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This package is intended for simplification of smoke tests creation.

You can get django-skd-smoke by using pip:

$ pip install django-skd-smoke

After installation you should create new TestCase derived from skd_smoke.SmokeTestCase and define your smoke tests configuration. Please review Examples section which demonstrates different usecases. They are related to example_project directory which contains common django project.

TESTS_CONFIGURATION of your TestCase should contain tuple/list of tuples for every request with the next structure:

(url, status, method, {'comment': None, 'initialize': None,
                       'url_kwargs': None, 'request_data': None,
                       'user_credentials': None, 'redirect_to': None})
Parameter Description Required
url plain url or urlname as string Yes
status expected http status code (200, 404, etc.) as int Yes
method http request method (GET, POST, etc.) as string Yes
comment string which is added to __doc__ of generated test method No
initialize callable object to do any required initialization No
url_args list or callable object which returns args list to resolve url using django.shortcuts.resolve_url No
url_kwargs dict or callable object which returns kwargs dict to resolve url using django.shortcuts.resolve_url No
request_data dict or callable object which returns dict to pass it into http method request No
user_credentials dict or callable object which returns dict to login user using django.test.TestCase.client.login No
redirect_to plain url as string which is checked if only status is one of the next: 301, 302, 303, 307 No

NOTE! All callables take your TestCase as the first argument so you can use it to transfer state between them. But take into account that order of callbacks usage is next:

  1. initialize
  2. url_kwargs
  3. user_credentials
  4. request_data

All examples are taken from example_project package and can be run after repository cloning.

1. Demonstration of simple requests:
  1. GET 200
  2. GET 200 with request_data as dict
  3. POST 200
  4. POST 302 with request_data as callable
  5. GET 302 (unauthorized access)
  6. GET 200 (authorized access)
  7. POST 405 (method not allowed)
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

from skd_smoke import SmokeTestCase

def get_article_data(testcase):
    return {'headline': 'new article'}

def get_user_credentials(testcase):
    username = 'test_user'
    password = '1234'
    credentials = {'username': username, 'password': password}
    User = get_user_model()
    new_user = User.objects.create(username=username)
    testcase.user = new_user
    return credentials

class SimpleSmokeTestCase(SmokeTestCase):
        ('home', 200, 'GET',),  # 1
        ('home', 200, 'GET', {'request_data': {'scrollTop': 1}}),  # 2
        ('articles:create', 200, 'POST',),  # 3
        ('articles:create', 302, 'POST',
         {'request_data': get_article_data}),  # 4
        ('is_authenticated', 302, 'GET',),  # 5
        ('is_authenticated', 200, 'GET',
         {'user_credentials': get_user_credentials}),  # 6
        ('/only_post_request/', 405, 'GET',),  # 7

2. Usage of initialize callback to create several objects to test objects list.

Suppose you want to make smoke test for articles list page but initially your test db does not contain any. You can use initialize callback here to create several articles.

from skd_smoke import SmokeTestCase

from articles.models import Article

def create_articles(testcase):
    for i in range(3):
        Article.objects.create(headline='article #%s' % i)

class ArticlesListSmokeTestCase(SmokeTestCase):
        ('articles:articles', 200, 'GET',
            {'initialize': create_articles}  # pass your func here

3. Usage of redirect_to setting to test anonymous access of login required pages.

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

from skd_smoke import SmokeTestCase

class RedirectToSmokeTestCase(SmokeTestCase):
        ('is_authenticated', 302, 'GET', {
            'redirect_to': '%s?next=%s' % (reverse('login'),
            'comment': 'Anonymous profile access with check of redirect url'

4. Usage of url_kwargs and user_credentials callbacks to test authorized access of owner to newly created object.

Suppose you have a model Article which unpublished version can be viewed by its owner only. You can test this situation by creating of user in url_kwargs callback and transfering user to user_credentials callback. Unfortunately, you cannot get password from user model cause it contains hashed password. So you should return password as plain text.

Lets smoke test two other situations when 404 page is showed. Finally we have three testcases:

  1. Anonymous access should show 404 page.
  2. Some ordinary user access should also show 404 page.
  3. Only owner access returns actual article with status 200.
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

from skd_smoke import SmokeTestCase

from articles.models import Article

def create_user():
    UserModel = get_user_model()
    new_user = UserModel.objects.create(username='test_user')
    return new_user

def create_unpublished_article(commit=True):
    article = Article(headline='unpublished', published=False)
    if commit:
    return article

def create_article_without_owner(testcase):
    return {'pk': create_unpublished_article().pk}

def create_and_return_user_credentials(testcase):
    user = create_user()
    return {
        'username': user.username,
        'password': '1234'  # User contains hashed password only so we should
                            # return it as plain text

def create_article_with_its_owner(testcase):
    owner = create_user()
    testcase.owner = owner
    unpublished = create_unpublished_article(commit=False)
    unpublished.owner = owner
    return {'pk':}

def get_owner_credentials(testcase):
    return {
        'username': testcase.owner.username,
        'password': '1234'  # User contains hashed password only

class UnpublishedArticleSmokeTestCase(SmokeTestCase):
        ('articles:article', 404, 'GET',
            {'url_kwargs': create_article_without_owner,
             'comment': 'Anonymous access to unpublished article.'}),  # 1

        ('articles:article', 404, 'GET',
            {'url_kwargs': create_article_without_owner,
             'user_credentials': create_and_return_user_credentials,
             'comment': 'Some user access to unpublished article.'}),  # 2

        ('articles:article', 200, 'GET',
            {'url_kwargs': create_article_with_its_owner,
             'user_credentials': get_owner_credentials,
             'comment': 'Owner access to unpublished article.'}),  # 3



This package is intended for simplification of smoke tests creation







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