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Sketch-based synthesis, epitomized by Sketch, lets developers synthesize software starting from a partial program, also called a sketch or template. JSketch is a tool that brings sketch-based synthesis to Java. JSketch's input is a partial Java program that may include holes, which are unknown constants, expression generators, which range over sets of expressions, and class generators, which are partial classes. JSketch then translates the synthesis problem into a Sketch problem; this translation is complex becuase Sketch is not object-oriented. Finally, JSketch synthesizes an executable Java program by interpreting the output of Sketch.


  • JSketch: Sketching for Java. Jinseong Jeon, Xiaokang Qiu, Jeffrey S. Foster, and Armando Solar-Lezama. In 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '15), Sep 2015.


Since this tool is a front-end for Sketch, you need to install Sketch and set up the environment.

  • Tar ball

One way to build Sketch is to use an easy-to-install tar ball: sketch-1.7.0.tgz. Inside the tar ball, all Java files in sketch-frontend are already compiled, so all you need to do is building sketch-backend. Make sure that you have gcc, g++, bison, and flex. (You may need to install autoconf, automake, and libtool, too.) Then, build the beck-end as follows:

.../ $ tar xvfz sketch-1.7.0.tgz
.../ $ cd sketch-1.7.0/sketch-backend
.../sketch-1.7.0/sketch-backend $ chmod +x ./configure
.../sketch-1.7.0/sketch-backend $ ./configure
.../sketch-1.7.0/sketch-backend $ make clean; make

You can run a simple test case to make sure the build is correct:

.../ $ cd ../sketch-frontend
.../sketch-frontend $ ./sketch test/sk/seq/
  • From source

In case you are interested, here is a harder way to build Sketch.

.../ $ hg clone
.../ $ hg clone

Make sure that you have java, javac, and mvn for sketch-frontend; gcc, g++, bison, and flex for sketch-backend. (You may need to install autoconf, automake, and libtool, too.) Then, build Sketch as follows:

.../ $ cd sketch-frontend
.../sketch-frontend $ make assemble-noarch
.../ $ cd sketch-backend
.../sketch-backend $ ./
.../sketch-backend $ chmod +x ./configure
.../sketch-backend $ ./configure
.../sketch-backend $ make clean; make

You can run a simple test case to make sure the build is correct:

.../ $ cd sketch-frontend
.../sketch-frontend $ make run-local-seq EXEC_ARGS="src/test/sk/seq/"

One possible issue you may encounter while building sketch-frontend is the inconsistent Java version in Maven, e.g., Maven refers to Java 1.6 while the main Java you're using is 1.7 or higher. In that case, set up $JAVA_HOME properly.

  • Environment setup

To use sketch from anywhere, we recommend you to set up your environment accordingly. For the tar ball users:

export SKETCH_HOME=/path/to/sketch-1.7.0/sketch-frontend/runtime

For the source users:

export SKETCH_HOME=/path/to/sketch-frontend
export PATH=$PATH:$SKETCH_HOME/target/sketch-1.7.0-noarch-launchers


To use this tool, you should generate the parser first, which is explained just below. (Parser and Lexer are automatically generated from a grammar file, hence not maintained in the repository.) You can skip custom codegen (and the regression test) and move to script usages.

Parser Generation

We slightly changed Java grammar to support holes (written ??), generators in an expression-level (written {| e* |}) and in a class-level (written generator class ...), as well as a couple other syntactic sugars borrowed from Sketch, such as repeat and minrepeat. To read JSketch, again, you should generate our own parser first:

$ python -m grammar.gen


$ ./grammar/

Custom Codegen

To capture hole assignments, we will pass to Sketch a custom code generator that will be invoked at code generation time. Under codegen/lib/, pre-built codegen.jar is provided.

You can build it by yourself if you want to. Again, make sure your environment is set up properly. If you are using Sketch from source:

export SKETCH_HOME=/path/to/sketch-frontend
export PATH=$PATH:$SKETCH_HOME/target/sketch-1.7.0-noarch-launchers

If you are using Sketch tar ball:

export SKETCH_HOME=/path/to/sketch-frontend/runtime


$ cd codegen; ant

The build file (build.xml) assumes that Sketch is built from source. Otherwise, i.e., using a tar ball, comment out lines 20--21 and 34, and uncomment lines 17--18 and 32 (with modifying the version number if necessary).


This tool has three kinds of regression tests: erroneous cases, mini benchmarks converted from Sketch, and its own test cases that exercise Java features. You can find test cases under test/benchmarks/ folder and run those regression tests as following:

$ python -m unittest -v test.test_erroneous
$ python -m unittest -v test.test_mini
$ python -m unittest -v test.test_java


$ python -m test.test_erroneous
$ python -m test.test_mini
$ python -m test.test_java

Note that test_erroneous has intentionally erroneous cases, so do not be alarmed to see eye-catching error reports. As long as the final report of the testing module is OK, then it is indeed okay.


In addition to the main entrance of the tool ( or, we provide a couple useful scripts that can retrieve basic information from the program ( or run intermediate sketch files (

This is the main script that runs JSketch.

$ ./ (input_file | input_dir)+ [options]*

For example,

$ ./ test/benchmarks/
$ ./ test/benchmarks/ --model

where --model option indicates that example requires a model of Java libraries.

Actually, is a wrapper for module java_sk.main, which can be invoked directly:

$ python -m java_sk.main (input_file | input_dir)+ [option]*


This module is used to debug our own parser when adding new features. You can see the class hierarchy or method declarations in the template.

$ python -m java_sk.meta.program (input_file | input_dir)+ [option]*

This module is used to debug translated sketches; we can maintain a snapshot of the translation process and run a debug-loop: editing it manually, invoking Sketch, and repeating this process again and again until we find stable sketches. Based on manual edits, we can revise the translation process in module encoder.

$ python -m java_sk.sketch -p demo_name [option]*
$ ./java_sk/ -p demo_name [option]*


As Java is a very large language, this tool currently only supports a core subset of Java. Unsupported features include: packages, access control, exceptions, and concurrency.

Additionally, JSketch assumes the input sketch is type correct, meaning the standard parts of the program are type correct, holes are used either as integers or booleans, and expression generators are type correct.


a Java front-end for Sketch synthesis tool







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  • Python 90.8%
  • Java 5.3%
  • GAP 3.9%