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An easily configurable and modular Discord bot, focused on Old School Runescape features.


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OsrsHelper lite

Yet one more repository for OsrsHelper bots, I swear this is the last one. This project will deprecate both OsrsHelper and OsrsHelper-rewrite as soon as this one has the most essential commands available. For more detailed reasoning for this, see section Why more repositories?.

One of the main objectives of this project is to make it easier to control the commands. This is achieved by implementing modular structure for the bot commands by using cogs (extensions in syntax). This feature makes it easy to extend the bot without need to touch its underlying code, or delete existing commands.

About modularity

In this project the term modular means that any family of bot commands (sorted into cogs) can be enabled or disabled on the go, or even completely removed without any impact on the bot! New families of commands can easily be developed and added by anyone, as long as they follow the common cog structure. No fear of breaking the whole bot since the commands are isolated into their respective cogs!



Software/Library Version Documentation
Python 3.6+ Link 1.6+ Link
aiohttp 3.6.3+ Link
mathparse 0.1.5+ Link
pytz 2020.5+ Link
dateutil 2.7.2+ Link
BeautifulSoup 4.9.3+ Link
numpy TBA Link
tabulate TBA Link

Since there is currently no any public invitation link, following steps are also needed:

  1. Create a Discord app for the bot in their Developer portal
  2. Enable following intents in the bot settings in developer portal
    1. Presence intent
    2. Members intent
  3. Set your Discord API keys in file Data files/credentials.json
    1. Remember to provide the right EBotVersion in the bottom line of

When you meet the requirements and the API keys are set, start the bot by running This will initialize the bot and load all cogs in directory cogs. The bot should appear online in Discord and be ready to process commands.

Managing cogs

Managing cogs through the bot commands happens with following command: !extension <operation> <cog_name> (command prefix can vary from default settings)

<cog_name> is dot separated name of the cog like in regular Python imports. Currently it is supported to leave the ending _cog out from the name. For example cog can be loaded with commands
!extension load cogs.discord_cog and !extension load cogs.discord.

<operation> is one of the following operations:

  • load Loads an extension docs
  • unload Unloads an extension docs
  • reload Atomically reloads an extension. Equivalent of calling unload and then load docs

These operations makes it possible to update cogs on the go, without a need to restart the whole bot every time.

Enabling new cogs

Remember to end the cog file name with so it can be recognized as one

  1. Implement a new cog
  2. Place it in directory cogs if automatic load is wanted on bot startup
  3. Load the cog if bot is already running

Disabling existing cogs

  1. Unload the cog
  2. Delete the cog file if not needed in the future

Current status

  • Basic layout and functionality Done
  • Caching available for commands Done
  • Extension reloading on the go Done
  • Cog functionality
    • discord cog Started
    • error handler cog Basics done
    • fin exclusive cog Done
    • help cog TBD
    • maintenance cog Basics done
    • osrs cog TBD

Why more repositories?

After realising the OsrsHelper-rewrite and its MySQL database require too much effort compared to what are the actual needs of this scale project, I completely lost my motivation into developing that version. When I tried to get back into it, I started noticing more different kinds of flaws in the project design that I didn't like.

In the last months and years the Discord API and have had rather big and meaningful updates. Many times I have noticed that developing OsrsHelper with very old (more than 3 years old!) has started encountering more and more often functional problems, and developing any new features is a pretty far-fetched dream.

All this lead into a decision to yet again start the bot from scratch, this time with no excessive scalability with relational database nor other things that only adds maintaining effort with no actual benefits.


MIT License

Full licence: LICENCE


An easily configurable and modular Discord bot, focused on Old School Runescape features.








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