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Egyptian Tourism Catalog

Udacity's Full-Stack Nanodegree's 2nd project. This web application meant to collect the types of tourism in Egypt and the best items in each of them.

Project Description on Udacity

The Item Catalog project consists of developing an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories, as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. In this sample project, the homepage displays all current categories along with the latest added items.

Project Requirements


  • The project implements a JSON endpoint that serves the same information as displayed in the HTML endpoints for an arbitrary item in the catalog.

CRUD Operations

  • Website reads category and item information from a database.
  • Website includes a form allowing users to add new items and correctly processes submitted forms.
  • Website does include a form to edit/update a current record in the database table and correctly processes submitted forms.
  • Website does include a function to delete a current record.

Authentication and Authorization

  • Create, delete and update operations do consider authorization status prior to execution.
  • Page implements a third-party authentication & authorization service (like Google Accounts or Mozilla Persona) instead of implementing its own authentication & authorization spec.
  • Make sure there is a 'Login' and 'Logout' button/link in the project. The aesthetics of this button/link is up to the discretion of the student.

Code Quality

  • Code is ready for personal review and neatly formatted and compliant with the Python pycodestyle style guide.


  • Comments are present and effectively explain longer code procedures.


  • file includes details of all the steps required to successfully run the application.


This program requires some other software programs to run properly .

  • Udacity's FSND VM the virtual machine to run the project on it click here to download
  • Virtual Box to manage virtual machines click here to download .
  • Vagrant development environment click here to download .


After downloading the Dependencies

  • Go to the Vagrant folder using the command cd /vagrant
  • Clone this project using command
git clone
  • Run the virtual machine using the command vagrant up you have to wait because it's downloading an OS from the internet.
  • After finishing downloading, now run vagrant ssh to login to your VM
  • Go to catalog folder using cd /vagrant/catalog/
  • Run the file to setup the database using this command python
  • Now you can run the application using command python
  • On your browser, Visit http://localhost:8000 to see the Home Page.

Application Pages

Link Result
http://localhost:8000 OR http://localhost:8000/categories The home Page which have two areas, one of the is the Latest Items added to the database, and the Categories area contains all Categories in the database.
http://localhost:8000/login Login page, you can login with your facebook account or Google Account
http://localhost/categories/<category_id> http://localhost/categories/<category_id>/items Displays the items page for the category of id number <category_id>
http://localhost/categories/<category_id>/items/<item_id> Displays a page contains the name, image and description for the item has id number <item_id>
http://localhost:8000/<category_id>/items/<item_id>/edit (Login Required) Displays a page helps you to edit the item of id <item_id>
http://localhost:8000/<category_id>/items/<item_id>/delete (Login Required) Displays a page helps you to delete the item of id <item_id>
http://localhost:8000/addItem **(Login Required)**Displays a page helps to create a new item

JSON Endpoints

This application provides a JSON API.

Request Response
http://localhost/json/categories JSON Object includes all of the Categories in the DB.
http://localhost/json/categories/int:category_id JSON Object includes details for the category of id number <category_id>
http://localhost/json/categories/int:category_id/items JSON Object includes all items in the category of id number <category_id>
http://localhost/json/categories/<category_id>/items/<item_id> JSON Object includes details of the item of id number <item_id>


  • w3schools is a great web Reference.
  • MDN is also a great web Reference.
  • SASS Documentation helped a lot.
  • Flask Documentation is an awesome Reference when developing a flask application.
  • Unsplash is a fantastic website for Beautiful, free photos.
  • Google is always my friend in the development journey or any activity of my life.
  • Stack Overflow has an answer for about every bug or problem.


No description, website, or topics provided.



MIT, MIT licenses found

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