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Project Smartify

Team 9: Hyounjun Chang, Karunesh Sachanandani, Gerald Ko, Justin Suh

  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
    1. Project Dependencies
    2. Issues
  3. Others


Smartify is an intelligent interactive player that plays the best smacking tunes at the right time in the right place for the users! It allows users to share playlists, and even control a speaker from thousands of miles away via Wi-Fi!


For the current state of the Project, these are the main components:

Music Player ->
To run the player, simply run with python

IMU controller -> /modules/IMUControl/ Run with python -m IMUControl.gesture [optional_room_name] with pwd(current directory) in /modules

Voice Controller -> /modules/VoiceRecognition/
Run with python -m VoiceRecognition.speechRun [optional_room_name] in /modules

To use Emotion_Detection Feature in the Music Player, model.h5 is required.
Link to the most recent version of model.h5 will be inside modules/emotionDetection/
Download the model.h5, and place it in modules/emotionDetection/model.h5

Setup/Project Dependencies Pages will be re-organized once it is finalized.

If using Conda Environment

Please use the command conda env create -f environment.yml


conda env update -f environment.yml

There is an issue with PyAudio Library; Please install it manually!

Windows: There are many reported errors with installing Pyaudio on Windows: If pip/conda install PyAudio does not work, please download it manually here Download Windows Binary

and install the Pyaudio for python 3.8 matching the hardware (32bit, 64bit). (current version of PyAudio is 0.2.11) Either PyAudio‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl OR PyAudio‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win32.whl

After downloading, open your command line and type pip install file for pyaudio .whl

Non-Windows: conda install PyAudio or pip install Pyaudio

If you do not want to use a conda environment, please refer to Below in *Project Dependencies

Project Dependencies

To run the following modules, these libraries are requried.

Music Player:

To use EmotionDetection functions from the Player, Install dependent libraries for MoodDetection as well.

  • Python3 Download Python

  • VLC Media player (requires libvlc.dll) Download VLC
    Installation is required on player device (as python-vlc depends on the dll)

  • Conda Environment (optional, install below with conda instead over pip, if possible)

  • python-vlc (pip install python-vlc)

  • youtube-dl (pip install youtube_dl)

  • pafy (pip install pafy)

  • Youtube-Search-Python (pip install youtube-search-python)

  • TinyTag (pip install tinytag)

  • Pandas (pip install pandas)

  • Speech_Recognition (pip install SpeechRecognition)

  • PyAudio (pip install Pyaudio): may have problems on windows!

  • paho-mqtt (pip install paho-mqtt)

There is an issue with PyAudio Library; Please install it manually!

Windows: There are many reported errors with installing Pyaudio on Windows: If pip/conda install PyAudio does not work, please download it manually here Download Windows Binary

and install the Pyaudio for python 3.8 matching the hardware (32bit, 64bit). (current version of PyAudio is 0.2.11) Either PyAudio‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl OR PyAudio‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win32.whl

After downloading, open your command line and type pip install file for pyaudio .whl

Non-Windows: conda install PyAudio or pip install Pyaudio

Controller (IMU/Voice): The controller was meant to be used on a RaspberryPi with BerryIMU.

All other required libraries are in this git repository.

Mood Detection:

EmotionDectection Module (mood-based playlist) will not work without these modules (alongside those from Music Player)

  • Python3 Download Python
  • Conda Environment (optional, also install all libraries from Music Player with conda or pip)
  • Numpy (pip install numpy)
  • OpenCV (pip install opencv-python), with conda (conda install opencv)
  • Tensorflow (pip install tensorflow) WARNING: this libary is large, and will take a lot of space!


I can't load the player because of error with python-vlc!

Package Manager may have difficulty locating libvlc.dll. If this is the case, please run the same version (32-bit or 64-bit) Python as on the version of VLC you installed.

I don't hear Anything from the player!

To insert a directory (where your songs are located),

Go to Menu->File->Add Song Directory: All songs (.mp3, .wav) files will be imported.

In order to play a song, we need to add songs to a playlist: Press on "Random Playlist" button, with (song directory added, or Smartify data imported) to play a random playlist of songs.

How do I share songs/playlist with my friends?

There are 2 sides of sharing a song: Sender and Listener Sender: person sharing their playlist Listener: person listening to another's playlist

If you are a Sender, Press on the button "Transmitter ON/OFF" to enable/disable this feature. A log will be written to command prompt for confirmation. Set the room name accordingly by entering the room name UNDER the "Transmitter ON/OFF" button and clicking "load" on its right.

If you are a Listener, Press on the button "Receive ON/OFF" to enable/disable this feature. A log will be written to command prompt for confirmation. Set the room name accordingly by entering the room name UNDER the "Receive ON/OFF" button and clicking "load" on its right.


Most of the warnings/errors are not critical errors that crash the program. In some cases, the warnings that gets fixed quickly and have no impact on the player (ie. audio buffer error, often lasts less than a second). If you are having issues using a feature, we recommend you restart the program.


Any updates regarding setup will be updated on this README


Systems design capstone project






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

