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Copyright 2014 Alden Walker
Released under the GPL.

shine currently does the following:
(1) finds and visualizes hyperbolic structures on surfaces
(2) visualizes embedded surfaces in R^3 and (hyperbolic) geodesics on them

See INSTALL for installation instructions.  Once you have the appropriate 
python packages, you should just have to type:


(I use ipython).

*** comments *** 

Shine is not particularly polished (hah).  It is extremely slow, and opening large 
surfaces takes a while (because it finds the hyperbolic structure).  
It should be rewritten in C++ or something and use OpenGL.  Sometimes 
drawing loops has random bugs.  

Email me with any questions, and especially with any bugs you encounter!  

*** acknowledgements ***

This program was inspired by wireframe by Danny Calegari (available 
on his github page) and by geometric surface code by Nathan Dunfield.

*** opening/loading ***

Shine creates surfaces as boundaries of regular neighborhoods of planar 
graphs.  It triangulates them and finds a hyperbolic structure (it tries 
to make the incident triangles around a vertex have equidistributed angles).
There are two ways to get a planar graph into shine.

Creating a surface from a graph:

Select "new from graph" from the file menu and draw a graph.  Click a vertex 
to make it active, and then you can click on either another vertex (to draw an 
edge between them) or on blank space (to create a new vertex joined to the 
active one).  The dots show integer points.  Since takes a neighborhood of 
radius 1/2.  The chunkier a surface is, the better looking it will be.

Loading a graph file:

A graph file has the following format:
<number of vertices> <number of edges>
<coordinates of vertices, one vertex per line>
<vertices connected by edges, one edge per line>
<optional loop data>

See genus_2.pgr for an example.  The loop data is in the following format:
<loop label> <edges crossed>

A loop travels along the top of the regular neighborhood of the surface, and the 
edges should be listed in order, with signs.  To go around vertically, 
write an "a" after an edge.  To ensure the loops can be multiplied, they should all 
start and end with the same edge.  See genus_2.pgr.

You can also load a saved session .pkl file.

*** saving ***

Go to File -> save session to save a .pkl file with all the data of the surface, 
loops, etc.

*** 3D visualization ***

Control the visualization with the buttons on the upper left.  Turn the mesh and 
shading on or off with the view menu.  The buttons S and F subdivide and flow.  Subdividing 
twice and then flowing numerous times usually produces a good first pass.

*** hyperbolic visualization ***

Use the View menu to see the lifted surface.  Subdividing makes this take much longer.
If you want to explore the hyperbolic structure, don't bother subdividing.  You can click to 
change the zoom.

*** loops ***

Click the plus to add a loop, which can either be given as a word in the generators 
from the graph file (if they exist), or as a drawn loop on the surface.  Click the 
boundary edges to change sides of the surface.

Click "geoify" to smooth the curve in the hyperbolic metric.  Note you need to do this 
every time you subdivide.

You can change the color by clicking the color.

*** exporting ***

The default selections produce a good approximation of the standard surface outline 
that everyone draws.  It's worthwhile to give the visualization one last subdivision 
and smooth so that the boundary looks good.


surface visualizer






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