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pybz provides a simple command line utility to interact with a bugzilla 5.x server through their REST API. The specification of the bugzilla REST API is documented here.

Why? Short answer: necessity. I need to use bugzilla at work, I dislike the web interface, and every other tool I looked at would either refuse to authenticate with our server (perhaps because they use the now deprecated XMLRPC endpoint), or lack a feature I needed. Thus, pybz came to be as yet-another alternative to interact with bugzilla without using a web browser.


The recommended installation method is through pip. Installing as root with pip might create conflicts with other globally installed python packages (I am looking about you requests); therefore I recommend with pip on your user folder.

pip install --user pybz

This will install pybz in ~/.local/bin.

If your system doesn't have pip available, you can install it as follows:

curl --silent --show-error | sudo python


No configuration is required to use pybz, all parameters can be specified in the command line. A server URL is required to perform any operation on bugzilla, and can be specified with the --url flag. For operations that require authentication you must also specify a username, which can also be provided in the command line with the --username flag.

To avoid having to specify the server URL and the username on every invocation of pybz, these and other settings can be stored in a per-user configuration file stored at ~/.pybz.

Example ~/.pybz file:

url =
username =
use_keyring = True
insecure = False

Although possible, it is discouraged to store the password in the initialization file or to provide it through the command line. When a username is specified but no password is provided, it will be requested through the standard input. If the use_keyring option is enabled, passwords will be securely stored and retrieved using the system keyring.


Use the -h or --help flags to get information about all the calling options. pybz supports the following commands

command description
new create new bug
get get bug information
set set bug information
list-fields list all available bug fields
list-products list all available bug products
list-components list all components for a given product

Commands like new, get and set accept fields as parameters.

Creating bugs

When creating new bugs the fields product, component, version and summary are mandatory, all other fields are optional. Fields which accept a list of values like cc can be populated by specifying each value individual, i.e., much like searching.

Searching for bugs

The get command is used to search for bugs, in the simplest form you use the -n flag specify a list of numeric bug id's to be retrieved from the server.

Bugs can also be retrieved using field queries using the -f flag. Fields must be of the form name:value, if your value must contain spaces then you must quote the whole field as follows "name:value with spaces".

When multiple field queries on the different field name are searched using an AND operation, and field queries on the same field name are searched using an OR operation. For instance, searching for "priority:P1 priority:P2" returns all bugs of priority P1 OR P2, while searching for "status:OPEN priority:P1" returns bugs of with an OPEN status AND priority P1.

Performing OR operations across different fields is not supported (for instance, if you wanted to find all bugs which have either a status OPEN or are have priority P1). This is not a limitation imposed by pybz but simply the specification of the bugzilla REST API. For more complex queries you can use the quicksearch field, and follow the quicksearch API

Updating bugs

Updating bugs uses the same field syntax as searching. Fields do not contain a single value but a list of values require different syntax. Specifically, the fields blocks, depends_on, see_also, groups, cc and keywords require using an extended syntax using the + to add values to the array, - to remove values from the array and = to replace the values in the array with new ones.

If you want to specify that a is blocked by bug 12345 and 12346 then you would do blocks:=12345 blocks:=12346. If instead you wanted to add bug 12346 to the list of blocking bugs, then you would use blocks:+12346, and if you wanted to remove bug 12346 from the blocking list you would use blocks:-12346.

All array like fields support the + and -, but not all of them support setting with the = operator. This reflects supported operations by the bugzilla API and not a choice made in pybz To see which fields support it simply try it out and pybz will notify you of unsupported operations.


In the interest of succinctness, the examples below omit the bugzilla URL as well as the username. The configuration section of this document provides more details on these options.


Get info about bug number 12345

pybz get -n 12345

Get info about bug numbers 12345, 12346 and 12347

pybz get -n 12345 12346 12347

Search for all bugs assigned to

pybz get -f

Search for all bugs assigned to with priority P1

pybz get -f priority:P1

Search for all open bugs with priority P1 or P2

pybz get -f status:OPEN priority:P1 priority:P2

(Re-)assign bug number 12345 to and make it a P2

pybz set -n 12345 -f priority:P2

Upgrade bug number 12345 to have priority P1

pybz set -n 12345 -f priority:P1

Report a new bug

pybz new -f "summary:new and terrible bug" product:pybz priority:P2


Add to the CC list of bug 12345, remove from the CC list, and add a comment describing the change (all in one command!).

pybz set -n 12345 -f "comment:adding charlie to the discussion, and removing alice"

Reassign all bugs from to

pybz get -f -s id | xargs pybz set -f -n

Display a list of developers sorted by the number of open P1 bugs assigned to them

pybz get -f priority:P1 status:OPEN -s asigned_to | sort | uniq -c | sort


pybz hangs

The python keyring has been known to hang on systems where no keyring can be found. To prevent this, simply disable the use_keyring option in the pybz configuration file, and do not specify this option in the command line. To see if this is your problem, open up a python console and import the keyring module.

$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Jul 13 2015, 12:05:58)
    [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)] on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> import keyring


Python Bugzilla Console Utility






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