コード例 #1
ファイル: symeig.py プロジェクト: mfkasim1/xitorch
def svd(A: LinearOperator,
        k: Optional[int] = None,
        mode: str = "uppest",
        bck_options: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
        method: Union[str, Callable, None] = None,
        **fwd_options) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    Perform the singular value decomposition (SVD):

    .. math::

        \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U\Sigma V}^H

    where :math:`\mathbf{U}` and :math:`\mathbf{V}` are semi-unitary matrix and
    :math:`\mathbf{\Sigma}` is a diagonal matrix containing real non-negative

    A: xitorch.LinearOperator
        The linear operator to be decomposed. It has a shape of ``(*BA, m, n)``
        where ``(*BA)`` is the batched dimension of ``A``.
    k: int or None
        The number of decomposition obtained. If ``None``, it will be
    mode: str
        ``"lowest"`` or ``"uppermost"``/``"uppest"``. If ``"lowest"``,
        it will take the lowest ``k`` decomposition.
        If ``"uppest"``, it will take the uppermost ``k``.
    bck_options: dict
        Method-specific options for :func:`solve` which used in backpropagation
    method: str or callable or None
        Method for the svd (same options for :func:`symeig`). If ``None``,
        it will choose ``"exacteig"``.
        Method-specific options (see method section below).

    tuple of tensors (u, s, vh)
        It will return ``u, s, vh`` with shapes respectively
        ``(*BA, m, k)``, ``(*BA, k)``, and ``(*BA, k, n)``.

    It is a naive implementation of symmetric eigendecomposition of ``A.H @ A``
    or ``A @ A.H`` (depending which one is cheaper)

    * If ``s`` contains very small numbers or degenerate values, the
      calculation and its gradient might be inaccurate.
    * The second derivative through U or V might be unstable.
      Extra care must be taken.
    # A: (*BA, m, n)
    # adapted from scipy.sparse.linalg.svds

    if is_debug_enabled():
    BA = A.shape[:-2]

    m = A.shape[-2]
    n = A.shape[-1]
    if m < n:
        AAsym = A.matmul(A.H, is_hermitian=True)
        min_nm = m
        AAsym = A.H.matmul(A, is_hermitian=True)
        min_nm = n

    eivals, eivecs = symeig(AAsym,
                            **fwd_options)  # (*BA, k) and (*BA, min(mn), k)

    # clamp the eigenvalues to a small positive values to avoid numerical
    # instability
    eivals = torch.clamp(eivals, min=0.0)
    s = torch.sqrt(eivals)  # (*BA, k)
    sdiv = torch.clamp(s, min=1e-12).unsqueeze(-2)  # (*BA, 1, k)
    if m < n:
        u = eivecs  # (*BA, m, k)
        v = A.rmm(u) / sdiv  # (*BA, n, k)
        v = eivecs  # (*BA, n, k)
        u = A.mm(v) / sdiv  # (*BA, m, k)
    vh = v.transpose(-2, -1)
    return u, s, vh
コード例 #2
ファイル: solve.py プロジェクト: mfkasim1/xitorch
def _setup_linear_problem(A: LinearOperator, B: torch.Tensor,
                          E: Optional[torch.Tensor], M: Optional[LinearOperator],
                          batchdims: Sequence[int],
                          posdef: Optional[bool],
                          need_hermit: bool) -> \
        Tuple[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor],
              Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor],
              torch.Tensor, bool]:

    # get the linear operator (including the MXE part)
    if E is None:
        A_fcn = lambda x: A.mm(x)
        AT_fcn = lambda x: A.rmm(x)
        B_new = B
        col_swapped = False
        # A: (*BA, nr, nr) linop
        # B: (*BB, nr, ncols)
        # E: (*BE, ncols)
        # M: (*BM, nr, nr) linop
        if M is None:
            BAs, BBs, BEs = normalize_bcast_dims(A.shape[:-2], B.shape[:-2],
            BAs, BBs, BEs, BMs = normalize_bcast_dims(A.shape[:-2],
        E = E.reshape(*BEs, *E.shape[-1:])
        E_new = E.unsqueeze(0).transpose(-1, 0).unsqueeze(
            -1)  # (ncols, *BEs, 1, 1)
        B = B.reshape(*BBs, *B.shape[-2:])  # (*BBs, nr, ncols)
        B_new = B.unsqueeze(0).transpose(-1, 0)  # (ncols, *BBs, nr, 1)

        def A_fcn(x):
            # x: (ncols, *BX, nr, 1)
            Ax = A.mm(x)  # (ncols, *BAX, nr, 1)
            Mx = M.mm(x) if M is not None else x  # (ncols, *BMX, nr, 1)
            MxE = Mx * E_new  # (ncols, *BMXE, nr, 1)
            return Ax - MxE

        def AT_fcn(x):
            # x: (ncols, *BX, nr, 1)
            ATx = A.rmm(x)
            MTx = M.rmm(x) if M is not None else x
            MTxE = MTx * E_new
            return ATx - MTxE

        col_swapped = True

    # estimate if it's posdef with power iteration
    if need_hermit:
        is_hermit = A.is_hermitian and (M is None or M.is_hermitian)
        if not is_hermit:
            posdef = False
    if posdef is None:
        nr, ncols = B.shape[-2:]
        x0shape = (ncols, *batchdims, nr, 1) if col_swapped else (*batchdims,
                                                                  nr, ncols)
        x0 = torch.randn(x0shape, dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device)
        x0 = x0 / x0.norm(dim=-2, keepdim=True)
        largest_eival = _get_largest_eival(A_fcn, x0)  # (*, 1, nc)
        negeival = largest_eival <= 0

        # if the largest eigenvalue is negative, then it's not posdef
        if torch.all(negeival):
            posdef = False
            offset = torch.clamp(largest_eival, min=0.0)
            A_fcn2 = lambda x: A_fcn(x) - offset * x
            mostneg_eival = _get_largest_eival(A_fcn2, x0)  # (*, 1, nc)
            posdef = bool(
                torch.all(torch.logical_or(-mostneg_eival <= offset,

    # get the linear operation if it is not a posdef (A -> AT.A)
    if posdef:
        return A_fcn, AT_fcn, B_new, col_swapped

        def A_new_fcn(x):
            return AT_fcn(A_fcn(x))

        B2 = AT_fcn(B_new)
        return A_new_fcn, A_new_fcn, B2, col_swapped
コード例 #3
ファイル: symeig.py プロジェクト: Michaelrising/xitorch
def svd(A: LinearOperator,
        k: Optional[int] = None,
        mode: str = "uppest",
        bck_options: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
        method: Union[str, Callable, None] = None,
        **fwd_options) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    Perform the singular value decomposition (SVD):

    .. math::

        \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U\Sigma V}^H

    where :math:`\mathbf{U}` and :math:`\mathbf{V}` are semi-unitary matrix and
    :math:`\mathbf{\Sigma}` is a diagonal matrix containing real non-negative
    This function can handle derivatives for degenerate singular values by setting non-zero
    ``degen_atol`` and ``degen_rtol`` in the backward option using the expressions
    in [1]_.

    A: xitorch.LinearOperator
        The linear operator to be decomposed. It has a shape of ``(*BA, m, n)``
        where ``(*BA)`` is the batched dimension of ``A``.
    k: int or None
        The number of decomposition obtained. If ``None``, it will be
    mode: str
        ``"lowest"`` or ``"uppermost"``/``"uppest"``. If ``"lowest"``,
        it will take the lowest ``k`` decomposition.
        If ``"uppest"``, it will take the uppermost ``k``.
    bck_options: dict
        Method-specific options for :func:`solve` which used in backpropagation
        calculation with some additional arguments for computing the backward

        * ``degen_atol`` (``float`` or None): Minimum absolute difference between
          two singular values to be treated as degenerate. If None, it is
          ``torch.finfo(dtype).eps**0.6``. If 0.0, no special treatment on
          degeneracy is applied. (default: None)
        * ``degen_rtol`` (``float`` or None): Minimum relative difference between
          two singular values to be treated as degenerate. If None, it is
          ``torch.finfo(dtype).eps**0.4``. If 0.0, no special treatment on
          degeneracy is applied. (default: None)

        Note: the default values of ``degen_atol`` and ``degen_rtol`` are going
        to change in the future. So, for future compatibility, please specify
        the specific values.

    method: str or callable or None
        Method for the svd (same options for :func:`symeig`). If ``None``,
        it will choose ``"exacteig"``.
        Method-specific options (see method section below).

    tuple of tensors (u, s, vh)
        It will return ``u, s, vh`` with shapes respectively
        ``(*BA, m, k)``, ``(*BA, k)``, and ``(*BA, k, n)``.

    It is a naive implementation of symmetric eigendecomposition of ``A.H @ A``
    or ``A @ A.H`` (depending which one is cheaper)

    .. [1] Muhammad F. Kasim,
           "Derivatives of partial eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix for degenerate cases".
           arXiv:2011.04366 (2020)
           `https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.04366 <https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.04366>`_
    # A: (*BA, m, n)
    # adapted from scipy.sparse.linalg.svds

    if is_debug_enabled():
    BA = A.shape[:-2]

    m = A.shape[-2]
    n = A.shape[-1]
    if m < n:
        AAsym = A.matmul(A.H, is_hermitian=True)
        min_nm = m
        AAsym = A.H.matmul(A, is_hermitian=True)
        min_nm = n

    eivals, eivecs = symeig(AAsym,
                            **fwd_options)  # (*BA, k) and (*BA, min(mn), k)

    # clamp the eigenvalues to a small positive values to avoid numerical
    # instability
    eivals = torch.clamp(eivals, min=0.0)
    s = torch.sqrt(eivals)  # (*BA, k)
    sdiv = torch.clamp(s, min=1e-12).unsqueeze(-2)  # (*BA, 1, k)
    if m < n:
        u = eivecs  # (*BA, m, k)
        v = A.rmm(u) / sdiv  # (*BA, n, k)
        v = eivecs  # (*BA, n, k)
        u = A.mm(v) / sdiv  # (*BA, m, k)
    vh = v.transpose(-2, -1)
    return u, s, vh