/kw_lib
def mass_stream_func(uu, vv, lat, lvl, Global=True):
		An IDL procedure to compute the zonal-mean meridional stream
		uu  : 3-D array of zonal winds [nlvl, nlat, nlon]
		vv  : 3-D array of meridional winds [nlvl, nlat, nlon]
		lat : A 1- or 2-D array of latitude values (degrees) [nlat]
		lvl : A 1- or 2-D array of pressure levels (Pa) [nlvl]
		psi    : The meridional mass stream function (kg s**-1)
		p      : Pressures for the stream function (Pa)
		Global   : Sets if computing for global or for a
							 zonal subset using method of Zhang and Wang (2013)
	Author and history:
		Kyle R. Wodzicki

    if (not Global) and (not VectorWind):
        raise Exception('Failed to import windspharm.standard.VectorWind!!!')
    elif (not Global):
        uu, uu_info = prep_data(uu, 'pyx')  # Prepare data for VectorWind class
        vv, vv_info = prep_data(vv, 'pyx')  # Prepare data for VectorWind class
        lat, uu, vv = order_latdim(lat, uu, vv)  # Fix latitude order
        VW = VectorWind(uu, vv)  # Initialize vector wind class
        uchi, vchi = VW.irrotationalcomponent()  # Get irrotational components
        vv = recover_data(
            vchi, vv_info)  # Convert v-irrot component back to input order

    vv = np.nanmean(vv, axis=2)  # Average over longitude (last dimension)
    dims = vv.shape  # Get dimensions of VV
    if (lat.ndim == 1):  # If the latitude is only 1-D
        if (dims[0] == lat.size):
            vv = vv.transpose()
            dims = vv.shape
        lat = np.repeat(lat.reshape(1, dims[1]), dims[0],
                        axis=0)  # Reshape to match vv array

    lat = lat[:-1, :]

    if (lvl.ndim == 1):  # If the level is only 1-D
        lvl = np.repeat(lvl.reshape(dims[0], 1), dims[1],
                        axis=1)  # Reshape to match vv array

    revFlat = False
    if (lvl[0, 0] > lvl[-1, 0]):  # If pressure levels are decending
        revFlat = True
        lvl = lvl[::-1, :]  # Reverse to ascending
        vv = vv[::-1, :]  # Reverse vv too

    dp = lvl[1:, :] - lvl[:-1, :]  # Compute change in pressure between levels
    dv = (vv[1:, :] + vv[:-1, :]) / 2.0  # Compute mean wind for level

    p = ((lvl[1:, 0] + lvl[:-1, 0]) /
         2.0).flatten()  # Reform mean pressure for level for output
    psi = 2.0 * np.pi * R_e * np.cos(
        np.radians(lat)) / g  # Compute scalar for psi equation
    psi *= np.cumsum(dv * dp,
                     axis=0)  # Multiply scalar by the integeral of vv * dp

    return psi, p  # Return stream function and pressure
コード例 #9
ファイル: raytrace2d.z_symm.py プロジェクト: irudeva/RWray
#coslat[0]=0   # a very small number is used instead
#coslat[-1]=0  # ----"""----

# velocity in the Mercator projection
# um checked!!!

for j in range(0,np.size(um,axis=0)) :
    print lats[j], ym[j],u[j,i],um[j,i]

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computations.
uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'tyx')
vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'tyx')

#w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)
# Compute absolute vorticity
w = VectorWind(u, v)
q = w.absolutevorticity()

qbar = q
#qbar = np.average(q[:,:,nt[nt>0]],axis=2)
print "qbar(4,0)=",qbar[4,0]
#qbar checked!!!

print "------------------------------"
コード例 #10
 def test_prep_recover_data(self):
     # applying preparation and recovery should yield an identical data set
     u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
     up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
     ur = recover_data(up, uinfo)
     assert_array_equal(u, ur)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: arnaldorusso/windspharm
 def test_prep_recover_data(self):
     # applying preparation and recovery should yield an identical data set
     u = np.random.rand(12, 17, 73, 144)
     up, uinfo = prep_data(u, 'tzyx')
     ur = recover_data(up, uinfo)
     assert_array_equal(u, ur)
コード例 #12

    # find 300 hPa
    ilev = np.where(levs==300)[0]

    print("Data uploaded for %d"%iyr)

    #print uwnd.shape
    #print uwnd[1,1,1]

    # The standard interface requires that latitude and longitude be the leading
    # dimensions of the input wind components, and that wind components must be
    # either 2D or 3D arrays. The data read in is 3D and has latitude and
    # longitude as the last dimensions. The bundled tools can make the process of
    # re-shaping the data a lot easier to manage.
    uwnd1, uwnd_info = prep_data(np.squeeze(uwnd[:,ilev,:,:]), 'tyx')
    vwnd1, vwnd_info = prep_data(np.squeeze(vwnd[:,ilev,:,:]), 'tyx')

    # It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the
    # bundled tools make this easy.
    lats, uwnd1, vwnd1 = order_latdim(lats, uwnd1, vwnd1)

    # Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computation of streamfunction and
    # velocity potential.
    w = VectorWind(uwnd1, vwnd1)

    # Compute the streamfunction and velocity potential. Also use the bundled
    # tools to re-shape the outputs to the 4D shape of the wind components as they
    # were read off files.
    sf, vp = w.sfvp()
    sf = recover_data(sf, uwnd_info)
コード例 #13
        A = A1 + A2 + A3
        A = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(A)

        F0 = F[i, :]

        U0 = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A, F0)

        U[i, :] = U0

    test = np.fft.ifft(U)

    from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
    from windspharm.tools import prep_data, recover_data, order_latdim

    uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(u_n[4:-4, 4:-4], 'xyp')

    vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(v_n[4:-4, 4:-4], 'xyp')

    lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(phi, uwnd, vwnd)
    w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)
    sf, vp = w.sfvp()
    sf = recover_data(sf, uwnd_info)
    vp = recover_data(vp, vwnd_info)
    uchi, vchi, upsi, vpsi = w.helmholtz()
    uchi = recover_data(uchi, uwnd_info)
    vchi = recover_data(vchi, uwnd_info)
    upsi = recover_data(upsi, uwnd_info)
    vpsi = recover_data(vpsi, uwnd_info)

    s = w.s
コード例 #14
## Calculate ensemble mean over QBO phases
varum_pos = np.nanmean(varu_pos, axis=0)
varum_neg = np.nanmean(varu_neg, axis=0)

varvm_pos = np.nanmean(varv_pos, axis=0)
varvm_neg = np.nanmean(varv_neg, axis=0)

hitum_pos = np.nanmean(hitu_pos, axis=0)
hitum_neg = np.nanmean(hitu_neg, axis=0)

hitvm_pos = np.nanmean(hitv_pos, axis=0)
hitvm_neg = np.nanmean(hitv_neg, axis=0)

### Prepare data for calculating
uwnd_pos, uwndinfo_pos = prep_data(varum_pos, 'tyx')
vwnd_pos, vwndinfo_pos = prep_data(varvm_pos, 'tyx')

uwnd_neg, uwndinfo_neg = prep_data(varum_neg, 'tyx')
vwnd_neg, vwndinfo_neg = prep_data(varvm_neg, 'tyx')

latn, uwnd_pos, vwnd_pos = order_latdim(lat, uwnd_pos, vwnd_pos)
latn, uwnd_neg, vwnd_neg = order_latdim(lat, uwnd_neg, vwnd_neg)

hituwnd_pos, hituwndinfo_pos = prep_data(hitum_pos, 'tyx')
hitvwnd_pos, hitvwndinfo_pos = prep_data(hitvm_pos, 'tyx')

hituwnd_neg, hituwndinfo_neg = prep_data(hitum_neg, 'tyx')
hitvwnd_neg, hitvwndinfo_neg = prep_data(hitvm_neg, 'tyx')

latn, hituwnd_pos, hitvwnd_pos = order_latdim(lat, hituwnd_pos, hitvwnd_pos)
コード例 #15
def calc_quantity(uwnd, vwnd, quantity, lat_axis, lon_axis, axis_order):
    """Calculate a single wind quantity.

      uwnd (numpy.ndarray): Zonal wind
      vwnd (numpy.ndarray): Meridional wind
      quantity (str): Quantity to be calculated
      lat_axis (list): Latitude axis values
      lon_axis (list): Longitude axis values
      axis_order (str): e.g. tyx

      windsparm requires the input data to be on a global grid
        (due to the spherical harmonic representation used),
        latitude and longitude to be the leading axes and the
        latitude axis must go from 90 to -90. The cdms2 interface
        is supposed to adjust for these things but I've found that
        things come back upsidedown if the lat axis isn't right, so
        I've just used the standard interface here instead.


    check_global(lat_axis, lon_axis)

    # Make latitude and longitude the leading coordinates
    uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(numpy.array(uwnd), axis_order)
    vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(numpy.array(vwnd), axis_order)

    # Make sure latitude dimension is north-to-south
    lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lat_axis, uwnd, vwnd)
    flip_lat = False if lats[0] == lat_axis[0] else True

    w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)
    data_out = {}
    if quantity == 'rossbywavesource':
        eta = w.absolutevorticity()
        div = w.divergence()
        uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
        etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)

        data_out['rws1'] = (-eta * div) / (1.e-11)
        data_out['rws2'] = (-(uchi * etax + vchi * etay)) / (1.e-11)
        data_out['rws'] = data_out['rws1'] + data_out['rws2']

    elif quantity == 'magnitude':
        data_out['spd'] = w.magnitude()

    elif quantity == 'vorticity':
        data_out['vrt'] = w.vorticity()

    elif quantity == 'divergence':
        div = w.divergence()
        data_out['div'] = div / (1.e-6)

    elif quantity == 'absolutevorticity':
        avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
        data_out['avrt'] = avrt / (1.e-5)

    elif quantity == 'absolutevorticitygradient':
        avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
        ugrad, vgrad = w.gradient(avrt)
        avrtgrad = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(ugrad) + numpy.square(vgrad))
        data_out['avrtgrad'] = avrtgrad / (1.e-5)

    elif quantity == 'planetaryvorticity':
        data_out['pvrt'] = w.planetaryvorticity()

    elif quantity == 'irrotationalcomponent':
        data_out['uchi'], data_out['vchi'] = w.irrotationalcomponent()

    elif quantity == 'nondivergentcomponent':
        data_out['upsi'], data_out['vpsi'] = w.nondivergentcomponent()

    elif quantity == 'streamfunction':
        sf = w.streamfunction()
        data_out['sf'] = sf / (1.e+6)

    elif quantity == 'velocitypotential':
        vp = w.velocitypotential()
        data_out['vp'] = vp / (1.e+6)

        sys.exit('Wind quantity not recognised')

    # Return data to its original shape
    for key in data_out.keys():
        data_out[key] = recover_structure(data_out[key], flip_lat, uwnd_info)

    return data_out
コード例 #16
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: mariajmolina/ML-for-S2S
def compute_rws(ds_u,
    Computation of absolute vorticity, divergence, and Rossby wave source.
    Outputs xarray datasets of each.
        ds_u (xarray data array): Zonal (u) wind (m/s).
        ds_v (xarray data array): Meridional (v) wind (m/s).
        lat_coord (str): Latitude coordinate. Defaults to ``lat``.
        lon_coord (str): Longitude coordinate. Defaults to ``lon``.
        time_coord (str): Time coordinate. Defaults to ``time``.
        Xarray datasets for absolute vorticity, divergence, and Rossby wave source.
    from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
    from windspharm.tools import prep_data, recover_data, order_latdim

    # grab lat and lon coords
    lats = ds_u.coords[lat_coord].values
    lons = ds_u.coords[lon_coord].values
    time = ds_u.coords[time_coord].values

    _, wnd_info = prep_data(ds_u.values, 'tyx')

    # reorder dims into lat, lon, time
    uwnd = ds_u.transpose(lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord).values
    vwnd = ds_v.transpose(lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord).values

    # reorder lats to north-south direction
    lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

    # initialize wind vector instance
    w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

    # Absolute vorticity (sum of relative and planetary vorticity).
    eta = w.absolutevorticity()

    # Horizontal divergence.
    div = w.divergence()

    # Irrotational (divergent) component of the vector wind.
    uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()

    # Computes the vector gradient of a scalar field on the sphere.
    etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)

    # Compute rossby wave source
    S = -eta * div - (uchi * etax + vchi * etay)

    # recover data shape
    S = recover_data(S, wnd_info)
    div = recover_data(div, wnd_info)
    eta = recover_data(eta, wnd_info)

    # assemble xarray datasets
    data_rws = xr.Dataset({
        'rws': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], S),
                              'time': (['time'], time),
                              'lat': (['lat'], lats),
                              'lon': (['lon'], lons)
                          attrs={'long_name': 'Rossby wave source'})

    data_div = xr.Dataset(
            'div': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], div),
            'time': (['time'], time),
            'lat': (['lat'], lats),
            'lon': (['lon'], lons)
        attrs={'long_name': 'Horizontal divergence (300-mb)'})

    data_eta = xr.Dataset(
            'eta': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], eta),
            'time': (['time'], time),
            'lat': (['lat'], lats),
            'lon': (['lon'], lons)
            'Absolute vorticity (sum of relative and planetary vorticity)'

    return data_eta, data_div, data_rws