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What skime is

skime is a Scheme implementation written in Python.


skime requires the PyYaml library, and the nose library if you want to run the tests. To install, do the following (ideally in a python virtual environment):

pip install nose
pip install pyyaml
make skime

If you want to run the tests:

make test


skime consists of 2 major parts: one produces bytecode and other executes it. First on is a classic combo of lexer, parser and compiler, and the second one is virtual machine with its own small instruction set.

Skime produces bytecode on-the-fly, when Scheme source code is evaluated. Parser and compiler both act as aggregated components for a VM.

Lexical scopes and variable tables

Scheme source code consists of multiple nested lexical scopes. Each lexical scope is represented with an instance of Environment class. Environment is connected with a parent lexical scope in the code and stores local variables of it's scope. Names and values of local variables are stored separately in arrays and addressed by indexes. Environment maps variable index to variable name so it's always possible to get a value of a variable by name.

Environment handles access to variables: assignments, reading, allocation. Allocation simply means creating a slot for a variable with initial value of undefined.

Undefined represented in Python code with instances of Undef class.

To get location of a variable Location instances are used. Location stores environment and index in variables table. Location objects are comparable.

Since variables from the outer scope are available to inner scope, Environment is capable of looking up location recursively towards root scope.

Execution context

For function execution Skime uses an abstraction called Context that ties a form (result of compiling an expression into bytecode), an environment and a parent context. Each context has a stack and instruction pointer (ip). Context provides an interface for stack operation: pushing, popping, popping many, inserting many, getting value from the top of the stack and so forth.

Now lets have a look at the form object. Form stores an environment this form was compiled in, and a bytecode sequence. Form can be either disassembled (turned into some string representation) or evaluated. Evaluation needs an environment (local variables table) and a root context (usually taken from VM instance).


Obviously not everything is written in Scheme. Some basic functions come from the Python land and thus called primitives. Primitives are wrappers around Python's callables that know it's arity and Python function to call to do actual execution.

Primitives are stored in top-level environment (environment of the VM instance) as PyPrimitive (or PyCallable) instances. Arity is a tuple of 2, where first value means minimal number of argiments and second value means maximum number of arguments. -1 means "no limit".

Exception handling for type errors in primitives implemented as a decorator type_error_decorator that catches Python's TypeError and raises Skime's WrongArgType with the same message.

Here are primitives that back + and * in Scheme:

def plus(vm, *args):
    return sum(args)

def mul(vm, *args):
    res = 1
    for x in args:
        res *= x
    return res

First argument all primitives take is a VM instance that can be used by the primitive. Actually the only use of VM instance in Skime primitives is to do evaluation where necessary.

Scheme types

Scheme types list and symbol are implemented in Python as Pair and Symbol classes. Since Scheme is a functional language and in functional languages list comprehensions often use notion of tail and head, and because car and cdr are functions you cannot imagine Scheme without, Python list is not exactly what we need.

Pair in Skime stores head element and a reference to list tail. For instance, a Scheme list (1 2 3) is built as 3 nested Python pairs:

pair(1, pair(2, pair(3, None))))

This makes car and cdr implementation trivial.


Skime has another class that reflects Scheme language constructs. The very core of Scheme, a procedure, is implemented as a Procedure instance.


Consider the following Scheme code:

  (define a (* 99 11))
  (define b (+ 29 33))
  (+ a b))

If we trace bytecode of the whole program, it looks like this

[9, 0,
9, 1,
5, 2,
1, 2,
6, 72,
9, 2,
9, 3,
5, 0,
1, 2,
6, 73,
5, 72,
5, 73,
5, 0,
1, 2])

Here is disassembled version:

Diasassemble of form at B7CF24AC literals:

0: 99
1: 11
2: 29
3: 33


0000         push_literal literal=0
0002         push_literal literal=1
0004           push_local idx: 2, name: *
0006                 call argc=2
0008            set_local idx: 72, name: a
000A         push_literal literal=2
000C         push_literal literal=3
000E           push_local idx: 0, name: +
0010                 call argc=2
0012            set_local idx: 73, name: b
0014           push_local idx: 72, name: a
0016           push_local idx: 73, name: b
0018           push_local idx: 0, name: +
001A                 call argc=2


A Scheme implementation in Python






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