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Repository containing the code for my Bachelor Thesis 'Redesign of VIGRA Based on Xtensor'

This project is build on CMake with the vcpkg toolchain.

Project structure:

  • benchmarks: C++ code of the performed benchmarks
  • benchmarks-result: Contains JSON files with the recorded benchmark data and rendered tables / graphs used in the thesis
  • include
    • raw: utility header to access flattened arrays as strided n-dimensional view for benchmarking
    • xvigra: production code of this work
    • xvigra_legacy: contains different variants of the convolution implementation which are used for the benchmarks
  • py_impl: The Python reference implementation of the explicit convolution
  • resources: Image files needed for demos and tests
  • scripts: Python scripts to generate test data, plot benchmark data and increase convience of the build process
  • src: Some small demos to better understand the xtensor / xvigra API
  • tests: Unit tests used to ensure the correct behaviour of the Explicit and Separable Convolution

different build files for Windows and Linux with a high-level dual build based on the WSL.