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Repository for the CE903 Module Assignment.

Team Collaboration

We use git to do the collaboration around the codes.

For command line users, run:

git clone

Or if you prefer https (or haven't got an ssh, e.g not configured windows system):

git clone

For users preferring graphical user interface, you may like one of the provided tools below

Working on your own branch

  • To prevent damage to other's work, no one should work on master branch.
  • When you have started to work on a new feature/bugfix/idea, use git checkout -b <branchname> to create and switch to the new branch from the current workspace (i.e: if you run git checkout on master, you start this branch from master, otherwise you start this branch from where you are)
  • It is recommended that for each card in Trello, create a related branch for it

Commiting the code

We strongly recommend you to manage the code using git even when not syncing with others.

  • Note: In git, commit ONLY affects your local machine, and fetch/rebase/pull/push will sync with others
  • When to commit?: Every time you think your progress is worth a simple sentence to describe, commit it.
    • If it worths several sentence, then the commit is too large, try deviding it to several smaller commits.
  • What to do before a commit?: Git status or use the GUI tool to check
    • If you are on the expected branch
    • If there are unexpected changes in the workspace
  • How do I commit:
    • Command line:
      • git add <file> to stage changes you want to include in this commit (related to the "sentence" describing the commit)
      • git commit -m <message> to describe what you did in this commit
    • GUI:
      • Check and stage the files you want to include in this commit
      • Commit the staged changes with a single line message describing what you did

Sync with others

  • If your current branch is never pushed to the remote, git push -u origin <branch-name>to push your branch to the remote and set track of it
  • Before pushing your latest progress in a branch, run git pull to ensure that you are sync with the latest progress to the remote
  • git push to push the latest commited progress in the current branch
    • Changes not included inside commits will not be pushed
  • When finished working on that branch, create a pull request on github from the branch you are working on to the master branch, and assign it to either Clyce or Jose, slack will automatically broadcast the pull request
  • Anyone are free to review and comment on the pull request
  • After all of the comments are resolved in the code review of the pull request, the branch will be merged into master


Repository for the CE903 Module Assignment.






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