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Capstone Python Demo


Follow the following instructions:

  1. Check out source code
  2. Create a virtual Python environment for dependencies
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Download dataset
  5. Setup auto deploy

Check out source code

git clone git://

Create a virtual Python environment

This provides a simple and effective way to manage python dependencies across platforms.

Install virtualenv: If you are on linux you can install it via your package manager.

on Ubuntu/Debian:

aptitude install python-virtualenv

on OpenSuse:

zypper install python-virtualenv

otherwise install it with easy_install:

easy_install -U virtualenv
easy_install -U pip

on windows you should be able to follow the above commands, but check this site for more info:

Now let's create a new virtual environment, and begin using it:

virtualenv capstone
source capstone/bin/activate

Install dependencies

Now let's install all of the dependencies:

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Download Dataset

Because the dataset(s) are huge and static they shouldn't be in source control. So, you'll have to download them to your machine manually. git is set to ignore them once they are downladed.

Download the dataset:

cd data/

And you're done!

On windows, crack open the script and do what it does by hand.

Setup Auto Deploy

Add the following to ~/.ssh/config

Host capstone
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile /home/ramblurr/.ec2/pk-<yourname>-cassandra.pem

In the git directory run the following:

git remote add deploy git+ssh://

Now when ever you want to update the live website run:

git push deploy master


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