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FairShip is the software framework for the SHiP experiment which is based on FairRoot. The dependencies of FairShip are tracked and installed using alibuild.


Main development branch. All python code is required to be python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported. Requires aliBuild default release.
Frozen branch for the CDS, kept for backward compatibility. Python 2 only. Requires aliBuild default fairship-2018.
Branch for the muon flux analysis. Python 2 only. Requires aliBuild default fairship-2018.

All packages are managed in Git and GitHub. Please read the Git tutorial for SHiP first, even if you already know Git, as it explains how development is done on GitHub.

Build Instructions using CVMFS

On lxplus this is the recommended way to use FairShip. CVMFS can also be setup on your own machine (please see the CVMFS documentation)

  1. Download the FairShip software

    git clone
  2. Make sure you can access the SHiP CVMFS Repository

    ls /cvmfs/
  3. Source the script from the CVMFS release you want to use.

    source /cvmfs/

    Info about different releases can be found in a dedicated repository. Please report issues with particular releases or the setup script there.

  4. Build the software using aliBuild

    aliBuild build FairShip --always-prefer-system --config-dir $SHIPDIST --defaults release

    If you are not building master, you will need to select the appropriate default (see Branches).

If you exit your shell session and you want to go back working on it, make sure to re-execute the third step.

To load the FairShip environment, after you build the software you can simply use:

  1. Load the environment
    alienv enter FairShip/latest

However, this won't work if you are using HTCondor. In such case you can do:

eval alienv load FairShip/latest

Local build, without access to CVMFS

Commands are similar to the previous case, but without access to CVMFS you need to build the required packages.

  1. Download the FairShip software
    git clone
  2. Build the software using aliBuild
  3. Load the environment
    alibuild/alienv enter FairShip/latest

Run instructions

Set up the bulk of the environment from CVMFS.

source /cvmfs/

Load your local FairShip environment.

alibuild/alienv enter (--shellrc) FairShip/latest

Now you can for example simulate some events, run reconstruction and analysis:

python $FAIRSHIP/macro/
>> Macro finished succesfully.
>> Output file is  ship.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root

python $FAIRSHIP/macro/ -f ship.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root -g geofile_full.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root
>> finishing pyExit

python -i $FAIRSHIP/macro/ -f ship.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4_rec.root -g geofile_full.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root
>> finished making plots

Run the event display:

python -i $FAIRSHIP/macro/ -f ship.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4_rec.root -g geofile_full.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root
// use SHiP Event Display GUI
Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

Docker instructions

Docker is not the recommended way to run FairShip locally. It is ideal for reproducing reproducible, stateless environments for debugging, HTCondor and cluster use, or when a strict separation between FairShip and the host is desirable.

  1. Build an docker image from the provided Dockerfile:
    git clone
    cd FairShip
    docker build -t fairship .
  2. Run the FairShip docker image:
    docker run -i -t --rm fairship /bin/bash
  3. Advanced docker run options:
    docker run -i -t --rm \
    -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v /local_workdir:/image_workdir \
    fairship /bin/bash
    The option -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix forwards graphics from the docker to your local system (similar to ssh -X). The option -v /local_workdir:/image_workdir mounts /local_workdir on the local system as /image_workdir within docker.

Troubleshooting information

Please see the wiki for FAQs and common issues.


An automatic class reference is built using Doxygen from comments in the C++ code. Improving the comments will improve this documentation.

Contributing code

  • Any and all contributions are welcome!
  • Contributions via pull requests are preferred, but if you require help with git, don't hesitate to write reach out to us.
  • Please split your work into small commits with self-contained changes to make them easy to review and check.