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This application enables django powered websites to have multiple tenants via PostgreSQL schemas. A vital feature for every Software-as-a-Service website.

Django provides currently no simple way to support multiple tenants using the same project instance, even when only the data is different. Because we don't want you running many copies of your project, you'll be able to have:

  • Multiple customers running on the same instance
  • Shared and Tenant-Specific data
  • Tenant View-Routing

What are schemas

A schema can be seen as a directory in an operating system, each directory (schema) with it's own set of files (tables and objects). This allows the same table name and objects to be used in different schemas without conflict. For an accurate description on schemas, see PostgreSQL's official documentation on schemas.

Why schemas

There are typically three solutions for solving the multinancy problem.

  1. Isolated Approach: Separate Databases. Each tenant has it's own database.

  2. Semi Isolated Approach: Shared Database, Separate Schemas. One database for all tenants, but one schema per tenant.

  3. Shared Approach: Shared Database, Shared Schema. All tenants share the same database and schema. There is a main tenant-table, where all other tables have a foreign key pointing to.

This application implements the second approach, which in our opinion, represents the ideal compromise between simplicity and performance.

  • Simplicity: barely make any changes to your current code to support multitenancy. Plus, you only manage one database.
  • Performance: make use of shared connections, buffers and memory.

Each solution has it's up and down sides, for a more in-depth discussion, see Microsoft's excelent article on Multi-Tenant Data Architecture.

How it works

Tenants are identified via their host name (i.e This information is stored on a table on the public schema. Whenever a request is made, the host name is used to match a tenant in the database. If there's a match, the search path is updated to use this tenant's schema. So from now on all queries will take place at the tenant's schema. For example, suppose you have a tenant customer at Any request incoming at will automatically use customer's schema and make the tenant available at the request. If no tenant is found, a 404 error is raised. This also means you should have a tenant for your main domain, typically using the public schema. For more information please read the setup section.

Shared and Tenant-Specific Applications

###Tenant-Specific Applications### Most of your applications are probably tenant-specific, that is, its data is not to be shared with any of the other tenants.

###Shared Applications###

An application is considered to be shared when its tables are in the public schema. Some apps make sense being shared. Suppose you have some sort of public data set, for example, a table containing census data. You want every tenant to be able to query it. This application enables shared apps by always adding the public schema to the search path, making these apps also always available.


Assuming you have django installed, you'll have to make the following modifcations to your file.

Basic Settings

Your DATABASE_ENGINE setting needs to be changed to

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'tenant_schemas.postgresql_backend',
        # ..

Add the middleware tenant_schemas.middleware.TenantMiddleware to the top of MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, so that each request can be set to use the correct schema.


Don't forget to add tenant_schemas to your INSTALLED_APPS.


By default all apps will be synced to your public schema and to your tenant schemas. If you want to make use of shared and tenant-specific applications, there are two additional settings called SHARED_APPS and TENANT_APPS. SHARED_APPS is a tuple of strings just like INSTALLED_APPS and should contain all apps that you want to be synced to public. If SHARED_APPS is set, then these are the only apps that will be to your public schema! The same applies for TENANT_APPS, it expects a tuple of strings where each string is an app. If set, only those applications will be synced to all your tenants. Here's a sample setting:

	'tenant_schemas', # mandatory!
	# everything below here is optional

	# your tenant-specific apps


The Tenant Model

Now we have to create your tenant model. To allow the flexibility of having any data in you want in your tenant, we have a mixin called TenantMixin which you have to inherit from. This Mixin only has two fields (domain_url and schema_name) and both are required. Here's an example, suppose we have an app named customer and we want to create a model called client.

from tenant_schemas.models import TenantMixin

class Client(TenantMixin):
	name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
	paid_until =  models.DateField()
	on_trial = models.BooleanField()
	created_on = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
    # default true, schema will be automatically created and synced when it is saved
    auto_create_schema = True 

Going back to, we can now set TENANT_MODEL.

TENANT_MODEL = "customer.Client" # app.Model

Now run sync_schemas, this will create the shared apps on the public schema. Note: your database should be empty if this is the first time you're running this command. Never use syncdb as it would sync all your apps to public!

python sync_schemas

Lastly, you need to create a tenant whose schema is public and it's address is your domain URL. Please see the section on Using django-tenant-schemas.


This app supports south, so if you haven't configured it yet,

# For Django 1.1 or below:
#SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTER = 'south.db.postgresql_psycopg2'
# For Django 1.2 or above:
    'default': 'south.db.postgresql_psycopg2',

You can list south under TENANT_APPS and SHARED_APPS if you want.

Optional Settings

By default PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URL_TOKEN is set to None, which means you can't serve different views on the same path. To be able to have tenant URL routing see the section below.

Tenant View-Routing

We have a goodie called PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URL_TOKEN. Suppose you have your main website at and a customer at You probably want your user to be routed to different views when someone requests and Because django only uses the string after the host name, this would be impossible, both would call the view at /. This is where PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URL_TOKEN comes in handy. If set, the string PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URL_TOKEN will be prepended to the request's path_info when the public schema is being requested. So for example, if you have


When requesting the view /login/ from the public tenant (your main website), this will be translated to /main/login/. You can now edit your file to use another view for a request incoming at /main/login/. Every time a call is made at the public's hostname, /main will be prepended to the request's path info. This is of course invisible to the user, even though django will internally see it at as /main/login/, the user will still be seeing /login/. When receiving a request to a tenant using the public schema, this token is added automatically via our middleware. Here's a suggestion for a file.


urlpatterns = patterns('',
	url(r'^main/$', 'your_project.public_urls'),
	url(r'^', include('your_project.tenant_urls')),

Where would contain the patterns for your main website, which is not specific to any tenant and would contain all your tenant-specific patterns.

As you may have noticed, calling reverse or the {% url %} template tag would cause the wrong URL to be generated. This app comes with it's own versions for reverse, reverse_lazy (see tenant_schemas/ and {% url %} (see tenant_schemas/templatetags/ But don't worry, they don't do anything magical, they just remove PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URL_TOKEN from the beginning of the URL.

Import the reverse and reverse_lazy methods where needed.

from tenant_schemas.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy

To use the template tag, add the following line to the top of your template file.

{% load url from tenant %}

This should not have any side-effects on your current code.

Using django-tenant-schemas

Creating a Tenant works just like any other model in django. The first thing we should do is to create the public tenant to make our main website available. We'll use the previous model we defined for Client.

from customer.models import Client

# create your public tenant
tenant = Client(domain_url='', # don't add www here!
                name='Schemas Inc.',

Now we can create our first real tenant.

from customer.models import Client

# create your first real tenant
tenant = Client(domain_url='', # don't add www here!
                name='Fonzy Tenant',
                on_trial=True) # sync_schemas automatically called, your tenant is ready to be used!

Because you have the tenant middleware installed, any request made to will now automatically set your PostgreSQL's search_path to tenant1 and public, making shared apps available too. The tenant will be made available at request.tenant. By the way, the current schema is also available at connection.get_schema(), which is useful, for example, if you want to hook to any of django's signals.

Any call to the methods filter, get, save, delete or any other function involving a database connection will now be done at the tenant's schema, so you shouldn't need to change anything at your views.

Management commands

Every command runs by default on all tenants. To run only a particular schema, there is an optional argument called --schema. You can create your own commands that run on every tenant by inheriting BaseTenantCommand. There is also an option called --skip-public to avoid running the command on the public tenant.

./ sync_schemas

This is the most important command on this app. The way it works is that it calls Django's syncdb in two different ways. First, it calls syncdb for the public schema, only syncing the shared apps. Then it runs syncdb for every tenant in the database, this time only syncing the tenant apps. You should however never directly call syncdb. We perform some magic in order to make syncdb only sync the appropriate apps.

The options given to sync_schemas are passed to every syncdb. So if you use South, you may find this handy:

./manage sync_schemas --migrate

You can also use the option --tenant to only sync tenant apps or --shared to only sync shared apps.

./ migrate_schemas

This command runs the South's migrate command for every tenant in the database.

The options given to migrate_schemas are passed to every migrate. Hence you may find

./ migrate_schemas --list

handy if you're curious. Or

./ migrate_schemas myapp 0001_initial --fake

in case you're just switching your myapp application to use South migrations.

Running the tests

./ test tenant_schemas

If you're using South, don't forget to set SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE = False.

Updating your app's tests to work with tenant-schemas

Because django will not create tenants for you during your tests, we have packed some custom test cases and other utilities. If you want a test to happen at any of the tenant's domain, you can use the test case TenantTestCase. It will automatically create a tenant for you, set the connection's schema to tenant's schema and make it available at self.tenant. We have also included a TenantRequestFactory and a TenantClient so that your requests will all take place at the tenant's domain automatically. Here's an example:

from tenant_schemas.test.cases import TenantTestCase
from tenant_schemas.test.client import TenantClient

class BaseSetup(TenantTestCase):
	def setUp(self):
		self.c = TenantClient(self.tenant)
	def test_user_profile_view(self):
		response = self.c.get(reverse('user_profile'))
	    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

tenant-schemas needs your help!

###Suggestions, bugs, ideas, patches, questions### Are highly welcome! Feel free to write an issue for any feedback you have. :)

###Multi-Threading### This is being used right now in production on a small project and I have made an attempt to make it thread-safe, but I'm a complete beginner at this subject. Any help on this would be HIGHLY appreciated. Can someone please check if the custom postgresql_backend is thread-safe? If there is a way to write a test for this, it would be awesome. Please send in your feedback at issue #2.

####2 Small to-dos at testing#### Take a look at tenant_schemas/tests/ and search for the string todo. Please send in your feedback at issue #4.

Final Notes

This app is based off django-schemata. My intention initially was only to be a fork, but as my objectives differ significantly from django-schemata's, I've decided to create a new app. For example, whereas django-schemata only supports tenant creation via editing the settings file, this project allows tenants to be created on the fly, a feature virtually every SaaS project needs.


Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas.







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