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High Resolution Mapping of Food Security

for information on the project, please refer to the GitHub page.

The application takes as input geo-referenced survey data, then for every survey cluster:

  • downlaods relevant satellite images from the Google Maps Static API and Sentinel-2 from Google Earth Engine API. THe class that handles this is the
  • extract features from the images using neural netowrks trained here. Class that handles it is the
  • extrat features as distance to hospital and school from OpenStreetMap using the Overpass API. The [ handles that part.
  • extarct remote sening indices from Sentinel 2, namely NDVI, NDBI and NDWI. handles this part.
  • use ridge regression to infer indicator's value from the extarcted features.

All of the training and evaluaiton is coordinated by the scripts/

The trained models can then be used for making predicitons in areas where no data is available. USe the scripts/ for that. Work is in progress in the application directory for taking the method to produciton.

How to run the code:


Set up the necessary parameters in the config database table and configure the necessary DB paramters filling config_template.yml and renaming it to config_private.yml (sorry messy, is a WIP) and copy your dataset to the Data/datasets folder. Don't forget to populate the table with information about:

  • The dataset you are using and the filename. Check the data structure to see where to save the survey data.
  • The source of high-resolution satellite imageries, the number of tiles per point you are using and the tiff file you are using to define your gris coordinate system. Check the data structure to see where to save this tiff file.
  • Aggregation parameters

Train Model

python args

where args are the ids of the table "config" in the database. Each id should be space sperated, example to trigger for configs 1, 2 and 3 do:

python 1 2 3 > log.txt &

This will:

  • downlaod the relevant satellite images. (if not therte already)
  • extract the features for each image. (if no features for that config_id)
  • write r2 Pearson and MAPE scores to the results table.
  • save the full predictions on the left-out data.
  • save the trained model.

Data Structure

├── datasets
│   └── processed_survey.csv
├── Features
│   └── features_config_id_1.csv
└── Satellite
   ├── raster_of_the_world.tif
   ├── Bing
   │   └── 5.166666_13.34166_16.jpg
   └── Google
   │   └── 5.166666_13.34166_16.jpg
   ├── Sentinel
   │   └── 5.16666_13.34166_2016-01-01_2017-01-01.jpg

processed_survey.csv should contain at least 3 columns: "gpsLongitude","gpsLatitude" and one indicator. You can either work with individual survey data or aggregate the surveys to some geographic level.

raster_of_the_world.tif is a raster file that associated GRID coordinates to the areas of interest. We are currently working with WorlPop rasters starting at 100x100m resolution, available at

Work in progress

The next steps are (work in progress):

  • App development (can be found in the application directory.
  • Open Source, making it easy to use for YOU!
  • Validation on more datasets and usecases.
  • Adding features coming from other sources
    • Ex: conflict GIS maps or CDR data (WorldPop approach)

Ridge Regression

coefficientsa as a function of the L2 parameter Alpha for VGG16 features


For more info to collaborate, use or just to know more reach us at and or submit an issue.


High Resolution Mapping of Food Security






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