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What to do when nothing else helps? Walk the stack trace, of course.

Is it a good idea?   | It depends.
Is it slow?          | Terribly.
Is it cool?          | Fuck yeah!

I want it, now!

> pip install frames

But how?

>>> import frames

Seriously?           | Okay, okay.

>>> frames.locate_frame(lambda f: 'BOOM' in f.f_locals)

Boom what?           | Meh...

>>> frames.locate_frame(
...     lambda f: f.locals.get('__name__') == '__main__'
... ).locals['BOOM'] = 'Yeah'

Heh?                 | This is getting boring ;(

>>> BOOM

But you just wrap the system frames?

Yep, this is a tiny wrapper. That's all it is.

Thank you!
