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clldclient is deprecated. We are moving to a new model to access the data served by clld applications based on CLDF as exchange format.

Functionality to access the API of clld apps, e.g. the databases published on the CLLD platform.

Build Status PyPI


You can install from PyPI

pip install clldclient

or from a GitHub repository clone

git clone
cd clldclient
python develop

The client library should work with python 2 >= 2.7 and python 3 >= 3.4.


This client provides two orthogonal methods to access data in clld databases.

  1. Functionality to access data from dynamic tables displayed within clld apps.
  2. Functionality to navigate a database's resource graph programmatically.

Accessing dynamic tabular data

clld apps often list resources using customized dynamic tables; e.g. the [WALS language table] adds Genus, Family and Macroarea columns. Accessing or downloading this data is possible (by emulating what the browser does to retrieve the table contents), but tedious and hampered by the fact that the data must often be downloaded in batches. This is made easy using clldclient functionality:

>>> from clldclient.wals import WALS
>>> wals = WALS()
>>> languages = wals.table('language')
>>> list(languages.columns.keys())
[u'name', u'id', u'iso_codes', u'genus', u'family', u'macroarea', u'latitude', u'longitude', u'countries']
>>> languages[0]['name']
>>> languages.sort(('name', 'desc'))
>>> languages[0]['name']
>>> languages.filter(name='uni')
>>> len(languages)
>>> [l['name'] for l in languages[2:4]]
[u'Prasuni', u'Nuni (Northern)']
>>> languages.filter()  # calling filter without arguments resets all filters
>>> len(languages)
>>> all = list(languages)  # languages is not a sequence, but provides an iterator
>>> len(all)  # now we downloaded all rows in several batches
>>> all[1500]
OrderedDict([(u'name', u'Kokni'), (u'id', u'kkz'), (u'iso_codes', u'kex'), ...])

The basic functionality of downloading all rows of a dynamic table is also exposed as command line script clld-download-table:

$ clld-download-table -h
usage: clld-download-table [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--with-html]
                           [--parameter PARAMETER] [--language LANGUAGE]
                           [--contribution CONTRIBUTION]
                           host resource

Download a table from a clld database

positional arguments:
  host                  The database host, e.g. ""
  resource              Resource type to download, e.g. "language"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       file path to write the data to
  --with-html           By default, HTML markup is stripped from the data. Use
                        this option to keep it.
  --parameter PARAMETER
                        "value" or "valueset" tables can often be restricted
                        to a certain parameter by passing its local ID.
  --language LANGUAGE   "value" or "valueset" tables can often be restricted
                        to a certain language by passing its local ID.
  --contribution CONTRIBUTION
                        "value" or "valueset" tables can often be restricted
                        to a certain contribution by passing its local ID.

This script can be used to download the content of dynamic tables displayed on
HTML pages of clld apps. The content is retrieved as a JSON array of objects,
and written to stdout, thus can be easily integrated into a pipeline of csvkit

As noted in the help message, the clld-download-table command can easily be integrated in a pipeline of UNIX-style commands like the ones provided by csvkit. Below we use in2csv to convert our JSON download to csv, and then get a quick overview of the data via csvstat:

$ clld-download-table value --parameter 1A | in2csv -f json | csvstat
  1. language
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Unique values: 563
	Max length: 32
  2. value
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Values: Large, Small, Average, Moderately large, Moderately small
  3. source
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: True
	Unique values: 557
	5 most frequent values:
		Tucker and Bryan 1966:	4
		McKaughan 1958;McKaughan and Macaraya 1967:	1
		Childs 1995:	1
		Heye and Hidalgo 1967;Cottle and Cottle 1958;Hidalgo and Hidalgo 1971:	1
		Kaufman 1971:	1
	Max length: 107
  4. m
	<type 'NoneType'>
	Nulls: True
  5. c
	<type 'NoneType'>
	Nulls: True

Row count: 563

Note that while you can use this functionality to download all of almost 270,000 references from Glottolog, this will take some time and system resources, since the whole JSON document must be constructed in memory before printing it to standard out:

$ time clld-download-table source | in2csv -f json > glottolog-refs.csv

real	89m5.502s
user	44m30.267s
sys	0m14.349s

$ du -sh glottolog-refs.csv 
30M	glottolog-refs.csv

$ du -sh ~/.cache/clldclient/db.sqlite 
178M	/home/robert/.cache/clldclient/db.sqlite

Also note that stripping HTML markup from the data incurs a big processing penalty - so when speed is important, use the --with-html option.

Navigating the resource graph of generic clld apps

You can access any clld database by passing the name of the host serving the app when initializing a Database object:

>>> from clldclient.database import Database
>>> apics = Database('')
>>> print(apics.dataset.citation)

Michaelis, Susanne Maria & Maurer, Philippe & Haspelmath, Martin & Huber, Magnus (eds.) 2013.
Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online.
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
(Available online at, Accessed on 2015-07-24.)

>>> assert 'language' in apics.dataset.resource_types
>>> languages = apics.resources('language')
>>> len(languages)
>>> for lang in languages:
...     print(lang)
...     break
<Resource type="language" name="Tayo">

Bespoke database access

The Glottolog client provides convenient access to the language classification:

>>> from clldclient.glottolog import Glottolog
>>> glottolog = Glottolog()
>>> deu = glottolog.languoid('deu')
>>> deu2 = glottolog.languoid('stan1295')
>>> deu2 == deu
<Languoid type="language" name="Indo-European">
>>> for child in
...     print(child)
...     break
<Languoid type="language" name="Messapic">

The WALS client provides access to the WALS genealogy:

>>> from clldclient.wals import WALS
>>> wals = WALS()
>>> l = wals.language('deu')
>>> l
<Language type="language" name="Deuri">
>>> l.genus
<Genus type="genus" name="Bodo-Garo">
<Family type="family" name="Sino-Tibetan">
>>> l.genus.languages[0]
<Language type="language" name="Garo">

Additions for other databases are welcome!


To increase the performance of the client, all responses to HTTP requests are cached in a sqlite database. This database is created in a user's application specific cache directory. On Linux this would be ~/.cache/clldclient/db.sqlite. The cache can be emptied by simply removing this file, or by purging only parts of it as follows:

>>> from clldclient.cache import Cache
>>> cache = Cache()
>>> for db in cache.stats():
...     print('{1} resources from {0} from {2} until {3}'.format(*db))
6 resources from from 2015-07-24 11:10:23.133598 until 2015-07-24 11:52:33.972220
43 resources from from 2015-08-04 08:16:23.566448 until 2015-08-04 12:25:52.431683
11 resources from from 2015-08-04 10:23:20.161135 until 2015-08-04 12:29:36.281305
>>> cache.purge(host='')
INFO:clldclient.cache:6 rows deleted