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googleDriveAccess is a Python tool to Access to the Google Drive ( OAuth2, Calendar, Gmail, geocoding, spreadsheet, etc ) and upload and download ( import and export ) Google Apps Script source codes

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a Python tool to Access to the Google Drive ( OAuth2, Calendar, Gmail, geocoding, spreadsheet, etc )

Package Documentation


import os
import googleDriveAccess as gda

# create instance
da = gda.DAClient(os.path.abspath('.'))

# create parent folders at the same time
folderId, folderPath = da.makeDirs('/remote_drive/subfolder_test/subsubfolder')
print folderId, folderPath

# recursive backup to remote folder

# search
da.execQuery("'root' in parents", **{'maxResults': 5})
da.execQuery("'root' in parents and explicitlyTrashed=True", repeattoken=True, **{'maxResults': 500})

# download (change fileId and correct mimeType 'application/octet-stream' etc.)
da.downloadFile('/tmp', 'test_document.txt', parentId='root')

# OAuth2
oa2 = gda.OAuth2Client(abc=da)
ui = oa2.userInfo()
act = ui['email']
print act

# gmail
gm = gda.GmailClient(abc=oa2)
mo = gm.sendMsg(act, act, 'message title', 'message text')
if mo:
  mo = gm.modifyLabels(mo['id'], addLabels=['INBOX', 'UNREAD', 'STARRED'])
mo = gm.sendMsg(act, act, 'title attach', 'text attach', 'test_document.txt')
if mo:
  mo = gm.modifyLabels(mo['id'], addLabels=['INBOX', 'UNREAD', 'STARRED'])
msgs = gm.getMsgEntries(maxResults=3)
for msg in msgs['messages']:
  mo = gm.getMsg(msg['id'])
  hdrs = gm.getHdrsDict(mo)
  for k in ('date', 'to', 'from', 'subject'):
    if k in hdrs: print u'%s: %s' % hdrs[k] # unicode
  # popup message from calendar may contain u'\xbb'
  #print u'snippet: %s' % gm.trimWidth(mo['snippet'].replace(u'\xbb', u'>'), 70)
  print u'snippet: %s' % gm.trimWidth(mo['snippet'], 70) # unicode

# calendar
import time
ca = gda.CalendarClient('Asia/Tokyo', abc=oa2)
cals = ca.idList()
for cal in cals['items']:
  print u'%s : %s' % (cal['id'], cal['summary']) # unicode
id = cals['items'][0]['id']
print id
TEST_TITLE = u'rendez-vous 今日の待ち合わせ' # unicode
t = time.time()
eo = ca.insertEvent(id,
  start=ca.isoDate(t), end=ca.isoDate(t + 24 * 3600), # date only
  location=u'皇居', summary=TEST_TITLE) # unicode
eo = ca.insertEvent(id,
  start=ca.isoTime(t + 1800), end=ca.isoTime(t + 3600), # date and time
  location=u'京都御所', summary=TEST_TITLE) # unicode

# geocoding
geo = gda.GeocodingClient('ja', u'日本')
print geo.getLatLng(u'福井県敦賀市明神町')
print geo.getLocation(35.75, 136.02)
geo.ignoreCountryHead = False
print geo.getLocation(*geo.getLatLng(u'福井県敦賀市明神町'))
print geo.getLatLng(geo.getLocation(35.75, 136.02))

# spreadsheet
SHEET_NAME = 'test_spreadsheet_factory'
ss = gda.SpreadsheetFactory(abc=oa2)(sheetName=SHEET_NAME)
if ss.sheetId is None:
  ss.createSpreadsheet(SHEET_NAME, csv='c1,c2,c3\n8,32,256\n64,1024,65536\n')
print ss.oa2act
print ss.sheet()['title']
print ss.sheetId
print ss.worksheetId
for ws in ss.worksheets():
  print u'%s : %s' % (ws.get_worksheet_id(), ws.title.text)
for cell in ss.cells():
  print u'%s : %s' % (cell.title.text, cell.content.text)

# change True when you get a version (2013-07-12) after gdata-2.0.18
if False:
  ss.updateCell(1, 1, u'日本語表示')
  ss.updateCell(3, 3, u'漢字')

How to use it


pip install 'google-api-python-client'
pip install googleDriveAccess
  (or easy_install googleDriveAccess)
cd /opt/googleDriveAccess

First, create your Client_ID and secret on the Google Drive.

Register your App on and 'download JSON' of your Client ID and Client secret.

Rename this JSON file to './client_secret_[Client ID].json' .

mv client_secrets.json /opt/googleDriveAccess/client_secret_YOURCLIENTID.json

Second, create cache file for Client ID .

Create './cicache.txt' file and write your Client ID to the first line.

echo YOURCLIENTID > ./cicache.txt

Third, encrypt secret file.

Execute ./ to encrypt downloaded JSON file.


Check that encrypted file exists './client_secret_[Client ID].json.enc' and plain text JSON file './client_secret_[Client ID].json' will be deleted.

Execute ./ to test OAuth2 flow and store credentials.


Execute ./ to test OAuth2 using stored credentials.


Execute ./ to test OAuth2 using stored credentials.


Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and create folders. Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and scan folders. Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and upload files.


Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and add calendar event. Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and send mail and modify labels. Execute ./ to test geocoding. Execute ./ to test OAuth2 and create spreadsheet.


Execute ./ to test Drive API search with query.


Edit (set 'mode = 0') to test create new Google Apps Script 'test_GoogleAppsScript_createCalendarEvent' for tests below.

Execute ./ to test create and 'get SCRIPT_ID' .


Edit (set 'mode = 2' and 'set SCRIPT_ID') to test download.

Execute ./ to test download.


Edit downloaded script './script_import_export/test_GoogleAppsScript_createCalendarEvent/' .

Edit (set 'mode = 1') to test upload.

Execute ./ to test upload.


Known BUGs

Fails to create and update Google Apps Script.

mimeType was changed about specification of uploading Google Apps Script ?

I will make :

This program will cache each folder (or file) ids assigned by the Google Drive.
(Into the cache file cache_folderIds_[Client ID]_[OAuth2Act].sl3 .)
Please search and erase a row that has same id from the cache file
when you delete your folder or file using another Google Drive client tool.

It may be fixed:

When uploading a file that would not be automaticaly handled Google Drive,
"Media type 'None' is not supported. Valid media types: [*/*]"
error occurred.
Because of default mimeType is set to None on uploadFile.
So it may correct to catch the exception and retry with 'binary/octet-stream'.


Package Documentation

You can get the latest version at this GitHub repository.

GitHub HomePage





pytz-memcache (PyPI)


BSD License


googleDriveAccess is a Python tool to Access to the Google Drive ( OAuth2, Calendar, Gmail, geocoding, spreadsheet, etc ) and upload and download ( import and export ) Google Apps Script source codes






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