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Uncertain ToDayGAN

This is an extension to Asha Anoosheh's ToDayGAN with uncertainty estimation. It is built upon ComboGAN

The repo features four models:

  • ToDayGAN (the original model)
  • BBB-CycleGAN (The generators are trained with Bayes-by-Backprop)
  • MCD-CycleGAN (Generators with Monte Carlo Dropout)
  • NLL-CycleGAN (Reconstruction loss with negative log-likelihood)

The models can be trained and evaluated on images from the Oxford RobotCar night dataset by calling the following files:

  • with Dropout > 0,


Setup a conda environment with CUDA 10, cudnn>=7.6, Python3.8 and then install requisite Python libraries with python3 -m pip install requirements.txt

Training and testing

Running scripts for training and testing of all models can be found in the scripts directory. For example in scripts/

python --dataroot ./datasets/robotcar \
  --name robotcar_BBB_kl_0_001 \
  --n_domains 2 \
  --niter 75 \
  --niter_decay 75 \
  --loadSize 512 \
  --fineSize 384 \
  --checkpoints_dir "/net/skoll/storage/datasets/robotcar/robotcar/todaygan_new/bbb_150/kl/0.001" \
  --kl_beta 0.001

One of the pretrained models for the ToDayGAN can be found here. Place it under ./checkpoints/robotcar_<yourname> and test it with --name <robotcar_yourname>.

The dataroot/ can contain four subfolders train0, train1, test0 and test1. Where 0 ìs the day-domain and 1 the night-domain. The use the trainX folders.

During training, checkpoints will be saved by default to ./checkpoints/<experiment_name>/ The test results are exported to ./results/<experiment_name>/<epoch_number> by default.

NetVLAD image-based retrieval

All models can be evaluated on the night-images of the visuallocalization benchmark by performing an image-based retrieval. This repository contains a version of NetVLAD extracted from S2DHM. The test*.py files accept a --netvlad flag. If the following three files can be found, then the python scripts outputs pose predictions in form of a txt-file which can be uploaded directly to the visuallocalization servers. The three files can be downloaded here. You only have to place them into a suitable directory and set the flags right:

  • NetVLAD checkpoint: The .tar weights of the neural network. --netvlad_checkpoint
  • reference descriptors: The .tsv global descriptors of the database images of the Oxford Robotcar Dataset created with the NetVLAD checkpoint. --netvlad_ref_descr
  • pca transformation: The .pkl pickle-dumped, non-deterministic PCA transformation trained on the reference descriptors. --netvlad_pca_dump

Note: The PCA is not neccessary if you set the following parameter: --no_pca. You can create your own reference_descriptors with the code in S2DHM.

NLL-CycleGAN testing parameters

  • --blur: Blur uncertain regions before localization
  • --blur_thresh: Which pixels to blur depends on their uncertainty value
  • --blur_dilat_size: The uncertain pixels are dilated in order to fill gaps
  • --blur_gauss_size and --blur_gauss_sigma parameters of the blurring

MCD-CycleGAN and BBB-CycleGAN testing params

The test scripts for these models perform multiple variations of the retrieval. One of the options is --mahala which activates the calculation and matching with the mahalanobis distance. Be aware that depending on the sample size --monte_carlo_samples this might take a while.

Training/Testing Details

  • Flags: see options/ for training-specific flags; see options/ for test-specific flags; and see options/ for all common flags.
  • Dataset format: The desired data directory (provided by --dataroot) should contain subfolders of the form train*/ and test*/, and they are loaded in alphabetical order. (Note that a folder named train10 would be loaded before train2, and thus all checkpoints and results would be ordered accordingly.) Test directories should match alphabetical ordering of the training ones.
  • CPU/GPU (default --gpu_ids 0): set--gpu_ids -1 to use CPU mode; set --gpu_ids 0,1,2 for multi-GPU mode.
  • Visualization: during training, the current results and loss plots can be viewed using two methods. First, if you set --display_id > 0, the results and loss plot will appear on a local graphics web server launched by visdom. To do this, you should have visdom installed and a server running by the command python -m visdom.server. The default server URL is http://localhost:8097. display_id corresponds to the window ID that is displayed on the visdom server. The visdom display functionality is turned on by default. To avoid the extra overhead of communicating with visdom set --display_id 0. Secondly, the intermediate results are also saved to ./checkpoints/<experiment_name>/web/index.html. To avoid this, set the --no_html flag.
  • Preprocessing: images can be resized and cropped in different ways using --resize_or_crop option. The default option 'resize_and_crop' resizes the image such that the largest side becomes opt.loadSize and then does a random crop of size (opt.fineSize, opt.fineSize). Other options are either just resize or crop on their own.


Extension of ToDayGAN







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  • Python 98.9%
  • Shell 1.1%