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HybridHorizon (Extended OpenStack Dashboard)

Horizon ( is a Django-based project aimed at providing a complete OpenStack Dashboard along with an extensible framework for building new dashboards from reusable components.

The openstack_dashboard module is a reference implementation of a Django site that uses the horizon app to provide web-based interactions with the various OpenStack projects.

HybridHorizon is extended form of Horizon which provides access to manage multiple cloud providers and platforms such as AWS, ComputeNext(Global Cloud MarketPlace) along with OpenStack. Also HybridHorizon allows to manage multiple accounts of a provider/platform.

For release management:

For issue tracking:

Getting Started

For local development, first create a virtualenv for the project. In the tools directory there is a script to create one for you:

$ python tools/

Alternatively, the script will also install the environment for you and then run the full test suite to verify everything is installed and functioning correctly.

Now that the virtualenv is created, you need to configure your local environment. To do this, create a file in the openstack_dashboard/local/ directory. There is a file there that may be used as a template.

If all is well you should able to run the development server locally:

$ tools/ runserver

or, as a shortcut:

$ ./ --runserver


For development, start with the getting started instructions above. Once you have a working virtualenv and all the necessary packages, read on.

If dependencies are added to either horizon or openstack_dashboard, they should be added to requirements.txt.

The script invokes tests and analyses on both of these components in its process, and it is what Jenkins uses to verify the stability of the project. If run before an environment is set up, it will ask if you wish to install one.

To run the unit tests:

$ ./


Steps to deploy HybridHorizon using Apache in new ubuntu machine,

Install Prerequisites:

$ apt-get update

$ apt-get upgrade

$ apt-get install python-dev python-pip git apache2

$ apt-get install mongodb libapache2-mod-wsgi

Clone HybridHorizon Code from GitHub:

$ git clone /opt/hybrid_horizon

Install the Requirements:

$ cd /opt/hybrid_horizon

$ pip install .

To collect the static js and css files:

$ python collectstatic

Notification Configuration:

Change notification configuration details in

Make sure you grant access to Displaying an Unlock Captcha and Allow less
secure apps in your gmail account

Change the settings:

Change the SITE_URL value from into Current IP fo machine.

File Path: /opt/hybrid_horizon/openstack_dashboard/


By default HybridHorizon will run port 8000, If you want to change it

Give the access to directory for Apache user:

$ chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/hybrid_horizon/

Copy the configuration file and restart the Apache:

$ cp /opt/hybrid_horizon/hybrid_horizon_apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/hybrid_horizon_apache.conf

$ service apache2 restart

Access the HybridHorizon from your browser with URL: