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reinforcement learning from randomized simulations


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SimuRLacra (composed of the two modules Pyrado and RcsPySim) is a Python/C++ framework for reinforcement learning from randomized physics simulations. The focus is on robotics tasks with mostly continuous control. It features randomizable simulations written in standalone Python (no license required) as well as simulations driven by the physics engines Bullet (no license required), Vortex (license required), or MuJoCo (license required).

Maintainability Documentation License codecov


  • Exceptionally modular treatment of environments via wrappers. The key idea behind this was to be able to quickly modify and randomize all available simulation environments. Moreover, SimuRLacra contains unique environments that either run completely in Python or allow you to switch between the Bullet or Vortex (requires license) physics engine.
  • C++ export of policies based on PyTorch Modules. Since the Policy class is a subclass of PyTorch's nn.Module, you can port your neural-network policies, learned with Python, to you C++ applications. This also holds for stateful recurrent networks.
  • CPU-based parallelization for sampling the environments. Similar to the OpenAI Gym, SimuRLacra offers parallelized environments for sampling. This is done by employing Serializable, making the simulation environments fully pickleable.
  • Separation of the exploration strategies and the policy. Instead of having a GaussianFNN and a GaussianRNN ect. policy, you can wrap your policy architectures with (almost) any exploration scheme. At test time, you simple strip the exploration wrapper.
  • Tested integration of real-world Quanser platforms. This feature is extremely valuable if you want to conduct sim-to-real research, since you can simply replace the simulated environment with the physical one by changing one line of code.
  • Tested integration of BoTorch, and Optuna.
  • Detailed documentation.


  • No vision-based environments/tasks. In principle there is nothing stopping you from integrating computer vision into SimuRLacra. However, I assume there are better suited frameworks out there.
  • Without bells and whistles. Most implementations (especially the algorithms) do not focus on performance. After all, this framework was created to understand and prototype things.
  • Hyper-parameters are not fully tuned. Sometimes the most important part of reinforcement learning is the time-consuming search for the right hyper-parameters. I only did this for the environment-algorithm combinations reported in my papers. But, for all the other cases there is Optuna and some optuna-based example scripts that you can start from.
  • Unfinished GPU-support. At the moment the porting of the policies is implemented but not fully tested. The GPU-enabled re-implementation of the simulation environments in the pysim folder (simple Python simulations) is at question. The environments based on Rcs which require the Bullet or Vortex physics engine will only be able to run on CPU.

SimuRLacra was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 (deprecated), 18.04 (recommended), and 20.04, with PyTorch 1.4 (deprecated) and 1.7. The part without C++ dependencies, called Pyrado, also works under Windows 10 (not supported).

Not the right framework for you?

  • If you are looking for even more modular code or simply want to see how much you can do with Python decorators, check out vel. It is a beautiful framework that includes more than reinforcement learning.
  • If you need code optimized for performance, check out stable baselines. I know, that was captain obvious.
  • If you are missing value-based algorithms will bells and whistles, check out MushroomRL. The main contributor is good at every sport. Sorry Carlo, but the world has to know it.


If you use code or ideas from this project for your research, please cite SimuRLacra.

  author = {Fabio Muratore},
  title = {SimuRLacra - A Framework for Reinforcement Learning from Randomized Simulations},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}


It is recommended to install SimuRLacra in a separate virtual environment such as anaconda. Follow the instructions on the anaconda homepage to download the anaconda (or miniconda) version for your machine (andaconda 3 is recommended).

Clone the repository and go to the project's directory

git clone
# or via ssh
# git clone
cd SimuRLacra

Create an anaconda environment (without PyTorch)

conda create -y -n pyrado python=3.7
conda activate pyrado
conda install -y blas cmake lapack libgcc-ng mkl patchelf pip pycairo setuptools -c conda-forge
pip install argparse box2d colorama coverage cython glfw gym joblib prettyprinter matplotlib numpy optuna pandas pytest pytest-cov pytest-xdist pyyaml scipy seaborn sphinx sphinx-math-dollar sphinx_rtd_theme tabulate tensorboard tqdm vpython git+

Any warnings from VPython can be safely ignored.

What do you want to be installed?

If you just want to have a look at SimuRLacra, or don't care about the Rcs-based robotics part, I recommend going for Red Velvet. However, if you for example want to export your learned controller to a C++ program runnning on a phsical robot, I recommend Black Forest. Here is an overview of the options:

Options PyTorch build Policy export to C++ CUDA support Rcs-based simulations (RcsPySim) Python-based simulations (Pyrado) (subset of) mujoco-py simulations
Red Velvet pip ❌ ✔️ ❌ ✔️ ✔️
Malakoff local ✔️ ❌ ❌ ✔️ ✔️
Sacher pip ❌ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Black Forest local ✔️ ❌ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Please note that the Vortex (optionally used in RcsPySim) as well as the MuJoCo (mandatory for mujoco-py) physics engine require a license.

Please note that building PyTorch locally from source will take about 30-60 min.

In all cases you will download Rcs, eigen3, pybind11, catch2, and mujoco-py, into the thirdParty directory as git submodules. Rcs will be placed in the project's root directory.

Option Red Velvet

Run (the setup script calls git submodule init and git submodule update)

conda activate pyrado
pip install torch==1.7.0
# or if CUDA support not needed
# pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu torchaudio==0.7.0 -f
python wo_rcs_wo_pytorch -j8

In case this process crashes, please first check the Troubleshooting section below.

Option Malakoff

Run (the setup script calls git submodule init and git submodule update)

conda activate pyrado
python wo_rcs_w_pytorch -j8

In case this process crashes, please first check the Troubleshooting section below.

Option Sacher

Infrastructure dependent: install libraries system-wide
Parts of this framework create Python bindings of Rcs called RcsPySim. Running Rcs requires several libraries which can be installed (requires sudo rights) via

python dep_libraries

This command will install g++-4.8, libqwt-qt5-dev, libbullet-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libxml2-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, freeglut3-dev, mesa-common-dev, libopenscenegraph-dev, openscenegraph, and liblapack-dev. In case you have no sudo rights, but want to use all the Rcs-dependent environments, you can try installing the libraries via anaconda. For references, see the comments behind required_packages in
If you can't install the libraries, you can still use the Python part of this framework called Pyrado, but no environments in the rcspysim folder.

Run (the setup script calls git submodule init and git submodule update)

conda activate pyrado
pip install torch==1.7.0
# or if CUDA support not needed
# pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu torchaudio==0.7.0 -f
python w_rcs_wo_pytorch -j8

In case this process crashes, please first check the Troubleshooting section below.

Option Black Forest

Infrastructure dependent: install libraries system-wide
Parts of this framework create Python bindings of Rcs called RcsPySim. Running Rcs requires several libraries which can be installed (requires sudo rights) via

python dep_libraries

This command will install g++-4.8, libqwt-qt5-dev, libbullet-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libxml2-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, freeglut3-dev, mesa-common-dev, libopenscenegraph-dev, openscenegraph, and liblapack-dev. In case you have no sudo rights, but want to use all the Rcs-dependent environments, you can try installing the libraries via anaconda. For references, see the comments behind required_packages in
If you can't install the libraries, you can still use the Python part of this framework called Pyrado, but no environments in the rcspysim folder.

Run (the setup script calls git submodule init and git submodule update)

conda activate pyrado
python w_rcs_w_pytorch -j8

In case this process crashes, please first check the Troubleshooting section below.

SL & Robcom

In case you are at IAS and want to use you SL and robcom, you can set them up (requires sudo rights) with

python robcom -j8

After that you still need to install the robot-specific package in SL.


Verify the installation of PyTorch

conda activate pyrado
conda env list
conda list | grep torch  # check if the desired version of PyTorch is installed
python --version  # should return Python 3.7.X :: Anaconda, Inc._

Verify the installation of Pyrado and RcsPySim

To exemplarily check basic Pyrado environments (implemented in Python without dependencies to RcsPySim)

conda activate pyrado
cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/scripts
python sandbox/ --env_name qcp-su --dt 0.002

Quickly check the environments interfacing Rcs via RcsPySim

python sandbox/

If this does not work it may be because Vortex or Bullet is not installed.

For deeper testing, run Pyrado's unit tests

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/tests
pytest -v -m "not longtime"

Build and view the documentation

If not already activated, execute

conda activate pyrado

Build both html documentations

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra

This will fail if you did not set up RcsPySim.


firefox RcsPySim/build/doc/html/index.html


firefox Pyrado/doc/build/index.html


Handy aliases

You will find yourself often in the same folders, so adding the following aliases to your shell's rc-file will be worth it.

alias cds='cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra'
alias cdps='cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/scripts'
alias cdpt='cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado/data/temp'
alias cdrps='cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/build'
alias cdrcs='cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Rcs/build'

Working on the intersection of C++ and Python (e.g. RcsPySim)

Assuming that you use an IDE (in this case CLion), it is nice to put an empty CMakeLists.txt into the Python part of your project (here Pyrado) and include this as a subdirectory from the C++ part of your project by adding

add_subdirectory(../Pyrado "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyrado")

If you then create a project in the RcsPySim directory, your IDE will automatically add Pyrado for you. If you moreover mark Pyrado as sources root (CLion specific), it will be parsed by the IDE's git tool.

I also suggest to create run configuration that always build the C++ part (RcsPySim) before executing a Python script. In CLion or example, you go Run->Edit Configurations ..., select CMake Application, hit the plus, select _rcsenv as target and python as executable, make your program arguments a module call like -m scripts.sandbox.sb_p3l in connection with the correct working directory PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Pyrado, and most importantly select Build in the Before launch section.

In a similar fashion, you can directly call Rcs. This is useful when you are creating a new environment and want to iterate the graph xml-file. In CLion or example, you go Run->Edit Configurations ..., select CMake Application, hit the plus, select _rcsenv as target and Rcs as executable, pass Rcs-specific arguments to your program arguments like -m 4 -dir PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/config/Planar3Link/ -f gPlanar3Link.xml in connection with the correct working directory PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Rcs/build, and select Build in the Before launch section. There are many more command line arguments for Rcs. Look for argP in the Rcs.cpp source file.

Inspecting training logs

To look at the training report in detail from console, I recommend to put

function pretty_csv {
    column -t -s, -n "$@" | less -F -S -X -K

into your sell's rc-file. Executing pretty_csv progress.csv in the experiments folder will yield a nicely formatted table. I found this neat little trick on Stefaan Lippens blog. You might need to install column depending on your OS.


Undefined reference to inflateValidate

Depending on the libraries install on your machine, you might receive the linker error undefined reference to inflateValidate@ZLIB_1.2.9 while building Rcs or RcsPySim. In otder to solve this error, link the z library to the necessary targets by editing the PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Rcs/bin/CMakeLists.txt replacing

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Rcs RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Rcs RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics z)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TestGeometry RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TestGeometry RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics z)

The same goes for PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Rcs/examples/CMakeLists.txt where you replace

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ExampleForwardKinematics RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ExampleForwardKinematics RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics z)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ExampleKinetics RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ExampleKinetics RcsCore RcsGui RcsGraphics RcsPhysics z)

Python debugger stuck at evaluating expression

By default, the sampling (on CPU) in Pyrado is parallelized using PyTorch's multiprocessing module. Thus, your debuggner will not be connected to the right process. Rerun your script with num_sampler_envs=1 passed as a parameter to the algorithm, that will then contruct a sampler wich only uses one process.

Qt5 and Vortex (

If you are using Vortex, which itself has a Qt5-based GUI, RcsPySim may look for the wrong libpng version. Make sure that if finds the same one as Rcs ( and not the one from Vortex ( You can investigate this using the ldd (or lddtree if installed) command on the generated RcsPySim executables. An easy fix is to go to your Vortex library directory and move all Qt5-related libs to a newly generated folder, such that they cant be found. This solution is perfectly fine since we are not using the Vortex GUI anyway. Next, clear the RcsPySim/build folder and build it again.

Bullet double vs. float

Check Rcs with which precision Bullet was build

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/thirdParty/Rcs/build
ccmake .

Use the same in RcsPySim

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/build
ccmake . 

Rebuild RcsPySim (with activated anaconda env)

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/RcsPySim/build
make -j12

Module init-args-initializer

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'init_args_serializer' Install it from git+

When you export the anaconda environment, the yml-file will contain the line init-args-serializer==1.0. This will cause an error when creating a new anaconda environment from this yml-file. To fix this, replace the line with git+

PyTorch version

You run a script and get ImportError: cannot import name 'export'? Check if your PyTorch version is >= 1.2. If not, update via

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra
python pytorch -j12

or install the pre-compiled version form anaconda using

conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch

Note: if you choose the latter, the C++ export of policies will not work. not found

If you receive PATH_TO/anaconda3/envs/pyrado/bin/python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory while executing python setup_deps pytorch, delete the thirdParty/pytorch and run

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra
python pytorch -j12

Lapack library not found in compile time (PyTorch)

Option 1: if you have sudo rights, run

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev

and then rebuild PyTorch from scratch. Option 2: if you don't have sudo rights, run

conda install -c conda-forge lapack

and then rebuild PyTorch from scratch.

Pyrado's policy export tests are skipped

Run the scripts again with --local_torch, or explicitly set USE_LIBTORCH = ON for the cmake arguments of RcsPySim

cd PATH_TO/SimuRLacra/Rcs/build
ccmake .  # set the option, configure (2x), and generate

PyTorch compilation is too slow or uses too many CPUs

The Pytorch setup script (thirdParty/pytorch/ determines the number of cpus to compile automatically. It can be overridden by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS:

export MAX_JOBS=1

Please use your shell syntax accordingly (the above example is for bash).

Set up MuJoCo and mujoco-py

Download mujoco200 linux from the official page and extract it to ~/.mujoco such that you have ~/.mujoco/mujoco200. Put your MuJoCo license file in ~/.mujoco.

During executing, mujoco-py is set up as a git submodule and installed via the downloaded If this fails, have a look at the mujoco-py's canonical dependencies. Try again. If you get an error mentioning patchelf, run conda install -c anaconda patchelf

In case you get visualization errors related to GLEW (render causes a frozen window and crashes, or simply a completely black screen) add export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to your shell's rc-file (like ~/.bashrc). If you now create a new terminal, it should work. If not, try sudo apt-get install libglew-dev.

Shut down the mujoco-py message about the missing MuJoCo installation / license

If you dont have a MuJoCo license, or MuJoCo is not installed on zour machine, mujoco-py will print an error message. One way to avoid this would be to not install mujoco-py by default. However, this would create even more options above. Thus, we will just fool mujoco-py's checker by creating a fake directory and an empty license file.

mkdir /$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco200 -p && touch /$HOME/.mujoco/mjkey.txt version `GLIBCXX_3.4.22' not found

This error might come from the scipy.signal.lfilter command (eventually including scipy's fft function). For scipy versions > 1.5.2, this requires GLIBCXX_3.4.22. If your computer is out -of-date and you have no sudo rights, your best option is to set scipy pack to version 1.5.2.

conda activate pyrado
conda remove scipy --force
pip install scipy==1.5.2


reinforcement learning from randomized simulations







No packages published


  • Python 72.5%
  • C++ 25.8%
  • Other 1.7%