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A project for 2020 PKU Computer Network. We build a new way to manage patients and clinical records. A neural network prediction model is added to help you quickly identify COVID-19 carriers.

This project is based on Flask + Pytorch + Nginx + Gunicorn + Docker.

We have deployed this project here.

File Structure

Here we explain the core documents in our project.

  • app : The Flask APP
    ├── : initialize Flask app
    ├── : send the reset password email
    ├── : handle 404 and 505 errors
    ├── evaluator : the neural network prediction model
    ├── : define the forms
    ├── : define the classes used in database
    ├── : routers, implement functions for different URLs
    ├── static : static resources used by HTML templates
    ├── templates : html templates and mail templates
    └── : assisting functions for routers

  • : The parameters used in this project

  • requirements.txt : The package requirements in this project

API Document

  • method: get, post
    url: '/' or '/index'
    return: render_template("home.html")
    description: render homepage

  • method: get, post
    url: '/login'
    return: render_template('login.html')
    description: login

  • method: get
    url: '/logout'
    return: redirect(url_for('index'))
    description: logout

  • method: get, post
    url: '/register'
    return: render_template('register.html')
    description: register a new user

  • method: get
    url: '/user/<username>'
    return: render_template('user.html')
    description: display a user's profile

  • method: get, post
    url: '/edit_profile'
    return: render_template('edit_profile.html')
    description: edit a user's profile

  • method: get, post
    url: '/reset_password_request'
    return: render_template('reset_password_request.html')
    description: send reset password request mail

  • method: get, post
    url: '/reset_password/<token>'
    return: render_template('reset_password.html')
    description: reset password, token is used for encryption, it only remains valid for 5 minutes

  • method: get, post
    url: '/patient_profile/<int: unit_id>'
    return: render_template("patient_profile.html")
    description: render patient profile, and add clinical record for the patient

  • method: get, post
    url: '/dashboards'
    return: render_template("dashboards.html")
    description: send the contents in database to HTML, display the contents in database

  • method: get url: '/record/manage'
    return: render_template("manage_record.html")
    description: display clinical records in database

  • method: get, post
    url: '/record/add'
    return: render_template("add_record.html")
    description: add clinical record to database

  • method: post
    url: '/record/<int:record_id>/delete'
    return: redirect_back()
    description: delete a clinical record with ID = record_id

  • method: get, post
    url: '/record/<int:record_id>/edit'
    return: render_template("edit_record.html")
    description: edit a clinical record that already exists in database, redirect back to the last page after editing operation

  • method: get, post
    url: '/unit/add'
    return: render_template("add_unit.html")
    description: add a new patient to database and redirect back to the last page

  • method: get url: '/unit/manage'
    return: render_template("manage_unit.html")
    description: display patients in database

  • method: post
    url: '/unit/<int:unit_id>/delete'
    return: redirect_back()
    description: delete a patient with ID = unit_id

  • method: get, post
    url: '/unit/<int:unit_id>/edit' return: render_template("edit_unit.html")
    description: edit a patient's profile, redirect back to the last page after done

  • method: get
    url: '/unit/<int:unit_id>/settings/avatar'
    return: render_template("change_avatar.html")
    description: change avatar for a patient, redirect back after done

  • method: post
    url: '/unit/<int:unit_id>/settings/avatar/upload'
    return: redirect(url_for('change_avatar',
    description: upload avatar to database

  • method: post
    url: '/unit/<int:unit_id>/settings/avatar/crop'
    return: redirect(url_for('change_avatar',
    description: crop avatar in database

  • method: get
    url: '/avatars/<path:filename>'
    return: send_from_directory(app.config['AVATARS_SAVE_PATH'], filename)
    description: get avatar in database

  • method: get, post
    url: '/quick_evaluation'
    return: render_template('quick_evaluation.html')
    description: display the evaluation records in database

  • method: get, post
    url: '/add_evaluation'
    return: render_template('add_evaluation.html')
    description: add a new evaluation to database

  • method: post
    url: '/delete_evaluation/<int:evaluation_id>'
    return: redirect_back()
    description: delete a evaluation record with ID = evaluation_id in database


We first show how to deploy our project using Docker.

We also provide a version without Docker.

Setup(Docker Version)


  1. Install Docker.

    #Uninstall old versions
    sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
    #Setup the repository
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install \
        apt-transport-https \
        ca-certificates \
        curl \
        gnupg-agent \
    #Add Docker's official GPG key
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    #Install Docker Engine
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

    Refer Docker's official website for more details.

  2. Download image from Docker Hub.

    docker pull primavera/compnet


  1. Create a container from the image.
docker run -it -p 80:80 --name new_compnet primavera/compnet
  1. Enter the directory.
cd /deploy/compNet/
  1. Start Nginx.
service nginx start
  1. Start Gunicorn.
gunicorn -w 4 -b app:app

Setup(without Docker Version)


See file requirements.txt


  1. Install virtualenv.
pip3 install virtualenv
  1. Install dependence.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Pytorch.

Select a proper version of Pytorch on this website.

  1. Setup Nginx.

Replace default.conf in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ by compNet.conf.

mv ./compNet.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  1. Activate virtual environment.
source ./venv/bin/activate
  1. Start Gunicorn.
gunicorn -w 4 -b app:app


Here shows some operations of our project.

  • login with username and password Alt text
  • add and view a patient Alt text
  • add and view a record Alt text
  • add and view a COVID-19 test Alt text
  • view statistics of all COVID-19 tests Alt text


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • JavaScript 37.7%
  • Python 32.1%
  • HTML 28.0%
  • CSS 2.1%
  • Shell 0.1%