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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 18, 2020. It is now read-only.


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What is this?

Me, being a 14 year old who had just learned a programing language called python after shifting from lua when I made garry's mod addons for my DarkRP server, Didn't like the fact my school had very tight and often annoying filter on the school network this perspective was also shared by various other students who we're also into tech including @PKPear and @PapaCthulhu . We decided as a middle finger to the school to develop and social media and deploy is as a mesh network using alot of Raspberry Pi's to prevent the school from blocking it.

The project didn't get far, this is the remains. Enjoy looking through a repository I can no longer bring myself to look at since I get very disappointed in my past self.

This is by no means the code I still currently do, only reason I keep it here is to reflect on how far I have come.

NeonNetwork Source Code

NeonNetwork was an attempt at an social media

  • Built on a scaleable interface
  • Powered by Django


NeonNetwork uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • [AngularJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
  • [jQuery] - duh

And of course NeonNetwork itself is open-source with a public repository on GitHub.


NeonNetwork requires Python v3+ to run.

Install the pipenv (if you don't have it).

$ cd NeonNetwork
$ pip install pipenv

then run the initialize_source.bat on windows.

for linux enviroments use virtualenv within the directory.


A public version of NeonNetwork, it's ugly. Don't look







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