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Coding is fun, and learning to code should be fun too.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."

—Woody Allen

"Failure is the first step to being sort of good at something"

—Jake the dog is an interactive playground for backend development that takes care of the boring parts, so beginners can learn online without frustration.

Documentation is available at readthedocs


Writing a plugin for a framework

To run user applications written in a framework needs a container template. Container templates implement the boilerplate on which users can build their applications.

Currently the plugins for rails and django are implemented.

The steps to write a container template:
  1. Find a suitable base image for the framework on docker hub.

  2. (optional) modify base image if necessary.

  3. Create a folder backenfail/[framework]/

  4. Create a minimal set of files which does something useful in backenfail/[framework]/skeleton/

  5. Extend fiddles.models.Fiddle and add 5 properties ( example taken from the dj plugin):

    from fiddles.models import Fiddle
    class DjangoFiddle(Fiddle):
        def internal_port(self):
            """ This property specifies the port the framework is listening on inside the
            return "8000"
        def startup_command(self):
            """ This property specifies a command that should be executed by the container
            on the commandline when it starts up."""
            return r"bash -c 'python makemigrations &&" \
                   r" python migrate && python runserver'"
        def docker_image(self):
            """ This property specifies an image from the docker hub that should be run.
            It should expect the user sources under /usr/src/app/"""
            return "django"
        def entrypoint(self):
            """ This property defines the path to the file that a user should
            see in the editor when they create a new fiddle."""
            return "app/templates/app/app.html"
        def prefix(self):
            """ This property defines where the project skeleton is located. """
            return os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "dj", "skeleton/")