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Odoo dockerized.

For beginners: get an odoo instance without effort

For developers: reproductible odoo environments

Voodoo by Akretion

How it works

Voodoo leverage Docker-compose and Anybox's buildout for odoo.

In your host run voodoo commands to bootstrap the project and launch docker.

Then in your guest (container), run ak commands to update odoo dependencies (odoo modules), trigger update scripts and restart odoo server.

Getting Started

Create a new project

    voodoo new my_project

Enter in the project directory then run voodoo

   cd my_project
   voodoo run

It will run a new docker image with odoo and postgres inside.

Now let's start Odoo

First run ak build to build you project with anybox buildout recipe

   ak build

Then launch ak run to start odoo

   ak run

Go to http://localhost:8069 Odoo is here !

Install on Ubuntu


  • You need a 64 bits architecture.
  • You will need to install the Python development headers (python-dev)
  • Your user needs to have system uid = 1000 (known issue)

Install or upgrade your Docker:

wget -qO- | sh

More information on the installation on in the section Docker-maintained Package Installation.

Please do not forget to install the latest version if you choose to install it manually

  • Give non root access to Docker if not done already:
  sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
  sudo service docker restart

you may have to LOGOUT and LOG BACK IN AGAIN for the group change to take effect!

  • A simple test to see if you have non root access is to list your docker images with
   docker images # make sure you don't need sudo anymore here

Install Voodoo:

  sudo pip install git+ --upgrade

Voodoo Command

Voodoo extends docker-compose so it can do everything docker-compose can do. For more information about extra commands you can read the docker-compose documentation:

voodoo new

will bootstrap a new project by cloning a default project template.

voodoo run

will run your project and give you a bash session directly in the odoo container

voodoo open

will open a new session to an existing running container.

For example you may need a first terminal for running odoo and a second terminal for doing some psql.

List of all command

voodoo 1.0

    voodoo [SWITCHES] [SUBCOMMAND [SWITCHES]] args...

    -h, --help         Prints this help message and quits
    --help-all         Print help messages of all subcommands and quit
    -v, --version      Prints the program's version and quits

    --dry-run          Dry run mode
    --verbose          Verbose mode

    build              Build or rebuild services
    kill               Kill all running container of the project
    logs               View output from containers
    new                Create a new project
    open               Open a new session inside your dev container
    ps                 List containers
    pull               Pulls service images
    run                Start services and enter in your dev container
    start              Start services
    stop               Stop services

ak Command

See ak help :

Project customizations

Important files are

  • buildout.cfg,
  • docker-compose.yml
  • dev.docker-compose.yml

More information about buildout files are available here


For now there is two option for you default config

shared_eggs [True or False]: If true the ~/.voodoo/shared/eggs will be mounted as eggs folder in your docker This mean that the eggs will be shared between your voodoo projects saving some download and space.

If you don't want share eggs for a specific project, just create your ./eggs folder after created your project (voodoo new).

odoo [url]: The odoo repo by default the OCA repo: ''

If you want start your project quickly and avoid to duplicate odoo source code, you can create manually a symbolic link after created project in ./parts/odoo from existing odoo projects.

Sharing source can be confusing, don't use for dev of projects which are in production.

Note : to improve the performance when downloading odoo, an odoo project is downloaded in ~/.voodoo/shared/odoo. Then when you start a new project the new odoo part is created from this local repository.


see wiki

Other apps available



Another usage

Use as a simple Odoo project repository managed by Anybox recipe (without using Docker)

You can clone a voodoo branch to start your project as simple convenience repo for your project. With the buildout.cfg file you can pin exactly your shared branches dependencies. You also keep the project specific modules under revision control in the modules folder.

For further details, please simply refer to Anybox recipe documentation

Note that the Docker workdir is your repo that is shared with Docker, so you won't loose your source changes nor loose time copying files.

Your databases are also persisted in your repo folder in the .db hidden folder. But you can always trash all project databases by simply removing that folder.


  • udpate/fix documentation
  • add pre-copy of odoo repo in background for generating quickly a new project (mv .odoocache)
  • review voodoo new (maybe it will better to have a template folder un voodoo cli)
  • share vim info...
  • generate automatically ssh key if missing
  • debian package
  • add bash completion
  • add dynamic port


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  • Python 100.0%