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Administrative Services Over SSH for Twisted Python Applications

Create SSH Server public key / private key pair


$ mkdir keys
$ ckeygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f keys/id_rsa

Run Demos

Custom protocol over SSH:

$ twistd -ny ./txsshadmin/demo.tac

Manhole REPL over SSH:

$ ./txsshadmin/

Create Your Own SSH Service

Create a Protocol Handler

Subclass txsshadmin.proto_dispatcher.BaseHandler. Override handler methods you wish to customize. When the handler is created, the SSH avatar is assigned to its avatar attribute. Each handler method is passed an instance of the dispatcher.

Create a Protocol Factory

Use txsshadmin.proto_dispatcher.makeSSHDispatcherProtocolFactory() to create a protocol factory from your handler.

Create an SSH Avatar

Subclass txsshadmin.cred_base.SSHBaseAvatar to create an avatar for your ssh service. Assign the protocol factory you created to its protocolFactory attribute. The avatar is where you can define the capabilities of authenticated users. A protocol handler for a service with users with various capabilities may delegate its handlers to its avatar.

Create a Realm

The realm determines what avatar (if any) is returned when the authenticated avatar ID and a list of interfaces is provided to the realm. The resulting avatar should support at least one of the provided interfaces.

For a simple realm that returns only a single type of avatar, you can subclass txsshadmin.cred_base.SSHBaseRealm and set the avatarFactory attribute to an avatar factory. For more sophisticated realms, you can include logic that returns different avatars based on capabilities keyed to the avatar ID.

Create the SSH Service

Subclass txsshadmin.service.SSHServiceBase. Set the realm attribute equal to an instance of your realm.


Twisted Python Administrative service over SSH







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