コード例 #1
ファイル: templateeditordialog.py プロジェクト: thorhans/zimt
	def testRemoveTemplate(self):
		dialog = TemplateEditorDialog(None)
		select_by_name(dialog.view, 'foo_test')
		file = LocalFile(XDG_DATA_HOME.file('zim/templates/html/foo_test.html').path)
コード例 #2
ファイル: applications.py プロジェクト: DarioGT/Zim-QDA
    def set_default_application(mimetype, application):
        '''Set the default application to open a file with a specific
        mimetype. Updates the C{applications/defaults.list} file.
        As a special case when you set the default to C{None} it will
        remove the entry from C{defauts.list} allowing system defaults
        to be used again.
        @param mimetype: the mime-type of the file (e.g. "text/html")
        @param application: an L{Application} object or C{None}
        ## Based on logic from xdg-mime make_default_generic()
        ## Obtained from http://portland.freedesktop.org/wiki/ (2012-05-31)
        ## See comment in get_default_application()

        if application is not None:
            if not isinstance(application, basestring):
                application = application.key

            if not application.endswith('.desktop'):
                application += '.desktop'

        default_file = XDG_DATA_HOME.file('applications/defaults.list')
        if default_file.exists():
            lines = default_file.readlines()
            lines = [l for l in lines if not l.startswith(mimetype + '=')]
            lines = ['[Default Applications]\n']

        if application:
            lines.append('%s=%s\n' % (mimetype, application))
コード例 #3
def create_helper_application(type, Name, Exec, **param):
	'''Like create_mime_application() but defines a zim specific helper.
	Type can e.g. be 'web_browser', 'file_browser' or 'email_client'.
	dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/applications')
	param['X-Zim-AppType'] = type
	return _create_application(dir, Name, Exec, **param)
コード例 #4
	def set_default_application(mimetype, application):
		'''Set the default application to open a file with a specific
		mimetype. Updates the C{applications/defaults.list} file.
		As a special case when you set the default to C{None} it will
		remove the entry from C{defauts.list} allowing system defaults
		to be used again.
		@param mimetype: the mime-type of the file (e.g. "text/html")
		@param application: an L{Application} object or C{None}
		## Based on logic from xdg-mime make_default_generic()
		## Obtained from http://portland.freedesktop.org/wiki/ (2012-05-31)
		## See comment in get_default_application()

		if application is not None:
			if not isinstance(application, basestring):
				application = application.key

			if not application.endswith('.desktop'):
				application += '.desktop'

		default_file = XDG_DATA_HOME.file('applications/defaults.list')
		if default_file.exists():
			lines = default_file.readlines()
			lines = [l for l in lines if not l.startswith(mimetype + '=')]
			lines = ['[Default Applications]\n']

		if application:
			lines.append('%s=%s\n' % (mimetype, application))
コード例 #5
def _application_dirs():
	# Generator for application directories, first check zim specific paths,
	# then general applications
	for dir in data_dirs('applications'):
		yield dir

	yield XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('applications')

	for dir in XDG_DATA_DIRS:
		yield dir.subdir('applications')
コード例 #6
 def setUp(self):
     folder = LocalFolder(XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/templates').path)
     assert 'tests/tmp' in folder.path.replace('\\', '/')
     if folder.exists():
     for name, content in (
         ('html/foo_test.html', 'Test 123\n'),
         ('html/bar_test.html', 'Test 123\n'),
コード例 #7
ファイル: applications.py プロジェクト: DarioGT/Zim-QDA
def _application_dirs():
    # Generator for application directories, first check zim specific paths,
    # then general applications
    for dir in data_dirs('applications'):
        yield dir

    yield XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('applications')

    for dir in XDG_DATA_DIRS:
        yield dir.subdir('applications')
コード例 #8
	def refresh(self):
		model = self.get_model()
		for category in list_template_categories():
			parent = model.append(None, (category, None, None))
			for name, basename in list_templates(category):
				base = XDG_DATA_HOME.file(('zim', 'templates', category, basename))
				default = data_file(('templates', category, basename)) # None if not existing
				#~ print '>>>', name, base, default
				model.append(parent, (name, base, default))

コード例 #9
	def refresh(self):
		model = self.get_model()
		for category in list_template_categories():
			parent = model.append(None, (category, None, None))
			for name, basename in list_templates(category):
				base = XDG_DATA_HOME.file(('zim', 'templates', category, basename))
				default = data_file(('templates', category, basename)) # None if not existing
				#~ print('>>>', name, base, default)
				model.append(parent, (name, base, default))

コード例 #10
ファイル: templateeditordialog.py プロジェクト: thorhans/zimt
	def testCopyTemplate(self):
		dialog = TemplateEditorDialog(None)
		select_by_name(dialog.view, 'foo_test')

		def do_copy(dialog):

		with tests.DialogContext(do_copy):

		file = LocalFile(XDG_DATA_HOME.file('zim/templates/html/new_foo_test.html').path)
コード例 #11
def create_application(mimetype, Name, Exec, **param):
	'''Creates a desktop entry file for a new usercreated desktop entry
	which defines a custom command to handle a certain file type.
	Returns the DesktopEntryFile object with some
	sensible defaults for a user created application entry.
	To know the key to retrieve this application later look at the
	'key' property of the entry object.
	dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('applications')
	param['MimeType'] = mimetype
	file = _create_application(dir, Name, Exec, **param)
	set_default_application(mimetype, key)
	return file
コード例 #12
ファイル: templateeditordialog.py プロジェクト: thorhans/zimt
	def setUp(self):
		folder = LocalFolder(XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/templates').path)
		assert 'tests/tmp' in folder.path.replace('\\', '/')
		if folder.exists():
		for name, content in (
			('html/foo_test.html', 'Test 123\n'),
			('html/bar_test.html', 'Test 123\n'),

		manager = ApplicationManager()
		entry = manager.create('text/plain', 'test', 'test')
		manager.set_default_application('text/plain', entry)
コード例 #13
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: Jam71/Zim-QDA
	def testListTemplates(self):
		'''Assert list templates still works with resource folders present'''
		import shutil
		from zim.config import XDG_DATA_HOME
		from zim.templates import list_templates, get_template

		# Make sure our template with resources is first in line
		datahome = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/templates/')
		assert not datahome.exists()
		shutil.copytree(self.data, datahome.path)

		for name, basename in list_templates('html'):
			if name == 'Default':
				self.assertEqual(basename, 'Default.html')

		template = get_template('html', 'Default')
		self.assertEqual(template.file, datahome.file('html/Default.html').path)
		self.assertEqual(template.resources_dir, datahome.subdir('html/Default'))
コード例 #14
    def testListTemplates(self):
        '''Assert list templates still works with resource folders present'''
        import shutil
        from zim.config import XDG_DATA_HOME
        from zim.templates import list_templates, get_template

        # Make sure our template with resources is first in line
        datahome = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/templates/')
        assert not datahome.exists()
        shutil.copytree(self.data, datahome.path)

        for name, basename in list_templates('html'):
            if name == 'Default':
                self.assertEqual(basename, 'Default.html')

        template = get_template('html', 'Default')
コード例 #15
	def create(mimetype, Name, Exec, **param):
		'''Create a new usercreated desktop entry which defines a
		custom command to handle a certain file type.

		Note that the name under which this definition is stored is not
		the same as C{Name}. Check the 'C{key}' attribute of the
		returned object if you want the name to retrieve this
		application later.

		@param mimetype: the file mime-type to handle with this command
		@param Name: the name to show in e.g. the "Open With.." menu
		@param Exec: the command to run as string (will be split on
		whitespace, so quote arguments that may contain a space).
		@param param: any additional keys for the desktop entry

		@returns: the L{DesktopEntryFile} object with some
		sensible defaults for a user created application entry.
		dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('applications')
		param['MimeType'] = mimetype
		file = _create_application(dir, Name, Exec, **param)
		return file
コード例 #16
ファイル: applications.py プロジェクト: DarioGT/Zim-QDA
    def create(mimetype, Name, Exec, **param):
        '''Create a new usercreated desktop entry which defines a
        custom command to handle a certain file type.

        Note that the name under which this definition is stored is not
        the same as C{Name}. Check the 'C{key}' attribute of the
        returned object if you want the name to retrieve this
        application later.

        @param mimetype: the file mime-type to handle with this command
        @param Name: the name to show in e.g. the "Open With.." menu
        @param Exec: the command to run as string (will be split on
        whitespace, so quote arguments that may contain a space).
        @param param: any additional keys for the desktop entry

        @returns: the L{DesktopEntryFile} object with some
        sensible defaults for a user created application entry.
        dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('applications')
        param['MimeType'] = mimetype
        file = _create_application(dir, Name, Exec, **param)
        return file
コード例 #17
     RuntimeError: could not create GtkClipboard object
    class Dialog:

from zim.formats import CHECKED_BOX, UNCHECKED_BOX
from zim.main import NotebookCommand
from zim.main.command import GtkCommand
from zim.notebook import build_notebook, Path as ZimPath
from zim.plugins import PluginClass
from zim.gui.mainwindow import MainWindowExtension

logger = logging.getLogger('zim.plugins.googletasks')
CACHE_FILE = "googletasks.cache"
WORKDIR = str(XDG_DATA_HOME.folder(('zim', 'plugins')))
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'googletasks_client_id.json')
APPLICATION_NAME = 'googletasks2zim'
taskAnchorTreeRe = re.compile(r'(\[.\]\s)?\[\[gtasks://([^|]*)\|' +
                              TASK_ANCHOR_SYMBOL + r'\]\]\s?(.*)')
start_date_in_title = re.compile(
    r'(.*)>(\d{4}-\d{2}(-\d{2})?)(.*)')  # (_\{//)?  (//})?

class GoogletasksPlugin(PluginClass):
    plugin_info = {
        _('Google Tasks'),
コード例 #18
# Originally this added to the C{__path__} folders based on C{sys.path}
# however this leads to conflicts when multiple zim versions are
# installed. By switching to XDG_DATA_HOME this conflict is removed
# by separating custom plugins and default plugins from other versions.
# Also this switch makes it easier to have a single instruction for
# users where to put custom plugins.

for dir in data_dirs('plugins'):

__path__.append(__path__.pop(0))  # reshuffle real module path to the end

#~ print "PLUGIN PATH:", __path__

PLUGIN_FOLDER = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/plugins')

class PluginManager(ConnectorMixin, collections.Mapping):
    '''Manager that maintains a set of active plugins

	This class is the interface towards the rest of the application to
	load/unload plugins and to let plugins extend specific application

	All object that want to instantiate new objects that are extendable
	need a reference to the plugin manager object that is instantiated
	when the application starts. When you instatiate a new object and
	want to present it for plugin extension, call the L{extend()} method.

	This object behaves as a dictionary with plugin object names as
コード例 #19
	def on_browse(self, *a):
		dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir(('zim', 'templates'))
コード例 #20
 def on_browse(self, *a):
     dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir(('zim', 'templates'))
コード例 #21
     RuntimeError: could not create GtkClipboard object

    class Dialog:
from zim.formats import CHECKED_BOX, UNCHECKED_BOX
from zim.main import NotebookCommand
from zim.main.command import GtkCommand
from zim.notebook import build_notebook, Path as ZimPath
from zim.plugins import PluginClass
from zim.gui.mainwindow import MainWindowExtension

logger = logging.getLogger('zim.plugins.googletasks')
CACHE_FILE = "googletasks.cache"
WORKDIR = str(XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir(('zim', 'plugins')))
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'googletasks_client_id.json')
APPLICATION_NAME = 'googletasks2zim'
taskAnchorTreeRe = re.compile(r'(\[.\]\s)?\[\[gtasks://([^|]*)\|' + TASK_ANCHOR_SYMBOL + r'\]\]\s?(.*)')
start_date_in_title = re.compile(r'(.*)>(\d{4}-\d{2}(-\d{2})?)(.*)')  # (_\{//)?  (//})?

class GoogletasksPlugin(PluginClass):
    plugin_info = {
        'name': _('Google Tasks'),
        'description': _('''\
Connects to your default Google Tasks lists. Append today's tasks to your Home file. At first run, 
it appends today's tasks; next, it'll append new tasks added since last synchronisation every Zim startup
 (and every day, when set in anacron). Every task should be imported only once, unless changed on the server.
コード例 #22
 def on_browse(self, *a):
     dir = XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir(('zim', 'templates'))
     open_folder_prompt_create(self, dir)
コード例 #23
ファイル: templateeditordialog.py プロジェクト: thorhans/zimt
		def open_folder(args):
			got = LocalFolder(args[-1])
			want = LocalFolder(XDG_DATA_HOME.subdir('zim/templates').path)
			self.assertEqual(got, want)
コード例 #24
ファイル: templateeditordialog.py プロジェクト: thorhans/zimt
		def open_file(args):
			got = LocalFile(args[-1])
			want = LocalFile(XDG_DATA_HOME.file('zim/templates/html/foo_test.html').path)
			self.assertEqual(got, want)