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Web project with aggregated statistics about advocates from their cases at czech upper courts.


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Czech Lawyers


  • PHP >= 7.1
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.5
  • Node Package Manager (aka npm)
  • Composer
  • For production: web server and hosting site configured to allow Nette applications
  • For local development: docker and docker-compose

Installation (for production usage)

  1. Make directories temp/ and log/ writable.
  2. Run composer install to install backend dependencies.
  3. Run npm install to install runtime dependencies.
  4. Run gulp
  5. Create local config app/Config/config.local.neon (see example file config.local.neon.example).
  6. Migrate database by running php www/index.php migrations:continue
  7. Open page at web server.

It is CRITICAL that whole app/, log/ and temp/ directories are not accessible directly via a web browser. See security warning.


  1. ERROR: schema "public" already exists in ...
  • comment out a line 100 in vendor/nextras/migrations/src/Drivers/PgSqlDriver.php
  1. No user in the database
  • use php www/index.php app:user-create command to create new ordinary user.


Basically there are two "featured" GIT branches:

  • master acting as stable version (publicly deployed),
  • develop acting as development version.

The application (both of the branches) can run in two environments: development and production... The difference is in error handling, building assets. The application itself uses autodetection (from the http host), however for the processes around the environment needs to be specified explicitly.

Note: branches starting with wip- prefix are contains unfinished and incomplete work.


Due to specific libraries versions the development environment is prepared and maintained in docker containers managed by the docker-compose.

  1. Make directories temp/ and log/ writable.
  2. Run composer install to install backend dependencies.
  3. Run npm install to install runtime dependencies.
  4. Run gulp
  5. Create local config app/Config/config.local.neon (see example file config.local.neon.example).
  6. Create file .env in project root and populate it with:
    IP= # IP address when the Docker container ports (80, 443...) should be binded
    PROJECT_PATH=. # On MacOS provide full absolute directory starting with /System/Volumes/Data, provide . otherwise
  7. Perform docker-compose up to build and run containers, on change in containers append --build param to force rebuild (otherwise old will be used).
  8. Migrate database by running php www/index.php migrations:continue inside the container where you get by running docker-compose exec webserver bash.
  9. Change your hosts file to map the selected IP to the name czech-lawyers.test and www.czech-lawyers.test.
  10. Open page at web server via https://czech-lawyers.test URL.

If you experience issue with reading/writing PHP session data add session.savePath: null to your config.local.neon.

To enter the container use docker-compose exec webserver bash in the project root dir.

Access Adminer at http://czech-lawyer.test:8080 (protocol matters!), database itself is available on the given IP address under 5432 port. Database data are persisted in the Docker volume (see docker-compose.yml). If you need to reset the database use docker volumes rm datoscz_datos_db_data

To import database dump use psql -h czech-lawyers.test -U datos_user datos_db < advokati-production.sql when the target database was emptied (or freshly created).

You can start front-end application in development mode by running npm start in the project root. Web application is then available at http://localhost:8080.

When having installation done, these steps needs to be performed to get up-to-date version:

  1. Update containers by docker-compose pull.
  2. Run git pull of proper branch (master, develop...)
  3. Install PHP dependencies: composer install
  4. Install building asset dependencies: npm install
  5. Run docker composition docker-compose up
  6. Migrate database: php www/index.php migrations:continue inside docker-compose exec webserver bash.
  7. Rebuild assets using gulp development

The gulp development commands automatically builds assets (css, js, images...) and watch for their modification which triggers build immediatelly.


For production use only a full standalone server such as Apache should be used! (Docker is not suitable for production usage!)

For automated build of dependencies there is prepared script deploy.php which take care about everything done by hand in development mode with that difference that migration of database and gulp task are done for production (no dummy data and no watching for changes in assets).

Doing update: just run php deploy.php in proper folder (see the configuration section).

Do not forget to especially install and activate php-pgsql, php-xml and php-posix packages in order to prevent failures.

(Example) configuration

  • VPS server with PostgreSQL and Apache with mod_itk (to run web under given user):
    • Users foo, bar with sudo access to
    • User
      • Web
        • web-devel = branch develop in production mode for testing before going live.
        • web-production = branch master in production mode for live and public instance.
      • Crawlers - data (working and result directories).


Database migrations

For managing database state the project uses Nextras\Migrations which stores the change scripts in database/schema folder.

Warning: do not change scripts that are already applied on production!

See its documentation:


  • Structure (s)
  • Basic data (b)
  • Dummy data (d)

Label: short label/tag/name of the change

Console applications

For execution from command line (for crawlers...) we use Kdyby\Console (using Symphony\Console).

See its documentation:


Project is using Ublaboo API routing (via annotations), see documentation. The anotations also works as documentation, see library documentation.

API documentation is stored at /api-doc/ and is not autogenerated (and on production server should be protected by password).

For generating new please open any route with additional parameter such as: /api/advocate/autocomplete?__apiDocuGenerate.

Personal data protection

According to czech laws the system process personal data and therefore is subject of Law 101/2000.

Any further modifications needs to take this into account and implement current approach before they can be merged and deployed.

Auditing log is stored in /log/auditing/YYYY-MM.log in following format:

DATE AND TIME: 2017-09-05 08:41:37
REQUEST: http://localhost:8000/api/advocate-rankings/1
COUNTERPARTY: [26] Jan Novák
IDENTIFICATION: [::1] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36 OPR/47.0.2631.71
REASON: Requested in one record (direct access)
DESCRIPTION: Load advocate [JUDr. František Vomáčka - Brno] with ID [123].

In application, there is service implementing ITransactionLogger which takes care of logging through logCreate, logAccess, logChange and logRemove methods. For all calls these values needs to be provided:

  • audited subject -- describes type of personal data, please use values from enum AuditedSubject only,
  • audited reason -- describes why this particular record was accessed/changed/... please use values from enum AuditedReason only,
  • audited description -- provide text description what was accessed in human readable form, when change happens include changes (in form of from-to pairs).

Information about user are inferred from the current context of the application, however they can be overriden (necessity for console tasks). When working with transactions, log immediatelly all access operations, delay all change operation after database transaction is done (use ITransactionLogger for that).


  • Beware of accessing out of array or access to optional entities (such as taggings etc...)
  • There is trait Diffable usable on Entities for obtaining diff of changes.
  • Internal loading of data or usage withing aggregation is ignored as it would make whole thing unusable.
  • When downloading exports only one record should be stored due to technical limitations (increase in log size).


Web project with aggregated statistics about advocates from their cases at czech upper courts.







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