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spotify-ripper Version

A fork of spotify-ripper that uses pyspotify v2.x

Spotify-ripper is a small ripper script for Spotify that rips Spotify URIs to MP3 files and includes ID3 tags and cover art.

Note that stream ripping violates the libspotify's ToS


  • real-time VBR or CBR ripping from spotify PCM stream
  • writes id3 tags (including album covers)
  • rips files into the following directory structure: artist/album/artist - song.mp3 by default or optionally into a flat directory structure using the -f or -F options
  • option to skip or overwrite existing files
  • accepts tracks, playlists, albums, and artist URIs
  • search for tracks using Spotify queries
  • options for interactive login (no password in shell history) and relogin using previous credentials
  • option to remove tracks from playlist after successful ripping
  • globally installs ripper script using pip
  • Python 2.7.x and 3.4.x compatible. Python 3 will occasionally throw a NameError: name '_lock' is not defined exception at the end of the script due to an upstream bug in pyspotify.
  • use a config file to specify common command-line options
  • helpful progress bar to gauge the time remaining until completion


Command Line

spotify-ripper takes many command-line options

usage: spotify-ripper [-h] [-S SETTINGS] [-a] [-A] [-b {160,320,96}] [-c]
                      [-d DIRECTORY] [-f] [-F] [-g {artist,album}] [-k KEY]
                      [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-l] [-L LOG] [-m] [-o] [-s]
                      [-v VBR] [-V] [-r]
                      uri [uri ...]

Rips Spotify URIs to MP3s with ID3 tags and album covers

positional arguments:
  uri                   One or more Spotify URI(s) (either URI, a file of URIs or a search query)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -S SETTINGS, --settings SETTINGS
                        Path to settings, config and temp files directory [Default=~/.spotify-ripper]
  -a, --ascii           Convert the file name and the ID3 tag to ASCII encoding [Default=utf-8]
  -A, --ascii-path-only
                        Convert the file name (but not the ID3 tag) to ASCII encoding [Default=utf-8]
  -b {160,320,96}, --bitrate {160,320,96}
                        Bitrate rip quality [Default=320]
  -c, --cbr             Lame CBR encoding [Default=VBR]
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Base directory where ripped MP3s are saved [Default=cwd]
  -f, --flat            Save all songs to a single directory instead of organizing by album/artist/song
  -F, --flat-with-index
                        Similar to --flat [-f] but includes the playlist index at the start of the song file
  -g {artist,album}, --genres {artist,album}
                        Attempt to retrieve genre information from Spotify's Web API [Default=skip]
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Path to Spotify application key file [Default=cwd]
  -u USER, --user USER  Spotify username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Spotify password [Default=ask interactively]
  -l, --last            Use last login credentials
  -L LOG, --log LOG     Log in a log-friendly format to a file (use - to log to stdout)
  -m, --pcm             Saves a .pcm file with the raw PCM data
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing MP3 files [Default=skip]
  -s, --strip-colors    Strip coloring from output[Default=colors]
  -v VBR, --vbr VBR     Lame VBR encoding quality setting [Default=0]
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -r, --remove-from-playlist
                        Delete tracks from playlist after successful ripping [Default=no]

Example usage:
    rip a single file: spotify-ripper -u user -p password spotify:track:52xaypL0Kjzk0ngwv3oBPR
    rip entire playlist: spotify-ripper -u user -p password spotify:user:username:playlist:4vkGNcsS8lRXj4q945NIA4
    rip a list of URIs: spotify-ripper -u user -p password list_of_uris.txt
    search for tracks to rip: spotify-ripper -l -b 160 -o "album:Rumours track:'the chain'"

Config File

For options that you want set on every run, you can use a config file named config.ini in the settings folder (defaults to ~/.spotify-ripper). The options in the config file use the same name as the command line options with the exception that dashes are tranlated to snake_case. Any option specified in the command line will overwrite any setting in the config file. Please put all options under a [main] section.

Here is an example config file

ascii = True
bitrate = 160
flat = True
last = True
remove_from_playlist = True



Mac OS X

Recommend approach uses homebrew and pyenv

$ brew install homebrew/binary/libspotify
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/libspotify/lib/libspotify.12.1.51.dylib \
$ brew install lame
$ pip install spotify-ripper
$ pyenv rehash

Download an application key file spotify_appkey.key from (requires a Spotify Premium Account) and move the file to the ~/.spotify-ripper directory (or use the -k | --key option).


Recommend approach uses pyenv. If you don't use pyenv, you need to install the python-dev package too. If you are installing on the Raspberry Pi (gen 1), use the eabi-armv6hf version of libspotify.

$ sudo apt-get install lame build-essential libffi-dev
$ wget # (assuming 64-bit)
$ tar xvf libspotify-12.1.51-Linux-x86_64-release.tar.gz
$ cd libspotify-12.1.51-Linux-x86_64-release/
$ sudo make install prefix=/usr/local
$ pip install spotify-ripper
$ pyenv rehash

Download an application key file spotify_appkey.key from (requires a Spotify Premium Account) and move the file to the ~/.spotify-ripper directory (or use the -k | --key option).


Use pip to upgrade to the latest version.

$ pip install --upgrade spotify-ripper


MIT License


Command-line ripper for Spotify







No packages published


  • Python 100.0%