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Conference Central - Version 1.0 02/12/2015


-First of all, for using this webiste follow this steps:
*Download or clone the source code.
*Go to
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*Run App Engine.
*Deploy the project.
*Introduce the url
-The Conference Central is an application that allows registered gmail accounts to create, view and register to conferences.
-Create sessions for the conferences.
-Add sessions to whislist.
-You can filter the sessions by time and duration.
-You can also filter the sessions by duration, searching by all the sessions with inferior or greater than the desired duration or also equal duration.

The Session kind where implemented as descendent from the Conference kind all the Session entities will require the parent key (Conference Key) the Session fields are the following: name: Corresponds to the Session name (String)
highlights: The Higlights session(String)
speaker: The name of the Session Speaker(String)
duration: The duration of the session(Integer)
sessionType: The session type (workshop, lecture, etc) (String)
date: The date the session will happen. (DateProperty)
startTime: The time where the session start (Float)

The name session is a string field because this field could contain many kind of characters, also the highlights and the session type. The speaker name was assigned a string because when you want to filter the sessions by speaker is more comfortable for the user to do it with the name rather than a key. the most remarkable type I want to explain is the startTime y choose it float because I can convert with a simple algorithm in the backend code the string with this format "HH:MM" so I will always handle this format by converting it to its double number equivalent, I.e. 3:30 = 3,5 also 14:45 = 14,75.

You can Create Session in a conference only if you created that conference These are the endpoints involving the Sessions: createSession
getSessionsByStartTimeAndDuration New query!
filterConferenceSessionsByDuration New query!

New queries explanation

getSessionsByStartTimeAndDuration: input - time(string) and duration(integer), output - list of sessions. It looks for all session that corresponds to the Time and Duration inserted by the user it should return a list of conferences which properties match the input criteria.
filterConferenceSessionsByDuration: input - duration(integer), operator(string limited to: equal, less or great)and websafeConferenceKey(string), output - list of sessions. Once the query over the conference child sessions is performed then a filter is applied to the result taking into account the operator and the duration value, I.e duration = 40 and operator = 'less' the filter will show only sessions that lasts less than 40 minutes. The output should be a list of the conference sessions that match the input criteria.

The Query Problem

By creating this endpoint method filterByTypeAndTime I tried to filter first by Type, returning the types different from the type requested, and then filter that result by startTime, but I get this error: Cannot have inequality filters on multiple properties. For a solution I think the filter could be done manually by performing the following steps:
1)define an empty list
sessions_filtered_list = []
2)inside a for loop

for session in qs:# qs is the filtered query
3)using an if clause(inside the for loop) remove all the startTime that doesn't match the operator in the request
if data['operator']=='<':
if session.starTime < data['startTime']:
elif data['operator']=='>':
if session.starTime > data['startTime']:
elif data['operator']=='==':
if session.starTime == data['startTime']:
this should perform the time filter.
4) return the sessions_filtered_list


You can clone the project with this url feel free to improve the project and push your changes


Author : Juan Camilo Gutierrez Ruiz
Voice : 6262751
Website :
e-mail :

Copyright 2015 Juan Corporation All rights reserved. ConferenceApp application and its use are subject to license agreement and are also subject to copyright trademark/pattent and/or other laws.


Conference Central Application






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