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CLuster-based neArest neighbur based IntRusion dEtection through convolutional neural network (CLAIRE)

The repository contains code refered to the work:

Giuseppina Andresini, Annalisa Appice, Donato Malerba

Nearest cluster-based intrusion detection through convolutional neural networks

Please cite our work if you find it useful for your research and work.

title = "Nearest cluster-based intrusion detection through convolutional neural networks",
journal = "Knowledge-Based Systems",
volume = "216",
pages = "106798",
year = "2021",
issn = "0950-7051",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Giuseppina Andresini and Annalisa Appice and Donato Malerba"

alt text

Code requirements

The code relies on the following python3.6+ libs.

Packages need are:


The datasets used for experiments are accessible from DATASETS. Original dataset is transformed in a binary classification: "attack, normal" (_oneCls files). The repository contains the orginal dataset (folder: "original") and the dataset after the preprocessing phase (folder: "numeric")

Preprocessing phase is done mapping categorical feature and performing the Min Max scaler.

How to use

  • : script to run CLAIRE

Tor run the code: NameOfDataset (es CICIDS2017, UNSW__NB15 or KDDCUP99)

Replicate the experiments

To replicate experiments reported in the work, you can use models and datasets stored in homonym folders. Global variables are stored in CLAIRE.conf file

    N_CLASSES = 2
    PREPROCESSING1 = 0  #if set to 1 code execute preprocessing phase on original date
    LOAD_AUTOENCODER = 1 #if 1 the autoencoder is loaded from models folder
    ORD_DATASET =1  #if 1 the dataset is ordered
    IMAGE=1 #if 1 the image dataset is loaded
    CLUSTERS=1 #if 1 the clustering step is performed
    LOAD_CLUSTERS=1 #if 1 the clustering model is loaded from models folder
    NUM_CLUSTERS=1000 #number of cluster trained
    LOAD_CNN = 1  #if 1 the classifier is loaded from models folder
    VALIDATION_SPLIT #the percentage of validation set used to train models

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