def test_getRecentPosts_own_blog(self): # create 10 posts blogid = username = self.test_user1.username password = for i in range(10): title = "Test Post %s" % str(i) body = "This is test post number %s" % i blog = self.test_blog author = p = Post(title=title, body=body, author=author, blog=blog) num_posts = 10 posts = self.s.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(blogid, username, password, num_posts) self.assertEqual(10, len(posts))
def metaWeblog_newPost(user, blogid, struct, publish="PUBLISH"): """ mt's newpost function...""" logger.debug("metaWeblog.newPost called") logger.debug("user: %s" % user) logger.debug("blogid: %s" % blogid) logger.debug("struct: %s" % struct) logger.debug("publish: %s" % publish) body = struct['description'] try:"Checking for passed blog parameter") blog = Blog.objects.get(pk=blogid) except ValueError: # probably expecting wp behavior"Specified blog not found, using default") blog = Blog.objects.filter(owner=user)[0] pub_date = post = Post(title=struct['title'], body=body, create_date=pub_date, update_date=pub_date, pub_date=pub_date, status=publish and 'publish' or 'draft', blog=blog, post.prepopulate() logger.debug("Saving") # need to save beffore setting many-to-many fields, silly django categories = struct.get("categories", []) # logger.debug("Setting categories: %s" % categories) logger.warn("Categories no longer supported") # clist = [] # for category in categories: # try: # c = Category.objects.filter(blog=blog, title=category)[0] # logger.debug("Got %s" % c) # clist.append(c) # except Exception, e: # logger.warn(str(e)) # post.categories=clist"Post %s saved" % post)"Setting Tags") setTags(post, struct, key="mt_keywords") logger.debug("Handling Pings")"sending pings to host") send_pings(post) logger.debug("newPost finished") return
def metaWeblog_newPost(user, blogid, struct, publish="PUBLISH"): """ mt's newpost function...""" logger.debug("metaWeblog.newPost called") logger.debug("user: %s" % user) logger.debug("blogid: %s" % blogid) logger.debug("struct: %s" % struct) logger.debug("publish: %s" % publish) body = struct["description"] try:"Checking for passed blog parameter") blog = Blog.objects.get(pk=blogid) except ValueError: # probably expecting wp behavior"Specified blog not found, using default") blog = Blog.objects.filter(owner=user)[0] pub_date = post = Post( title=struct["title"], body=body, create_date=pub_date, update_date=pub_date, pub_date=pub_date, status=publish and "publish" or "draft", blog=blog,, ) post.prepopulate() logger.debug("Saving") # need to save beffore setting many-to-many fields, silly django categories = struct.get("categories", []) # logger.debug("Setting categories: %s" % categories) logger.warn("Categories no longer supported") # clist = [] # for category in categories: # try: # c = Category.objects.filter(blog=blog, title=category)[0] # logger.debug("Got %s" % c) # clist.append(c) # except Exception, e: # logger.warn(str(e)) # post.categories=clist"Post %s saved" % post)"Setting Tags") setTags(post, struct, key="mt_keywords") logger.debug("Handling Pings")"sending pings to host") send_pings(post) logger.debug("newPost finished") return
def test_getRecentPosts_own_blog(self): # create 10 posts blogid = username = self.test_user1.username password = for i in range(10): title = "Test Post %s" % str(i) body = "This is test post number %s" % i blog = self.test_blog author = p = Post( title=title, body=body, author=author, blog=blog ) num_posts = 10 posts = self.s.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(blogid, username, password, num_posts) self.assertEqual(10, len(posts))
def wp_newPost(user, blog_id, content): """ Parameters int blog_id string username string password struct content string post_type string post_status string post_title int post_author string post_excerpt string post_content datetime post_date_gmt | post_date string post_format string post_name: Encoded URL (slug) string post_password string comment_status string ping_status int sticky int post_thumbnail int post_parent array custom_fields struct string key string value struct terms: Taxonomy names as keys, array of term IDs as values. struct terms_names: Taxonomy names as keys, array of term names as values. struct enclosure string url int length string type any other fields supported by wp_insert_post ## EXAMPLE FROM DeskPM { 'post_format': 'text', 'post_title': 'Test Post for desktop clients', 'post_status': 'publish', 'post_thumbnail': 0, 'sticky': False, 'post_content': '<p>This is a test post. </p><p>Go forth, and publish my good man...</p>', 'terms_names': {'post_tag': []}, 'comment_status': 'open' } ## Full-Featured Example { 'post_format': 'text', 'post_title': 'Full-featured Posts', 'post_status': 'publish', 'post_thumbnail': 0, 'sticky': False, 'post_content': "Fully Featured, With Pics & Stuff.\n\nMy, aren't **we** fancypants.", 'terms_names': {'post_tag': ['tag']}, 'comment_status': 'open'} Return Values string post_id Errors 401 - If the user does not have the edit_posts cap for this post type. - If user does not have permission to create post of the specified post_status. - If post_author is different than the user's ID and the user does not have the edit_others_posts cap for this post type. - If sticky is passed and user does not have permission to make the post sticky, regardless if sticky is set to 0, 1, false or true. - If a taxonomy in terms or terms_names is not supported by this post type. - If terms or terms_names is set but user does not have assign_terms cap. - If an ambiguous term name is used in terms_names. 403 - If invalid post_type is specified. - If an invalid term ID is specified in terms. 404 - If no author with that post_author ID exists. - If no attachment with that post_thumbnail ID exists. """ logger.debug("wp.newPost entered") logger.debug("user: %s" % str(user)) logger.debug("blog_id: %s" % str(blog_id)) logger.debug("content:\n%s" % str(content)) blog = Blog.objects.get(pk=blog_id)"blog: %s" % str(blog)) pub_date ="blog: %s" % str(blog))"pub_date: %s" % str(pub_date)) post = Post(title=content['post_title'], body=content['post_content'], create_date=pub_date, update_date=pub_date, pub_date=pub_date, status=content['post_status'], blog=blog,"Post %s saved" % post) #"Setting Tags") # setTags(post, struct) #logger.debug("Handling Pings")"sending pings to host") # send_pings(post) struct = { 'tags': content['terms_names']['post_tag'], } setTags(post, struct) logger.debug("newPost finished") # set categories? Hmm... categories for posts seem to be legacy thinking # set tags return str(
class Command(BaseCommand): """ Import blog posts from a remote blog """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( # make_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", default=[], metavar="username", help="User name for remote API endpoint"), make_option("-o", "--owner", dest="owner", metavar="ownername", help="Owner's Django user name"), make_option("-a", "--all", dest="all_blogs", action="store_true", help="Import all user blogs from API endpoint"), make_option("-x", "--api-endpoint", dest="api_endpoint", default=None, metavar="API endpoint", help="Direct URL for remote API endpoint"), make_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default=[], help="Password for remote API connection"), make_option( "-f", "--filename", dest="filename", metavar="json_filename", help="JSON file which contains dump blog data (created with --dump)" ), make_option("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", help="Do not write anything to the database"), make_option("-d", "--dump", dest="dump", action="store_true", help="Write retrieved data to screen in JSON format"), ) args = "[blog_url] [xblog_id] [-u username] [-p password]" help = """ Import blog posts from a remote blog """ def handle(self, *args, **options): """ imports a remote blog via the WordPress API """ if options.get("api_endpoint", None): self.xmlrpc_import(args, options) elif options.get('filename'): self.json_import(args, options) def json_import(self, args, options): """ Takes a json file of another xblog importantly, this script will try to sanitize it. Categories are imported as tags. Blog posts are assigned to an existing user, so make sure that user exists. New owner is passed using --owner=username """ username = options.get('username') filename = options.get('filename') try: local_user = User.objects.get(username=options.get('owner')) except ObjectDoesNotExist: local_user = None print "Parsing %s for %s" % (username, filename) # owner = None owner = local_user while not owner: try: owner = User.objects.get(username=username) print "Found %s" % owner except ObjectDoesNotExist: print "User name '%s' not found" % username print "Choose from one of the following:" for user in User.objects.all(): print "- %s" % user.username print "[q] Quit" username = raw_input('> ').strip() if username.lower() == 'q': sys.exit() print "Proceeding with %s (id=%s)" % (owner, data = json.load(open(options.get("filename"))) new_data = [] bad_cats = [1, 4, 5] # specifically for YB; remove this for point in data: if point['model'] == 'xblog.category': continue if point['model'] == '': pprint(point) point['fields']['owner'] = if point['model'] == '': pprint(point) print "Removing author record for %s" % point['fields'][ 'fullname'] data.remove(point) continue if point['model'] == '': for category in point['fields']['categories']: if category in bad_cats: continue # print point['fields']['author'] point['fields']['author'] = # remove primary_category_name for old_field in ["primary_category_name", "categories"]: if old_field in point.get('fields').keys(): point['fields'].pop(old_field, None) new_data.append(point) # for point in new_data: # print point json.dump(new_data, open('new_data.json', 'w'), indent=4) def xmlrpc_import(self, args, options): """ Sucks a blog over the internet using its XMLRPC protocol. """ blog_url = args[0] xblog_id = args[1] if options.get("dump"): dry_run = True notify("Dumping %s to screen" % args[0]) username = options.get("username") or raw_input("Username: "******"password") or getpass.getpass() wp_url = options.get('api_endpoint') if not wp_url: notify("Couldn't find API link in page %s" % blog_url) notify("Please re-run with '-x url_to_api_endpoint'") # create the xmlrpc connection if wp_url[:4] != 'http': # this is a relative URL notify("Normalizing URL") a = blog_url b = wp_url c = os.path.join(str(blog_url), str(wp_url)) notify(c) notify(os.path.join(blog_url, wp_url)) wp_url = os.path.join(blog_url, wp_url) notify(os.path.join(blog_url, wp_url)) notify(wp_url) notify("Logging in at %s" % wp_url) wp = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(wp_url, use_datetime=True, verbose=1) blogs = wp.wp.getUsersBlogs(username, password) notify("Got %d blogs" % len(blogs)) active_blogs = [] if len(blogs) > 1 and not options.get("all_blogs"): notify("Please enter the number of the blog you'd like to import:") counter = 1 for blog in blogs: notify("[%d]: %s (ID:%s) " % (counter, blog["blogName"], blog["blogid"])) counter += 1 notify("[a]: All blogs") choice = raw_input("Enter %s or 'a' for all blogs" % str(range(1, len(blogs)))).strip() if choice.lower() == 'a': notify("Grabbing all blogs from this user") active_blogs = blogs elif int(choice) in range(1, counter): notify("Grabbing blog %s" % choice) # print blogs # print blogs[0] # print blogs[1] # print '---' # print int(choice)-1 # print blogs[0] active_blogs = blogs[int(choice) - 1:int(choice)] else: active_blogs = blogs notify("Importing:") notify(",".join(["'%s'" % blog['blogName'] for blog in active_blogs])) xblog = Blog.objects.get(id=int(xblog_id)) # xblog_author = User.objects.all()[0] # FIXME: should probably try to get fancy and match email address or some'n owner_username = options.get("owner") or raw_input( "Owner's username").strip() # print "|%s|" % owner_username xblog_author = User.objects.get(username=owner_username) categories = [] posts = [] for blog in active_blogs: # create a dictionary of categories categories = categories + wp.metaWeblog.getCategories( blog['blogid'], username, password) # create a list of posts notify("%d categories" % len(categories)) # walk through the posts filter = {} filter['offset'] = 0 all_posts = [] counter = 0 while True: filter['number'] = 10 posts = wp.wp.getPosts(blog['blogid'], username, password, filter) # print "%d posts" % len(posts) if len(posts) == 0: notify("Done!") break for post in posts: # convert the post date. all_posts.append(post) counter = counter + 1 # print "[%3d] %s (%s) %s" % (counter, post['post_title'], post['post_date'], post['post_status']), notify("Title: %s" % post['post_title']) # notify("Date: %s" % post['post_date']) # notify("Status: %s" % post['post_status']) # notify("Author: %s" % post['post_author']) # notify("Type: %s" % post['post_type']) # notify(10 * "-") # print post['post_content'] filter['offset'] += len(posts) notify("Downloaded %d posts" % len(all_posts)) # category_map = {} # for category in categories: # category_map[category['categoryId']] = self.get_or_create_category(category, xblog) for post in all_posts: xblog_post = self.get_or_create_post(post, xblog) = xblog_author if options.get('dry_run'): notify("Not saving '%s'" % xblog_post.title) else: categories = self.get_post_categories(post, xblog) for category in categories: xblog_post.categories.add(category) def get_or_create_post(self, post, xblog): # takes a wp.getPost object and set of categories, and creates # an xblog post object from it # extract the relevant information from the post keys = post.keys() keys.sort() # pprint(keys) # try to find if this post has already been imported? try: xpost = Post.objects.get(guid=post['guid']) return xpost except ObjectDoesNotExist, e: pass xblog_post = {} xblog_post['pub_date'] = post['post_date_gmt'] xblog_post['update_date'] = post['post_modified_gmt'] xblog_post['create_date'] = post['post_date_gmt'] xblog_post['enable_comments'] = False xblog_post['title'] = post['post_title'] # # xblog_post['slug'] = xblog_post['body'] = post['post_content'] xblog_post['summary'] = post['post_excerpt'] # xblog_post['categories'] = self.get_post_categories(post, xblog) # xblog_post['author'] = xblog_post['status'] = post['post_status'] xblog_post['guid'] = post['guid'] xblog_post['blog'] = xblog # print xblog_post xpost = Post(**xblog_post) return xpost
# let's see if this post already exists... p = Post.objects.get(title__exact=post['post_title']) # print "Found similar post", p.title if p.create_date == post['post_date']: print "NOT IMPORTING %s -- it exists" % str(p) except: status = status + ": %s" % post['post_title'] # mod the dates... for dtime in ['post_date', 'post_modified']: if not post[dtime]: post[dtime] = p = Post(title=post['post_title'], body=post['post_content'], create_date=post['post_date'], update_date=post['post_modified'], pub_date=post['post_date'], blog=loblog, author=louser, status=post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name']) p.prepopulate() try: p.categories = catlist except: import traceback traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) # get comments for this post...
p = Post.objects.get(title__exact=post['post_title']) # print "Found similar post", p.title if p.create_date == post['post_date']: print "NOT IMPORTING %s -- it exists" % str(p) except: status = status + ": %s" % post['post_title'] # mod the dates... for dtime in ['post_date', 'post_modified']: if not post[dtime]: post[dtime] = p = Post( title=post['post_title'], body = post['post_content'], create_date = post['post_date'], update_date = post['post_modified'], pub_date = post['post_date'], blog = loblog, author =louser, status = post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name'] ) p.prepopulate() try: p.categories = catlist except: import traceback traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr)
def wp_newPost(user, blog_id, content): """ Parameters int blog_id string username string password struct content string post_type string post_status string post_title int post_author string post_excerpt string post_content datetime post_date_gmt | post_date string post_format string post_name: Encoded URL (slug) string post_password string comment_status string ping_status int sticky int post_thumbnail int post_parent array custom_fields struct string key string value struct terms: Taxonomy names as keys, array of term IDs as values. struct terms_names: Taxonomy names as keys, array of term names as values. struct enclosure string url int length string type any other fields supported by wp_insert_post ## EXAMPLE FROM DeskPM { 'post_format': 'text', 'post_title': 'Test Post for desktop clients', 'post_status': 'publish', 'post_thumbnail': 0, 'sticky': False, 'post_content': '<p>This is a test post. </p><p>Go forth, and publish my good man...</p>', 'terms_names': {'post_tag': []}, 'comment_status': 'open' } ## Full-Featured Example { 'post_format': 'text', 'post_title': 'Full-featured Posts', 'post_status': 'publish', 'post_thumbnail': 0, 'sticky': False, 'post_content': "Fully Featured, With Pics & Stuff.\n\nMy, aren't **we** fancypants.", 'terms_names': {'post_tag': ['tag']}, 'comment_status': 'open'} Return Values string post_id Errors 401 - If the user does not have the edit_posts cap for this post type. - If user does not have permission to create post of the specified post_status. - If post_author is different than the user's ID and the user does not have the edit_others_posts cap for this post type. - If sticky is passed and user does not have permission to make the post sticky, regardless if sticky is set to 0, 1, false or true. - If a taxonomy in terms or terms_names is not supported by this post type. - If terms or terms_names is set but user does not have assign_terms cap. - If an ambiguous term name is used in terms_names. 403 - If invalid post_type is specified. - If an invalid term ID is specified in terms. 404 - If no author with that post_author ID exists. - If no attachment with that post_thumbnail ID exists. """ logger.debug("wp.newPost entered") logger.debug("user: %s" % str(user)) logger.debug("blog_id: %s" % str(blog_id)) logger.debug("content:\n%s" % str(content)) blog = Blog.objects.get(pk=blog_id)"blog: %s" % str(blog)) pub_date ="blog: %s" % str(blog))"pub_date: %s" % str(pub_date)) post = Post( title=content["post_title"], body=content["post_content"], create_date=pub_date, update_date=pub_date, pub_date=pub_date, status=content["post_status"], blog=blog,, )"Post %s saved" % post) #"Setting Tags") # setTags(post, struct) # logger.debug("Handling Pings") #"sending pings to host") # send_pings(post) struct = {"tags": content["terms_names"]["post_tag"]} setTags(post, struct) logger.debug("newPost finished") # set categories? Hmm... categories for posts seem to be legacy thinking # set tags return str(
def main(): """docstring for main""" config['cursorclass'] = DictCursor cur = MySQLdb.connect(**config).cursor() # load the posts cur.execute("select * from ybwp_posts") posts = cur.fetchall() print "Cleaning out posts..." Post.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out categories..." Category.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out tags..." Tag.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out Links..." Link.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out pingbacks..." Pingback.objects.all().delete() print "Killing comments" FreeComment.objects.filter(content_type=\ ContentType.objects.get(\ model__exact='post')).delete() # load the categories # cur.execute("select * from ybwp_categories") # cats = cur.fetchall() loblog = Blog.objects.get(pk=1) print loblog louser = User.objects.filter(username__exact='Rube') # get links... cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ybwp_categories, ybwp_links, ybwp_link2cat WHERE ybwp_links.link_id = ybwp_link2cat.link_id AND ybwp_categories.cat_ID = ybwp_link2cat.category_id """) for link in cur.fetchall(): # try to get the category... try: cat = LinkCategory.objects.get(title__iexact=link['cat_name']) except LinkCategory.DoesNotExist: # create a new category...blah. print "Creating category", link['cat_name'] cat = LinkCategory(title=link['cat_name'], description=link['category_description'], blog=loblog, visible=True) # create a new link... link = Link( link_name=link['link_name'], category=cat, description=link['link_description'], rss=link['link_rss'], visible=True, url=link['link_url'], blog=loblog, ) print link.description try: except Link.DoesNotExist: pass # for each wordpress entry for post in posts: status = "Processing %d" % (len(posts)) cur.execute(""" select ybwp_categories.cat_name, ybwp_categories.category_description from ybwp_categories, ybwp_post2cat where ybwp_post2cat.post_id = %d and ybwp_categories.cat_ID = ybwp_post2cat.category_id """ % (post['ID'])) # status # cq = "select * from ybwp_comments where comment_post_ID = %d" % entry['ID'] # cur.execute(q) # comments = cur.fetchall() # catlist = [] for cat in cur.fetchall(): # try to get the category try: locat = Category.objects.get(title__iexact=cat['cat_name']) # print "Found category", locat except Category.DoesNotExist, error: print "Error:", error # create the category... print "Creating", cat['cat_name'] locat = Category(title=cat['cat_name'], description=cat['category_description'], blog=loblog) catlist.append(locat) # print chardet.detect(post['post_title']) # post['post_title'] = post['post_title'].encode('latin-1') # post['post_content'] = post['post_content'].encode('latin-1') try: # let's see if this post already exists... xpost = Post.objects.get(title__exact=post['post_title']) # print "Found similar post", p.title if xpost.create_date == post['post_date']: print "NOT IMPORTING %s -- it exists" % str(post) except Post.DoesNotExist: status = status + ": %s" % post['post_title'] # mod the dates... for dtime in ['post_date', 'post_modified']: if not post[dtime]: post[dtime] = xpost = Post(title=post['post_title'], body=post['post_content'], create_date=post['post_date'], update_date=post['post_modified'], pub_date=post['post_date'], blog=loblog, author=louser, status=post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name']) xpost.prepopulate() try: xpost.categories = catlist except Post.DoesNotExist: traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) # get comments for this post... try: cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ybwp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d """ % post['ID']) comments = cur.fetchall() contenttype = ContentType.objects.get(model__exact='post') site = Site.objects.get(id__exact=settings.SITE_ID) # create a comment for each comment... except Site.DoesNotExist: traceback.print_exc(sys.stdout) comments = [] raw_input("press enter...") for comment in comments: if comment['comment_type'] == 'pingback': # create a pingback for this post... continue else: if comment['comment_approved'] != 'spam': newcomment = FreeComment(content_type=contenttype,, comment=xmlify(comment['comment_content']), person_name=comment['comment_author'], person_email=\ xmlify(comment['comment_author_email']), person_url=xmlify(comment['comment_author_url']), # submit_date=comment['comment_date'], is_public=comment['comment_approved'], ip_address=comment['comment_author_IP'], # approved=comment['comment_approved'], site=site, ) try: newcomment.submit_date = comment['comment_date'] except FreeComment.DoesNotExist: print "ERROR:" traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) print newcomment.person_name print newcomment.person_url print newcomment.comment raw_input('error: hit enter to continue') status = status + ": %d comments" % len(comments) print status