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An application for users to give each other referrals.

Deployment instructions:

  • Create a virtualenv using Python3:
    $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements.
    (venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

if above does not work try sudo python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

- Edit `` to specify the database, posts per page and default tags.
DB_URL = 'sqlite:///database.db'  # Refer to SQLAlchemy documentation to use a different database.
                                  # SQLite will work out of the box
post_limit = 5
tags = ["tag_1", "tag_2", "tag_3"]
  • Build database and models and insert initial data.

    (venv)$ cd referral
    (venv)$ python
    // A default user called test will be created (username:test, password:test)
  • On a different terminal, run the mail alerting service

    (venv)$ python
    // Keep the terminal open, or optionally use `python &` to run in the background
  • Run the server using gunicorn:

    (venv)$ gunicorn --workers 5 --timeout 60 --bind app:app
    // App should be up and running on http://localhost:8088, if there is a public IP for your server, you can access at http://[public_hostname]:8088
    // You can change the workers/timeout(secs)/host/port accordingly
  • [Optional] You can also run the server in debug mode, to see live changes made to the code

    (venv)$ python 8088
    // App should be up and running on http://localhost:8088 in debug mode

Current Functionality:

  • A detail view to show a single post/referral. Click a post’s title to go to its page.

  • Request a post/referral (similar to a Like / unlike button but just named request), delete original request.

  • Comments. Needs to be on the ‘detail view’ as well.

  • Tags. Clicking a tag shows all the posts with that tag.

  • A search box that filters the index page by member name.

  • Paged display. Only show 5 posts per page.

  • An RSS feed and email alert of new posts, opt-in/out via members page.

  • A members details page, which will include how many posts a particular member has made and also how many requests (likes) they have made and been awarded. With a description box about the member.

  • An 'awarded too' button on each post.

  • When expanded an individual post is to show what members have requested the post with a click through link to each individual members page. i.e. a user can click on a post title, this will take them to a detailed view of the post and on that page there will be a list of members that have requested that post with the members names being a click through to there individual member details page.

  • The post box is to have five input areas: 1) Referral Title, 2) Employee #, 3) Annual Turnover, 4) Project date, 5) Budget, 6) Description (description is a larger text input box than the others).

Possible additional improvements:

  • A proposal added along with each request to help user decide who the referral must be awarded to.
  • A point based rating system, that rates users based on their referrals, experience, etc. This will help users choose which referrals to request and which to not.
  • A more general search for posts based on keywords rather than username. This should be able to handle complex queries, like matching words with similar meaning rather than a simple text to text matching.
  • A better UI design using bootstrap templates to make the website user friendly and eye appealing on all devices.
  • Profile pictures, resumes, work experience on the user profile page that tells us more about a given user.
  • A reccomendation system to recommend other users for referrals you may think they will be interested in.
  • User chat for users to communicate one to one on the website rather than just through comments
  • Location based referrals that allow only users in the same geographical location to be able to request.(Useful for referrals that require local users)
  • Referral expiry to automatically remove outdated referrals.
  • Optimisation of database models and access for faster responses. Would be useful when application is scaled to a large user base.


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