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Here, [path\to\spardesign] is a placeholder for the actual location of the "spardesign" directory on your computer.

(1) run DYMORE for the biplane spar
(from Windows Command Prompt):
> cd [path\to\spardesign]
> cd biplane_spar\untwisted-noRootJoint_full-hSW\24-bispar-rj452-g125
> rundymore

(2) run DYMORE for the monoplane spar
(from Windows Command Prompt):
> cd [path\to\spardesign]
> cd monoplane_spar\untwisted\grid_density_1
> rundymore

(3) plot the deflections, bending moments, and axial force resultants
(from Windows Command Prompt, start a new IPython prompt):
> ipython --pylab
|> cd [path\to\spardesign]
|> %run plot_fig_18_deflections_and_bending_moments
(these should look similar to Fig. 18 in the "revised_submission.pdf" paper I sent you)
(note: plots are also saved in the "spardesign" directory as PDF and PNG files)

(4) exit from the IPython prompt to get back to the Windows command prompt:
|> exit

(5) once the analysis is finished, clean up the DYMORE case files
(from Windows Command Prompt):
> cd [path\to\spardesign]
> cd biplane_spar\untwisted-noRootJoint_full-hSW\24-bispar-rj452-g125
> clean
> cd [path\to\spardesign]
> cd monoplane_spar\untwisted\grid_density_1
> clean
(the clean commands may spit out some Could Not Find warnings, but this is okay)


Python and IPython must already be installed on your system

Project summary

Biplane spar structures will be characterized with 3 types of tip loads:

  1. flapwise (along x3-axis)
  2. edgewise (along x2-axis)
  3. torsion (about x1-axis)

Currently, the biplane spar and monoplane spar are both loaded with a constant load distribution in the flapwise direction. The load distributions need to be changed to tip loads (described above) by modifying the file "loadDist.dat".

monoplane spar:

biplane spar:

Instead of using an @EDGE_LOAD_DEFINITION, I think we will need to use a @DEAD_LOAD_DEFINITION. See the DYMORE user's manual, Chapter 15 (page 359) for details.


parametric analysis of biplane spars






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  • MATLAB 56.7%
  • C++ 18.0%
  • C 15.1%
  • Python 6.6%
  • Batchfile 3.5%
  • Makefile 0.1%