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Six Degrees Of Harry Potter

23 July 2010 - #DevCSI Reading List Hack event @ Cambridge


To /prove/ that any item checked out of an academic library is no more than 6 'related' loans from a Harry Potter book of some kind.


Talis Aspire 'ISBN' API (

A Redis instance running on localhost with the relevant redis-py python library installed. (Scripts only use basic set and value operations.)

To Run:


This will:

 - parse and run through the OpenLibrary json reponse for 'books by J K Rowling', and push the results into Redis via the SixDegrees class.

Resultant Redis data structures:
  Key 'h' -> Set of all Harry Potter Book ISBNs
  Key 'isbn:XXXXXXX' -> Value, Title of ISBN XXXX

 - Load the list of Potter ISBNs and pass them through the Talis 'appears-with' API call.

Resultant Redis structures:
  Key 'r1' -> Set of all 'appears-with' ISBNs from the Harry Potter ISBNs

 - build up the next level of 'appears-with' items from the previous set

  Key 'r{n}' -> Set of all 'appears-with' ISBNs from the 'r{n-1}' set

To Query:

Once you have run '', you can then query your results from the Redis DB:

(Please see for the list of commands, and specifically, the commands you can do on sets, like scard, smembers, sinter, etc)

Either, via the redis-cli:

cd redis-XXXX
sixdegreesofpotter/redis-2.0.0-rc2$ ./redis-cli scard r1
(integer) 12
sixdegreesofpotter/redis-2.0.0-rc2$ ./redis-cli smembers r1
1. "0141439769"
2. "0749707119"
3. "0198124929"
4. "000711561X"
5. "0141323558"
6. "0393975428"
7. "0140366717"
8. "0590139614"
9. "0439994926"
10. "0140350047"
11. "0439999464"
12. "0141322624"

or via python:
$ python
>>> from sixdegrees import SixDegrees
>>> s = SixDegrees()
>>> s.r
<redis.client.Redis object at 0x9ff3e14>
>>> s.get_related("4")
set(['0709910932', '0521390869', '0571089062', '0393926362', '0631197575', '0710000995', '0241134730', '000711561X', '0375751513', '1405832827', '0465017185', '019953702X', '0192829556', '0415069378', '1907439021', '0140434275', '0439994926', '0140366717', '0860915700', '0198710429', '1853812773', '0199535639', '0140434003', '0416924506', '0747532745', '069107819X', '041506936X', '0749707119', '0333487087', '0631234357', '0140350047', '0590139614', '0439999464', '0192833650', '0195073886', '0141323558', '0099511487', '0198124929', '074630725X', '0141322624', '0133555615', '0199537240', '0803235615', '0198710410', '0520048024', '0141439769', '0631234365', '0748601384', '0393975428', '0192835203', '0674211014', '0198185065'])