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HMP2 Workflows

HMP2 workflows is a collection of workflows that handle processing several different data types assocaited with the IBDMDB project.

These workflows are built using AnADAMA2 which allows for parallel task execution locally and in a grid compute environment.



The following Python modules are required for the project:

Additionally the following software should be installed to launch a production copy of the website:

Installing all python modules in a python virtualenv is recommended to create an isolated environment free of any python or python module version mismatching.


Currently installation of the HMP2 workflows is only available through download/clone from the bitbucket repository.

  1. Download packaged repository OR clone repository: git clone a. If archive file is downloaded extract: unzip b. cd hmp2_workflows/
  2. Install required python modules using pip via requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt a. OPTIONAL: If using virtualenv, initialize a python virtualenv for project: virtualenv /home/carze/.venvs/hmp2_biobakery_workflows 1. Activate vritualenv before installing any modules: source /home/carze/.venvs/hmp2_biobaker_workflows/bin/activate
  3. Install software required by biobakery_workflows needed for analysis a. Instructions for each piece of software should be available with their distributions.

Automating Workflow Execution

How to Run


Manifest files

Each of the workflows primarily relies on a manifest file that describes the files that are to be processed. An example manifest file can be found below:

## This is an example manifest file for an HMP2 AnADAMA2 workflow run
## The file contains metadata that identifies the origin of the files,
## the date files were generated, submitted, a contact person for the
## data and which types of data are present in this batch of files.

#   METADATA   #

# First some information about who generated/submitted this data
origin_institute: PNNL
origin_contact: Richard White

project: HMP2
date_of_creation: 2017-04-17T17:07:00
date_of_submission: 2017-04-17T17:30:00

#     DATA     #

# The files present in this submission. These will be processed by a
# the appropriate AnADAMA2 pipelines.
        md5sums_file: /data/ibdmdb/upload/HMP2/Proteomics/test.md5sums.txt
            - /data/ibdmdb/upload/HMP2/Proteomics/160626-SM-A62DJ-47.raw
            - /data/ibdmdb/upload/HMP2/Proteomics/160618-SM-AIG7A-51.raw
            - /data/ibdmdb/upload/HMP2/Proteomics/160624-SM-73BO3-149.raw

The METADATA section provides several pieces of metadata that inform each workflow the source of data files, which project the files belong too and when the files were created and submitted.

The DATA section provides paths to the actual files broken up into sections for each data type as well as whether or not an accompanying file containing md5 checksums for all submitted files is available.


HMP2 Workflows contains a collection of workflows that handle processing, analysis and dissemination of several data types associated with the IBDMDB project. The analysis workflows leverage the existing biobakery_workflows heavily and wrap the steps in these workflows with integrity checks, formatting and pushing data to the proper locations.


Executes several steps from the biobakery_workflows Whole Metagenome Shotgun workflow.


Executes several steps from the biobakery_workflows Metatranscriptomics workflow.


Executes several steps from the biobakery_workflows 16S workflow


This workflow handles processing any proteomics data submitted to the IBDMDB. Proteomics data suubmitted to the IBDMDB is received process and with accompanying output files so this workflow works to verify the integrity of the uploaded files and disseminates them to the proper locations to make them available on the IBDMDB website.


  1. Manifest file a. Containing proteomics data files to upload
  2. Metadata file containing metadata associated with data files in the manifest file.
  3. Proteomics peptide roll-up output files assocaited with each spectra file.



Example Run

python --manifest-file /data/ibdmdb/upload/MANIFEST.hmp2-proteomics.yaml 
                     --config-file config/analysis.yaml

DCC Upload

This workflow handles uploading data files and their accompanying metadata to the iHMP Data Coordinating Center (DCC) OSDF instance. The upload procedure is handled using the iHMP's cutlass tool which leverages the Aspera file transfer protocol to transfer the larger data files.


  1. Manifest file a. Containing data files to upload OR b. Data files associated with updated metadata
  2. Metadata file containing metadata assocaited with data files in manifest file.



Example Run

python --metadata-file 
                     --broad-data-sheet IBDMDB_AliquotsAsOf_8.24.2016_updatestatus_1.17.2017_newsamplestatus.csv 
                     --config-file analysis.yaml 
                     --manifest-file /data/ibdmdb/upload/MANIFEST.hmp2-proteomics.yaml

SRA Upload


Metadata Refresh

This workflow refreshes the master metadata file using clinical metadata from the StudyTrax database, a data file tracking spreadsheet from the Broad Institute, a Broad LabOps data generation status file and auxillary metadata files for specific data types (i.e. Proteomics). These files coupled with a set of data files that have corresponding new or updated metadata can be used to trigger a metadata refresh


  1. Manifest file
  2. StudyTrax metadata table
  3. Broad sample tracking spreadsheet
  4. Broad LabOps data generation status file
  5. OPTIONAL: Auxillary metadata tables


  1. Refreshed project metadata table

Example Run

python --studytrax-metadata /data/ibdmdb/metadata/studytrax.csv
                   --broad-data-sheet /data/ibdmdb/metadata/broad_sample_tracking.csv
                   --tableau-data-status /data/ibdmdb/metadata/labsop_status.csv
                   --config-file /data/ibdmdbd/config/analysis.yaml