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MRT File Server

A Flask web application that allows players to upload/download WorldEdit schematics and NBT map .dat files to a Minecraft server. This application also hosts world download files for players to use in their own offline single-player games.

This application was built and is currently in use for the Minecart Rapid Transit (MRT) Minecraft Server.


This application uses Python 3.10.2.

After installing Python, install the required packages by navigating to the application root directory and running pip with the provided requirements file:

pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Next, copy the contents of the instance_template directory into a new directory named instance:

cp -R instance_template instance

Then in

  • You must set SECRET_KEY to a unique and random phrase. For more details on how to generate a good secret key, see the "Sessions" section in the Flask quickstart documentation.
  • If you are running your production server with basic authentication enabled, set the basic auth username and password in BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD. Otherwise, basic authentication can be disabled by setting BASIC_AUTH_FORCE to False.

Application Mode

The server can be run in three different modes. To change modes, set the environment variable MRT_FILE_SERVER_MODE to one of the following values:

  • development - Used for Flask development servers. Default if MRT_FILE_SERVER_MODE is not set.
  • test - Used when running tests.
  • production - Used for production servers.

In the instance directory, there are three subdirectories each corresponding to one of the application modes. For example, if MRT_FILE_SERVER_MODE was set to PRODUCTION, the application would read and write files from the instance/production directory. Each subdirectory has the following contents:

  • - The main configuration file
  • logs - Where all log files are written
  • uploads/schematics - Where all schematics are uploaded to
  • uploads/maps - Where all maps are uploaded to
  • downloads/schematics - Where all schematics are downloaded from
  • downloads/maps - Where all maps are donwnloaded from
  • downloads/worlds - Where all worlds are downloaded from

Your upload and download directories should point directly to your WorldEdit /schematics directory and world /data directory (for maps). For this you have a couple options:

  • Use symbolic links.
  • Deploy this application within a Docker container and use Docker volumes.

The one exception is that you should NOT point the map upload directory directly to the world /data directory containing all your map .dat files. Uploading .dat files directly while a Minecraft server running tends to cause the uploaded map file to not persist when the server restarts. You should instead have map files uploaded to the file server's upload directory as normal, and then have a separate script that moves these files to the /data directory when the server is shut down (usually as part of a daily restart script).


SECRET_KEY is the only mandatory configuration setting in You may choose to set other optional settings:

  • SCHEMATIC_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES - Maximum number of schematic files that can be uploaded at one time. (Default: 10)
  • SCHEMATIC_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE - Maximum number of bytes that can be uploaded per schematic file. (Default: 100 kilobytes)
  • MAP_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES - Maximum number of map files that can be uploaded at one time. (Default: 10)
  • MAP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE - Maximum number of bytes that can be uploaded per map file. (Default: 100 kilobytes)
  • MAX_UPLOAD_LAST_ALLOWED_ID_RANGE - Number of last map IDs that are allowed to be uploaded. (Default: 1000)
    • Example: If last map ID in idcounts.dat is 2500, and MAX_UPLOAD_LAST_ALLOWED_ID_RANGE is 1000, then the range of allowed map IDs is 1501 to 2500.

These basic authentication settings are from the Flask-BasicAuth extension:

  • BASIC_AUTH_FORCE - Set to True to enable basic authentication on the whole application. (Default: False in development and test environments, True in production)
  • BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME - The username needed to access the application if basic authentication is enabled.
  • BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - The plaintext password needed to access the application if basic authentication is enabled.

Running the Tests

Run the tests by navigating to the project root directory and running the following command:

python -m pytest

Running the Application

The Flask development server can be run by setting the FLASK_APP environment variable to mrt_file_server, and then running the server:

export FLASK_APP=mrt_file_server
flask run

For a production server, I recommend running this application using a Docker image, such as tiangolo's uwsgi-nginx-flask.


A Flask web application that allows players to upload/download WorldEdit schematics and NBT map .dat files to a Minecraft server.




