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This is a project uses AWS CDK and kubeamin toolbox to deploy single master node Kubernetes (K8s) cluster.

Note: Currently, K8s v1.18.8 cluster will be provisioned by latest kubeadm

What will be deployed

Physical resources

Once you deploy K8s cluster though this project, the following resources will be created under your AWS account:

  • 1 EC2 instance works as K8s master node. The master node is not publicly accessible to the internet.
  • Arbitrary number of EC2 instance(specified in config.json) work as K8s worker node.
  • 1 additional EC2 instance works as manager node. This is the only instance could fully access(all ports and protocols) other instances.
  • VPC, subnet and related security group for each EC2 instance.
  • All instances share the same SSH key pair(automatically generated under /resource/key/ while deploying) and the super user, manager.

K8s resources

The following K8s resource will be created as Pods in cluster:

  • etcd, API Server and kube-proxy provisioned by kubeadm
  • CoreDNS
  • Flannel (CNI Plugin)
  • Ceph storage, Ceph filesystem and Ceph filesystem StorageClass(default-rook-cephfs) as default persistent storage for cluster(provisioned by Rook)



Quick Start

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Switch working directory to the path(REPOSITORY_PATH) you clone this repository.

  3. Create configuration based on configuration template.

    cp resource/config/config.json.sample resource/config/config.json
  4. Replace value of the following keys in config.json :

    • ACCOUNT : Same account ID as default user you configured for AWS CLI.
    • REGION : The region you'd like to deploy the AWS resources in this project.
  5. Create virtual environment.

    python -m venv .env
  6. Activate virtual environment(depends on your OS).

    • Linux

      source .env/bin/activate
    • Windows

  7. Install Python dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. Deploy through

    chmod +x
  9. After deploy finished, you could retrieve manager node's IP address through the command below:

    aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:aws:cloudformation:logical-id,Values=$(cdk metadata KubernetesHandyManager --json | jq -r ".\"/KubernetesHandyManager/manager/Resource\"[0].\"data\"")" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" |
    jq -r ".Reservations[0].Instances[0].NetworkInterfaces[0].Association.PublicIp"

    Then you could use the private key, resource/key/id_rsa, and user, manager to access the manager instance.

    ssh -i resource/key/id_rsa manager@MANAGER_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP

    The manager instance will already have prepare kubeconfig for kubectl CLI tool and helm to perform any operation to the create K8s cluster. Enjoy it!

    Notice: Not until you could see default StorageClass, default-rook-cephfs, is created do cluster cluster initialization process done. Please use kubectl get sc to verify that when you first time SSH to cluster.

  10. If you'd like to clean up all resources created by this project, simply run the following command in project repository:

    cdk destroy -f "*"

Advanced usage

Parameters in config.json

  • ENVIRONMENT_NAME - AWS resources and CloudFormation(CFN) stacks created by this project will be attached with the prefix. If you'd like to modify it, command in step 9 in Quick Start session should be modified. For instance, the default value is KubernetesHandy. You would need to replace KubernetesHandy with prefix you define in the command to retrieve IP address correctly.
  • ACCOUNT - AWS account to deploy resource. It should be the same account ID as default user you configured for AWS CLI. AWS CDK will use the default user to perform resource creation while deploying. So please make sure the default user have administrator IAM role to perform arbitrary operations to the AWS account.
  • REGION - Region to deploy K8s cluster. Please refer to the AWS region codes.
  • INSTANCE_TYPE - Each EC2 instance created by this project will be the same instance type defined there. If you prefer other instance types, please replace the value with instance type listed there. Please notice that ARM architecture based instance types(C6g/M6g/R6g) and instance types with insufficient resource are not recommended. Instance type with greater resource capacity than t3.large is recommended.
  • STORAGE_SIZE - Disk size of each EC2 instance. Insufficient disk space is not recommended. Disk size greater than 256 GB is recommended.
  • NUMBER_OF_WORKER - Number of K8s worker node to create for the cluster.
  • IMAGE_ID - EC2 AMI used to create each EC2 instance. In this project, instructions are tested under Ubuntu based AMI(Xenial, Bionic and Focal). Using other Linux distribution or older version of Ubuntu AMI is not recommended.
  • IMAGE_OWNER - Owner of IMAGE_ID. If wrong IMAGE_ID and IMAGE_OWNER pair is provided, the deployment process will be broken.
  • DEFAULT_KEY - Default key to inject to EC2 instance. It should be the existing AWS EC2 Key pair name. Instead of using manager user and id_rsa generated by this project to login to EC2 instances. You could use DEFAULT_KEY and default AMI user(e.g., for Ubuntu AMI, the default user is ubuntu) to access them. Leave the field null to disable injecting DEFAULT_KEY to EC2 instances. Basically, this option is used for troubleshooting purpose.

How it works

AWS resource management

This project is built on top of AWS Cloud Development Toolkit(AWS CDK). AWS CDK is an open source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. While deploying, codes will be converted to AWS CloudFormation(CFN) templates, then deploy as CFN stacks.

When you use this project to deploy K8s Cluster, the following CFN stacks will be created under your account(if you don't modify ENVIRONMENT_NAME prefix):

  • KubernetesHandyVpc - VPC and subnets to place EC2 instances.
  • KubernetesHandyAssets - Scripts used by each EC2 instance while bootstrapping.
  • KubernetesHandySG - Security group of each EC2 instance.
  • KubernetesHandyMaster - Master node.
  • KubernetesHandyManager - Manager node.
  • KubernetesHandyWorker - Worker node.

CDK will automatically decide dependency relations between each stack, then decide order to deploy each stack.

K8s level bootstrapping

It relies on how kubeadm works. K8s cluster deployment follow the following order:

  • Master node - Start master node.
  • Worker nodes - Register worker nodes to Master node.
  • Manager node - Deploy additional components(CNI Plugins, Persistent Storage).

Each node runs shell scripts defined in resource/script while bootstrapping. Scripts will be ran when cloud-init finish running to ensure instance is ready for K8s components deployment.

In addition, to enable automatically deployment, token is automatically generated and inject to master node and worker node. The following links describe how it work:

You could check shell scripts and resource/template/kubeadm-confg.yaml.j2 to gain more insights.


This is a project uses AWS CDK and kubeamin toolbox to deploy single master node Kubernetes (K8s) cluster.






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