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An implementation of ICNet (Real-time image segmentation) in tensorflow, containing train/test phase

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ICNet Tensorflow

This is fork from ( repository. Some features were added, some removed. I've created that fork for myself, but maybe you will find it usefull too, because that version is more for training from scratch, while original repo more for inference. I tried to create system that looks more like Tensorflow Models Object Detection API.

ICNet original paper: Also check citation in the end.

Features of that repository

Here is only list of changes. How to use them see below or in code directly.

  • Works with Python3 now
  • Added classes weights to training procedure. You can disable it.
  • Added "--not-restore-last" option in training, so now you can load pre-trained .npy or .tf checkpoint model to use it with different number of classes. Before you could use only 19.
  • Added loss, learning rate and images summaries, so now you can monitor training with Tensorboard.
  • All hardcoded parameters, like input size, is taken now from and not duplicating. Please note, that for now works with pre-defined input size and not let to resize network to input image. That gives better perfomance.
  • You can evaluate now with "--repeated-eval" option. In that case evaluation will run endless and will write mIOU results to summary, so you can monitor it with Tensorboard.
  • You can use now "--best-models-dir". If it set, best model will be zipped on each iteration and saved to that path.
  • Added option "--ignore-zero" in evaluation. With that option results of zero class will be ignored for mIOU. It is very usefull in tasks where most place on image is taken with zero class.
  • Some minor changes and improvements. For example, size of validation set is calculating automatically from size of list.txt. It's not good to set it by hand every time.
  • "--measure-time" for inference works fine now and measures quite objective.
  • Added scripts for exporting and quantizing graph for production usage. That works also similar to Tensorflow Object Detection API pipeline.
  • Some features was removed, for example you can't use with .npy models now. I don't think it's good to use two different formats. You can only load from .npy for training and use after that only .tf format of checkpoints.

Please, note that for now that repo is quite imperfect, because was created for one specific task. But mostly I mean interface and I tried to adapt it for common segmentation tasks with any number of classes. Main problem now is that a half of parameters are set in, while the rest you must set by command line arguments. So for now, please, prefer to use for changing hyperparameters, especially input size. Also try to check Update section to be sure you know last changes


This is an implementation of ICNet in TensorFlow for semantic segmentation on my own data, so don't forget to change labels and number of classes. We first convert weight from Original Code by using caffe-tensorflow framework.

Change list


  1. Moved --measure-time option to script. More suitable here.
  2. Added that creates frozen model (from checkpoints). Outputs .pb file that can be used for production.
  3. Added example of usage of exporting graph. Check In that script used all pipeline: first creating frozen graph without weights, then unfrozen with weights and then cleaned and quantized graph, if you wish.


  1. Added --measure-time for evaluation. Pass it to evaluation to get time measures instead of validation.
  2. Fixed classes weights, now that feature must works much better.
  3. Moved all hyperparams to one place: Control them now from this file.
  4. Added PSPNet model, you can use to train it. Not all fatures works for that model.
  5. Added --weighted for inference, with that option output will be a combination of input and output, very very illustrative.
  6. Now inference will work on directory (will inference all images in dir) if you will pass path to directory in --img-path argument.
  7. Random crop was fully rewritten. Random pad and random scale now not working (coming soon), but crop works correctly now. In original it worked only with random scale (incorrectly) and always was with padding. You can control crop rate with minval and maxval in
h_rate = tf.random_uniform(shape = [1], minval = 0.5, maxval = 1.0, dtype = tf.float32)
w_rate = tf.random_uniform(shape = [1], minval = 0.5, maxval = 1.0, dtype = tf.float32)
  1. Added CROP_MUSTHAVE_CLASS_INDEX in hyperparams. If it is -1 nothing will change. But if you will set it to some class index, crop operation will return only crops where that class is presented (at least one pixel, but usually that's enough. In future I will implement also parameter to control pixels part of needed class).
  2. Removed excess image summaries (only original + network output now, no branches output) for now. Will thinks about it more in future.
  3. Added --evaluate-once to evaluation.
  4. Fixed summaries writing, it was incorrect before.


  1. Forked by me. Initial changes was done (described above in differences section). Models now stored in repository.


  1. Support training phase, you can train on your own dataset. Please read the guide below.


  1. Add bnnomerge model which reparing for training phase. Choose different model using flag --model=train, train_bn, trainval, trainval_bn (Upload model in google drive).
  2. Change tf.nn.batch_normalization to tf.layers.batch_normalization.


Support every image size larger than 128x256 by changing the avg pooling ksize and strides in the pyramid module. If input image size cannot divided by 32, it will be padded in to mutiple of 32.


Get restore checkpoint from Google Drive and put into model directory.


To get result on your own images, use the following command:

python --img-path=./input/test.png

Inference time: ~0.02s, I have no idea why it's faster than caffe implementation


Perform in single-scaled model on the cityscapes validation datase.

Model Accuracy Missing accuracy
train_30k   65.56/67.7 2.14%
trainval_90k 78.44% None

If you want to use it for training validation, use parameter --repeated-eval. In that case model will run endless and will evaluate one time per --eval-interval period if new checkpoint comes. Also if you want to select best valid model, you need to setup --best-models-dir.

Example of usage:

python --model other --snapshot-dir=test --repeated-eval --data-list some_valid_list.txt --best-models-dir ./best_models

Image Result

Input image Output image

Training on your own dataset

Note: This implementation is different from the details descibed in ICNet paper, since I did not re-produce model compression part. Instead, we train on the half kernel directly.

Step by Step

1. Change the DATA_LIST_PATH, make sure the list contains the absolute path of your data files, in list.txt:


2. Set Hyperparameters


#  Mean taken from Mapilary Vistas dataset
IMG_MEAN = np.array((106.33906592, 116.77648721, 119.91756518), dtype = np.float32)

DATA_LIST_PATH = '/mnt/Data/Datasets/Segmentation/vistas_no_pp/list.txt'
INPUT_SIZE = '800,800'
NUM_STEPS = 100000
POWER = 0.9
WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.000001
PRETRAINED_MODEL = './model/icnet_cityscapes_trainval_90k_bnnomerge.npy'
SNAPSHOT_DIR = './snapshots/'


If you want to use classes weights, you need to pass argument --use-class-weights and setup class weights value in

CLASS_WEIGHTS = [1.0, 1.0, 2.0]

3. Run following command and decide whether to update mean/var or train beta/gamma variable.

python --update-mean-var --train-beta-gamma --random-mirror --use-class-weights --not-restore-last

After training the dataset, you can run following command to get the result:

python --img-path=YOUR_OWN_IMAGE

Example of validation run:

python --snapshot-dir=snapshots --repeated-eval --best-models-dir ./best_models --eval-interval 120 --ignore-zero

Example of training process in Tensorboard summaries: TB

Also you can run model on video with script in dataset directory, but it is a little hardcoded for myself, so success is on your own.

Export model for production

Check file for example of exporting model.

In that .sh file please change all paths and names to yours.

Then run it with bash.


First script will convert your model to inference graph - without weights. So called unfrozen graph. After that it will convert it to frozen graph, with weights.

Example of how to run that model after exporting see in

def load_from_pb(shape, path):
    segment_graph = tf.Graph()
    with segment_graph.as_default():
        seg_graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
        with tf.gfile.GFile(path, 'rb') as fid:
            serialized_graph =
            x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = shape)
            img_tf = preprocess(x)
            img_tf, n_shape = check_input(img_tf)
            tf.import_graph_def(seg_graph_def, {'input:0': img_tf}, name = '')

            raw_output = segment_graph.get_tensor_by_name('conv6/BiasAdd:0')
            output = tf.image.resize_bilinear(raw_output, tf.shape(img_tf)[1:3,])
            output = tf.argmax(output, dimension = 3)
            pred = tf.expand_dims(output, dim = 3)

            config = tf.ConfigProto()
            config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.4
            config.allow_soft_placement = True
            config.log_device_placement = False

            sess = tf.Session(graph = segment_graph, config = config)

    return sess, pred, x

You can also run on that exported .pb model with flas --pb-file.

python3 --img-path ../1.jpg --pb-file ../frozen_icnet.pb

You can also try to quantize weights and transform graph to smaller size if you want. Check how to do that here.


  author = {Hengshuang Zhao and
            Xiaojuan Qi and
            Xiaoyong Shen and
            Jianping Shi and
            Jiaya Jia},
  title = {ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.08545},
  year = {2017}


An implementation of ICNet (Real-time image segmentation) in tensorflow, containing train/test phase






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