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Analysis of Kaggle Meta Data 2016 for my Master's Thesis "Artificial Intelligence from a Resource-Based View: A Quantitative Analysis of Machine Learning Source Code" within my Master in Management at Technical University Munich (TUM) in 2018.

Getting started

Clone repository

In your console, navigate to a folder where you want to save the repository. Clone the whole "meta-kaggle" repository with git clone

Repository structure

The cloned repository has the following basic structure:

└───meta-kaggle                             <- IMPORTANT: must be current working directory
    │   .gitignore                          <- gitignore-file in order to only upload small data
    │   environment.yaml                    <- yaml-file to reproduce suitable environment
    │   LICENSE
    │                           <- markdown-file on how to use this repository
    ├───data                                <- where all data is stored
    │   ├───external                        <- data from third party sources
    │   │   │   .gitkeep                    <- makes Github to keep this empty folder
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├───repositories                <- downloaded external repositories
    │   │   │   ├───<Id_1>                  <- respective Id from Teams.csv
    │   │   │   │   └───<Repository_name_1> <- name of downloaded repository
    │   │   │   │       └───...             <- individual content of this repository
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   ├───<Id_2>
    │   │   │   │   └───<Repository_name_2>
    │   │   │   │       └───...
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   ...
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───repositories_2to3           <- translated external repositories
    │   │       ├───<Id_1>
    │   │       │   └───<Repository_name_1>
    │   │       │       └───...
    │   │       │
    │   │       ├───<Id_2>
    │   │       │   └───<Repository_name_2>
    │   │       │       └───...
    │   │       │
    │   │       ...
    │   │
    │   ├───interim                         <- intermediate data that has been transformed
    │   │       .gitkeep
    │   │
    │   ├───processed                       <- the final data sets for feature selection and modeling
    │   │       .gitkeep
    │   │
    │   └───raw                             <- The original, immutable raw data
    │       │   .gitkeep
    │       │
    │       └───meta-kaggle-2016            <- IMPORTANT: needs to be inserted manually
    │               CompetitionHostSegments.csv
    │               Competitions.csv
    │               Datasets.csv
    │               DatasetVersions.csv
    │               EvaluationAlgorithms.csv
    │               ForumMessages.csv
    │               Forums.csv
    │               ForumTopics.csv
    │               hashes.txt
    │               RewardTypes.csv
    │               ScriptLanguages.csv
    │               ScriptProjects.csv
    │               ScriptRunOutputFileExtensions.csv
    │               ScriptRunOutputFileGroups.csv
    │               ScriptRunOutputFiles.csv
    │               ScriptRuns.csv
    │               Scripts.csv
    │               ScriptVersions.csv
    │               ScriptVotes.csv
    │               Sites.csv
    │               Submissions.csv
    │               TeamMemberships.csv
    │               Teams.csv               <- most important file, includes Ranking and GithubRepolink
    │               Users.csv
    │               ValidationSets.csv
    ├───logs                                <- log-files of all scripts that run
    │       .gitkeep
    ├───models                              <- trained and serialized models and model summaries
    │       .gitkeep
    ├───src                                 <- Source code to use in this project
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │                     <- makes src a Python module
    |   │
    |   ├───data                            <- scripts for data collection and preparation
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   ├───features                        <- scripts for feature engineering and selection
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   ├───modeling                        <- scripts to train models
    |   │
    |   │
    |   │
    |   └───visualization                   <- scripts to create visualizations
    └───visualizations                      <- where all visualizations are stored

Include raw data "meta-kaggle-2016"

The raw data is essentially the kaggle meta data from 2016. Its data set "meta-kaggle-2016" needs to be placed into the folder `data/raw'.

NOTE: This kaggle dataset is not available on Kaggle's webpage anymore, since a newer version (Meta Kaggle 2.0) was published (see:

Create a suitable environment

In order to create a suitable environment with the correct dependencies, use the yaml-file environment.yaml. I recommend using Anaconda as an environment manager. There, simply use conda env create -f environment.yaml to copy my setup (see:

Afterwards, activate it with activate meta-kaggle.

Reproduce the results

Follow these steps to reproduce the results. Execute the respective scripts from the console.

IMPORTANT: Stay in top-level folder meta-kaggle, since most scripts need this working directory as a reference path in order to find other files properly.

NOTE: You can execute Step #1 - Step #10 alltogether by executing python src/

OPTIONAL: Reset whole repository

Step #0: python src/

Deletes all downloaded repositories, log-files, pickled interim and processed data, models and visualizations for a clean start from the very beginning. Note, that you especially need to download all external repositories again afterwards.

SHORT WAY: Run everything automatically

Step #1-10: python src/

Runs all the steps described in the following. Automatically skips steps already done.

LONG WAY: Run every script manually step-by-step

Data Collection and Preparation

Step #1: python src/data/

Downloads all publicly available repositories from meta kaggle 2016.

Step #2: python src/data/

Reduces all downloaded data by deleting all non-Python files.

Step #3: python src/data/

Translates all Python scripts written in 2.X to 3.X, in order for the source code analysis tools "Radon" and "Pylint" to work.

Step #4: python src/data/

Tables all scripts and their respective code content.

Feature Engineering and Selection

Step #5: python src/features/

Extracts all features from the code.

Step #6: python src/features/

Aggregates all features from script-level to repository-level.

Step #7: python src/features/

Cleans the data by final feature engineering and outlier removement.

Step #8: python src/features/

Select desired features for modeling, based on theory and hypotheses.


Step #9: python src/models/

Trains the ElasticNet models with scikit-learn and statsmodels.


Step #10: python src/visualization/

Creates some visualizations.


Analysis of Kaggle Meta Data 2016







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