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Advanced Tax Engine

Advanced Tax Engine is a module to use with Odoo V8 in order to enhance its tax funcionality for more complex tax jursidictions. It is still on development status, yet already functional and ready to explore.

If you fell like helping, please contribute on the github issue traker in any way you want. (technical and non-technical)

Release Roadmap

  • Add some useful demo data
  • Separate vies of Account Allocation Rules and Tax Allocation Rules
  • Some decent unittests

Future conceptual improvements

  • Children Rules. These should help reduce the size of decision tables. Think of specifically and concisely altering a rule in a specific case instead of defining all he flattended out cases.
  • NOT Operator on rule criteria. Think of "apply rule, when not own city". This can be quite tedious else.

Known Limitations

  • Account Allocation Rules and Tax Allocation Rules, as being the same model, currently share the same view. Consistency has to be maintained by the user, as it is possible to change one rule into another leaving "lost (and hidden) records" that would result in inconsitent behaviour. It is recommended to avoid transitioning one rule into the other. Use "active=false" and a new rule instead or reuse with other naming.
  • Currently (alpha) only works for invoices (outgoing and incoming) properly. (See commits on the other folders are older)

Expected Behaviour

  • Once the product taxes are computed a partner on_change does not quit the set taxes (concept of additionality), if the changing rules would apply additional taxes those should be applied however (if not please file a bug).
  • The Sequence of the Account Allocation Rule is somwhat tricky. As you only can set one account, the applicable rule with the highest sequence number (and an account allocation set) actually gets the bid. (If not, please file a bug) Remars: This is not very intuitive, but a good enough solution to decide on the singleton application case out of a variety of eligible application cases.


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