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Eagle Eye Project

1 Overview

Presented at DICTA 2017

Verifying the accuracy of tracking software is a common problem. Current methods are subjective. Here we present a novel solution to quantify annotations with a Vicon Tracking System. This system will provide 'ground truth' data that is accurate and comparable.

The project opted to use a Ricoh Theta m15 - a omnidirectional camera with two lenses. This proves difficult with the images presenting very large 'fisheye' distortions. Here we attempt a few methods of calibration to resolve these distortions.

Gathering ground truth data from Vicon is strikingly complex. First interfaces must be made to the system to gather raw data. Then the pose of the camera - in relation to the Vicon data - must be determined. Then the data can be mapped to a 2D image plane to compare with the annotations created by the tracking software.

The project aims to provde a proof-of-concept Annotation tool, with which to compare against the captured ground truth data. This a multi-object, omnidirectional tool, providing quite a challege.

To accompany the process, tools and research; the project collected ~40 example datasets of varying complexity to validate the concept and to be used by the wider research community.

1.1 Team


  • Gwilyn Saunders
  • Kin Kuen Liu
  • Manjung Kim


  • Peter Barsznica


  • Victor Stamatescu
  • Russell Brinkworth

1.2 Legal

1.3 Prerequisites

Please ensure all software dependencies are the same architecture (32 or 64-bit). The PyVicon library is built for a 32-bit Vicon Tracking System. So unless you want to be recompiling it (you don't), stick to 32-bit.

  • Windows 7+
  • Python 2.7 (Anaconda or scipy)
  • PyQt 4.10 (Qt 4.8.7)
  • OpenCV 3.0
  • Numpy 1.9.3
  • Matplotlib 1.4.3
  • For Capture
    • Vicon Tracker System (v1.2 32-bit)
    • Serial RS232 Serial connection
    • Flash Sync circuit
    • A camera flash w/ PC-SYNC connection

1.4 Install instructions

Download and install the pre-requisities:

opencv-ffmpeg and cv2.pyd

  • Go to the extracted opencv folder -> build -> python -> 2.7 -> x86
    • copy cv2.pyd into into the python27 -> Lib -> site-packages folder.
  • Go to the extracted opencv folder -> sources -> 3rdparty -> ffmpeg
    • copy opencv_ffmpeg.dll into the python27 folder.

Note about Miniconda

The linked installer is a smaller version of Anaconda called Miniconda. This doesn't include some dependencies of the EagleEye project. To install them, open a terminal and run $ conda install <package>.

Require packages are:

  • numpy (tested with 1.9.2)
  • matplotlib (tested with 1.4.3)
  • pyqt (tested with 4.10)

1.4.1 Re-compiling PyVicon

You really shouldn't need to do this unless you're not using a different Vicon Tracker than the one at the UniSA Mawson Lakes campus. Mawson lakes runs Tracker (Rigid bodies) v1.2 32bit.

Visual Studio versions

To recompile, the system needs to have Visual Studio installed. The python setuptools only read the VS90COMNTOOLS environment variable, some tweaking is required if that is not your VS version.

  • No SET required (for VS2008)

Vicon DataStream SDK

Download the Vicon DataStream SDK from here. If this doesn't match your Vicon installation, find the right one with Google or hope that your installation includes the SDK. Copy all of the SDK files into the python_vicon folder.


  • ensure setuptools is installed with $ conda install setuptools

  • open a terminal in the python_vicon directory

  • run these: (supposedly they help?)

       SET MSSDK=1
  • execute the $ python build

  • check for errors in the output (good luck)

  • open the new build folder, look for a lib.win32 or

  • copy the pyvicon.pyd back into the root python_vicon folder

2 Pipeline Overview

Data Flow

This describes the overall process (top-to-bottom). Objects are recorded by two methods; camera and Vicon. The camera data is processed by the annotation tool while the mapping methods collect calibrations and convert the Vicon data into 2D data. The two datasets are then compared in a final tool and evaulated.

3 Core Tools

3.1 Vicon Capture

Vicon Capture

This tool records object positional data into CSV files from the Vicon system. It includes quality verification and time synchronisation data.


The Vicon system captures objects that are defined as unique "constellations" of infared reflectors (approx 9mm diameter) placed on physical objects within the lab. These objects are configured in the Vicon Tracker software. Some experimental/working objects are stored in the data/objects folder.

Ensure your running time is sufficient, modify via the command line option or within the config file.

Ensure the correct serial port is defined in the config file. A list of available serial ports can be found with this command:

$ python -m


The camera must not be moved between the calibration and capture steps. Thankfully, the Ricoh Theta m15 can be remotely triggered via a smart phone or tablet running Android or iOS.

The tool will capture all active objects in the Vicon Tracker software. Be sure to only enable the objects for a given scenario.

  1. Ensure all preparations steps are completed
  2. Prepare the camera for recording
  3. Run the software (either by GUI or command line)
  4. After the first flash, start the camera recording
  5. The flash will trigger again, now start perform the scenario
  6. The last flash will signal the end of the dataset
  7. Stop the camera recording
  8. Check the output folder that the objects are all recorded

Command line Usage

$ python {-output <folder> | -time <in minutes> | -config <file> | -training <file>}

3.1.1 Flash Sync Circuit

This is a circuit by design of Peter Barsznica that triggers a camera flash when signalled from a serial connection to the computer. This matches the flash data fields in the CSV file in order to syncronise the video and data feeds.

This is the circuit detail

Circuit Sync

The circuit connects to the serial GND and CTS pins

Serial Pinout

3.1.2 Synchronisation

When running the software, the flash will trigger 3 times. This is a uncorrectable side-effect of the hardware, therefore the software will delay a number of frames (as specified in the config file) before the first flash is triggered. There are still only 2 flashes recorded into the CSV.

3.2 Calibration


A Camera Calibration Tool based on the OpenCV Library. This script detects chessboard pattern from a set of images and determines the intrinsic and distortion parameters of the camera lens. It can highlight the grid intersections of a chessboard-like pattern, providing an estimated error and sample rectified images.


First collect a set of chessboard images, taken by the camera, in varying positions around the lens. For the best calibration; be sure the whole pattern is visible in each image and that the images cover majority of the lens.

A detected 9x6 pattern in OpenCV is illustrated below,

Detected Chessboard Pattern


  • Use VLC or the (Extract Tool)[4-2-chessboard-extractor] to gather images from the camera video
  • Run the calibration tool with all of the images in the args. ( images\*.jpg)

Command line Usage

$ python -output <file path> <multiple jpg files> {-chess_size <pattern: def. 9,6> | -square_size <in mm: def. 1.0> | -preview <preview file folder> | -config <file>}


A variant script is available for calibrating single lens cameras.

3.3 Trainer


This tool creates a training set for the Mapping tool using the Vicon Wand 3D positional data and corresponding video capture. This is used to calculate the extrinsic parameters of the camera, and therefore its pose within the room.


  • Ensure marks are first specified or use the marker tool to find them
  • Use the 1 and 2 keys to switch between the lenses
  • Track through the video (left and right keys) until a suitable point is visible
  • Click on a point to mark it
  • Track back a single frame to review the mark
  • Repeat until at least 4 points are trained. Recommended 20+ points.
  • Press enter to save the settings, ESC to discard

Command line Usage

$ python <video file> <csv file> <data out file> {<mark_in> <mark_out> | -clicks <num_clicks> | -config <file>}

3.4 Mapping


This software applies mapping routines to convert 3D raw data into 2D datasets using models from the Training and Calibration tools.

Command line Usage

$ python -calib <calib xml> -trainer <trainer xml> -output <output dataset> [<multiple csv files>] {--config <file>}

3.5 Annotation


Takes raw camera footage or images from the Ricoh Theta and applies automated object detection algorithms. Includes manual adjustment of the annotations. Outputs an annotated video or image, depending on the input as well as an XML Dataset - of identical format to the Mapping Tool.


  1. You need to prepare an initial video file to annotate.
  2. To use automatic annotation, you need to use the semi-automatic tool first to input a xml file.
  3. Using the marker tool, you need to get the mark_in and mark_out frame numbers, then pass the values into the command line argument. Otherwise, it will record entire data into the xml, from beginning of the video to end of the video. The mark_in and mark_out values indicate where to add. It adds the frame between mark_in + 1 frame, and mark_out frame into the XML.


  1. Run the annotation tool. (python No need to type mark_in and mark_out at this moment.
  2. Click "Open semi-automatic tool" button from the main GUI.
  3. Click "Split frames from video" button and select the initial video file from the preparation 1.
  4. Select the folder to store frames, it will take 1-2 minutes to output frames from the video.
  5. Click "Import image frames" button and select the folder from step 4 above.
  6. Semi-automatically annotate the object by drawing rectangles. The index of object will be stacked, starting from 1. Click "draw" button to draw rectangle, and Click "draw" button to drag existing rectangle. Click "undo" button to undo drawing, and Click "redo" button to redo drawing.
  7. Click "Next" button until the object moves, and if you think the object is out from the previous rectangle, repeat step6. (Usually you should repeat step6 per 15 frames, but if object doesnt move, you dont need to do.) (Or if the movement of object is huge, for example if object was "buttonside" at previous frame and moved to "backside" in current frame, repeat step6.)
  8. Click "Update XML File" button to save the semi-automatic results into a XML file, specify location to save.
  9. Run the annotation tool again with the full command line argument. ($ python -mark_in -mark_out )
  10. Click "Automatic annotation" button from the main GUI.
  11. It will say "Please select file". Just Click "Ok" button
  12. It will pop-up a file dialog named as "Please select your video file". Select your initial video file from the preparation 1 and click open button.
  13. It will pop-up a file dialog named as "Please select your XML file if possible". Select your input xml file from the step 8 and click open button.
  14. It will pop-up a file dialog named as "Please select output filename to save the file". Specify your output video file name, check location and click save button.
  15. Click "OK" button to start automatic annotation, the annotation time depends on the size of video, but usually it takes 1-2 minutes.
  16. Once the annotation has been completed, it will pop-up a message, just click "OK" button.
  17. It will pop-up a file dialog named as "Please write output xml filename to save the dataset". Specify your output xml file name, check location and click save button. The output xml file from above will be used in the comparision tool.
  18. Check the output video file to see how annotation works.
  19. If you are not happy with the performance of output video file, you can re-use the semi-automatic tool from step 2.
  20. You can either update the "input" xml file from step 8, or "output" xml file from step 17. (However, updating output xml file from step17 doesnt improve automatic annotation.)
  21. In case of updating "input" xml file, from step8, will improve the performance of automatic annotation. Go back to step 2 and do step5. Click "Import XML File" button and open the xml file from step 8. Review-the output annotated video, and go to the frame which was not happy for you. Manually specify the objects again, and once you finish that, click "Update XML File" button, it will overwrite the imported XML file. Do step 9 again, and use the updated "input" XML File.
  22. In case of updating "output" xml file, from step8, the xml file will be used in another button called "Annotation from XML". This case does not improve the performance of automatic annotation, because the button does not contain automatic annotation. It just converts the XML file to the video. This case is for only when step 21 does not work properly. Click "Import XML File" button and open the xml file from step 17. Review-the output annotated video, and go to the frame which was not happy for you. Manually specify the objects again, and once you finish that, click "Update XML File" button, it will overwrite the imported XML file. Do step 9 again, and use the updated "output" XML File.

Command line Usage

$ python -mark_in <markinframe number> -mark_out <markoutframe number>

3.6 Evaluation


This tool provides frame-by-frame comparison between the mapped centroid (ground-truth) and the annotated centroid. Each comparison is determined by the object name and the side of lens it is in. The difference is calculated in [Euclidean Distance] ( with NORM.L2. At the end the script, the frame-by-frame comparison can be toggled to plot for each object in the dataset (produced by matplotlib).


  1. Annotated XML file
  2. Mapped XML file
  3. Ensure Annotated XML file has correct target labels specified


  1. Add the mapped xml in dataset_mapped.xml field in wizard tool
  2. Add the annotated xml in dataset_annotated.xml field in wizard tool
  3. Optional output format can be specified as either xml or csv in eagleyeeye.cfg Evaluation Config
  4. Decide whether you want to visualise and plot a frame-by-frame comparison graph for each of the robots in the dataset at the end of script, also see Evaluation Config
  5. Select a path to export the file to (Either by pressing evaluation.xml field or step 6)
  6. Ensure the path has correct output format as specified in step 3
  7. Run Evaluation

Command line Usage

$ python <annotated dataset> <mapped dataset> <output file> {-config <file>}

4 Utility Tools

These are additional tools, that although are not project critical, but certainly make the whole process easier.

4.1 Wizard

This is a Graphical User Interface that implements the core tools in an easy-to-follow layout. It is intended to appear like the (dataflow diagram)[2-pipeline-overview] in order to visualise the overall process.


$ python

Or generate a new shortcut with gen_shortcut.bat. This will produce a EagleEye Wizard file. Double click the shortcut.

Be sure to re-generate the shortcut if you move the project folder.

4.2 Chessboard Extractor

Tracks through a video file and extracts selected images to a folder. The user navigates through the video and can tag the frames they wish to use.

Command line Usage

$ python <video file> <output image folder> {-prefix <output name> | -config <file>}

4.3 Trainer Comparison

This tool is to verify the accuracy of a given extrinsic training. As the user tracks through the video, the tool will compare each training point against the corresponding mapped point. This produces an error measurement.

Command line Usage

$ python <video file> <mapper xml> <trainer xml> {<mark_in> <mark_out> | -config <file> | -export <file>}

4.4 Dataset Comparison

This tool is somewhat similar to the trainer comparison tool. Where this tool pits two datasets against each other to visualise the difference. Please note that this tool does not perform (evaluation)[#3-6-evaluation].

Command line Usage

$ python <video file> <xml dataset> <xml dataset> {<mark_in> <mark_out> | -config <file> | -export <file>}

5 Data Formats

The following section outlines the structure of the output files produced by our tools. Output file format includes .csv, .xml. Data dictionaries describing the output data is also laid out.

5.1 Raw Dataset CSV

This is object data represented in the Vicon World Coordinates. Each file contains data for a single object captured. Containing positional, rotational, sychronisation and marker data.

Column Data Type Examples
0 Timestamp float 0.144
1 Sync char F, .
2 X-axis float 5121.54
3 Y-axis float 1543.33
4 Z-axis float 45.1431
5 X-rotate float 0.1123
6 Y-rotate float 0.2323
7 Z-rotate float 2.1102
8 Max Markers int 5
9 Visible int 4


  • . (dot) - is a regular frame
  • F - is a flash frame, there should only be 2 of these within a dataset


The rotational X, Y, Z is a Euler Vector, not to be mistaken with Euler Angles - pitch, yaw, roll.

5.2 Calibration XML

This contains the camera intrinsic values and distortion coefficients. It contains intrinsics for both lenses. It also contains some error metrics, although these aren't explicitly used in any tool.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
        <CamMat cx="488.175326627" cy="478.94638883" fx="254.127305966" fy="255.484172972" />
        <DistCoe c1="0.0" c2="0.0" c3="0.0" c4="0.0" k1="-0.0171416537233" k2="0.00124838013824" k3="3.84782779449e-05" k4="0.116735621147" k5="-0.00502050693142" k6="0.000317011928086" p1="-0.000477421902718" p2="-0.000143055577271" />
        <Error arth="0.290929432817" rms="2.36849146329" total="10.4734595814" />
        <CamMat cx="459.480698678" cy="489.757300849" fx="241.644695381" fy="241.812653001" />
        <DistCoe c1="0.0" c2="0.0" c3="0.0" c4="0.0" k1="0.00987461484022" k2="0.000247414863475" k3="8.26584785527e-06" k4="0.144976371435" k5="-0.00296523619781" k6="9.90414253597e-05" p1="0.00017787766362" p2="5.07307005624e-05" />
        <Error arth="0.322888672819" rms="2.53764413382" total="7.10355080202" />

5.3 Trainer XML

This represents the extrinsic values in their most raw form. To calcuate a useable extrinsic, these training values are combined with the intrinsic values. The data is a set of point pairs. These are the same position represented in two different dimensions, 2D and 3D. These points are run through a solver in order to determine a single translation and rotation vector - know as the extrinsic paramters. This XML contains extrinsics for both lenses.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
    <video file="wand_right.avi" />
    <csv file="2015-08-27_13-24_Wand.csv" />
    <Buttonside points="1">
        <frame num="46">
            <plane x="252" y="567" />
            <vicon x="6604.76905818057" y="1225.0367491552" z="71.7138299051588" />
    <Backside points="1">
        <frame num="101">
            <plane x="453" y="673" />
            <vicon x="6259.08569084885" y="1905.83353105066" z="69.601629741746" />

5.4 Dataset XML

  • Frame number indicates the frame numbers from the video.
  • Object name indicates name of object and it depends on its id.
  • The id is defined by the index of object, the index of object starts from 01 and it is defined from the semi-automatic annotation tool.
  • The lens is defined by the side of the object. If an object has x coordinate which has bigger than half of width of frame, then its buttonside.
  • If an object has x coordinate which has smaller than half of width of frame, then its backside.
  • In the Boxinfo attribute, it contains x,y coordinates and width height of the bounding box.
  • In the centroid attribute, it contains x,y 2D coordinates which is a centroid point from the bounding box.
  • Datasets produced by the Mapping tool can include a <Visiblilty> tag in each object, which contains whether Vicon has successfully tracked this object. This is useful for the evaluation tool.
<?xml version='1.0'?>
        <frame number="1" />
        <object name="EE1" lens="Backside" id="01">
            <boxinfo y="488" x="499" width="63" height="74"/>
            <centroid y="525" x="530"/>
            <visibility visible="5" visibleMax="5"/>
        <object name="EE2" lens="Buttonside" id="02">
            <boxinfo y="406" x="1465" width="83" height="104"/>
            <centroid y="458" x="1506"/>
            <visibility visible="5" visibleMax="5"/>

5.5 Evaluation XML

  • Frame number indicates the frame numbers from the video.
  • Mapper indicates the file name of the mapped XML
  • Annotation indicates the file name of annotated XML
  • The mean value of differences in this set in pixels
  • Frames contains all the compared frames
  • Frames compared shows the number of compared frames
  • Frames total is the total number of frames in the video
  • Frame contains all compared objects compared within the frame
  • Object name is the ID being used to distinguish objects
  • Object lens dictates the side (buttonside or backside) that this object is visible in
  • Object err is the euclidean distance difference between annoatated centroid and mapped centroid
<?xml version='1.0'?>
	<video mark_in="34" mark_out="360" />
	<comparison mean_err="0.0" />
	<frames compared="325" total="325">
		<frame num="35">
			<object err="0.0" lens="Buttonside" name="EE5">
				<annotatedCentroid x="884" y="533" />
				<mappedCentroid x="884" y="533" />
			<object err="0.0" lens="Backside" name="EE4">
				<annotatedCentroid x="1190" y="632" />
				<mappedCentroid x="1190" y="632" />

5.6 Evaluation CSV

This is an optional output format Evaluation Tool produces.

Column Data Type Examples
0 Frame Number int 35
1 Mapped Centroid (x) int 453
2 Mapped Centroid (y) int 842
3 Annotated Centroid (x) int 450
4 Annotated Centroid (x) int 840
5 Lens string Buttonside
6 Euclidean Distance float 0.2323

5.7 Header XML

This is metadata XML file. It contains file paths and information about a dataset when saved via the Wizard Tool. It allows a zipped datasets to saved and loaded at will.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<datasetHeader date="2015-08-27" name="August27">
    <description>August 27 test set. Single lens, single target.</description>
        <chessboards path="chessboards/" size="4">
        <video mark_in="28" mark_out="667">wand_right.avi</video>
        <video mark_in="32" mark_out="721">august27_right.avi</video>
        <vicon path="vicondata/" size="1">

6 Configuration

Each tool reads a config file eagleyeeye.cfg to allow various configurations to be customised in code executions. These are parameters that users may change to suit their needs in functions such as colour representation, quality control, output format etc.

6.1 Capture

Setting Description Default
ip_address The address of the Vicon Tracker software (typically local)
port The port of the tracker software 801
date_format Formatting with which to timestamp output files Y-%m-%d_%H-%M
flash_delay How long (in frames) to wait before beginnning the set 180
framerate How often the tracker is to be polled (per second) 44.955
default_time How long to run the capture (in seconds) 180
default_output Where the data is stored data/raw
output_delimiter The CSV delimiter ,
serial_device The serial adapter port name COM4
run_serial Whether to activate the flash True
trainer_target Which target to look for when training EEWand

6.2 Trainer

Setting Description Default
buffer_size Video buffer size in frames 50
default_clicks Number of maximum clicks 9999
dot_colour Colour of clicked points (B, G, R) (255,255,255)
min_reflectors Minimum of visible reflectors (requires at least 4 to be accurate) 4
check_negatives Check for negative positional data (happens when VICON loses track of the object) True
ignore_baddata Prevent user from click and saving bad training points as specified in min_reflectors & check_negatives True
dual_mode Calibrate dual lenses in one video (see 3.3 Trainer for usage) True

6.3 Mapper

Setting Description Default
trainer_target Name of the trainer target being used (Always EEWand) EEWand
camera_fov Field of View angle of the camera (assuming dual lens) 190
pnp_flags OpenCV [solvePnP flags] ( (Unfinished work)

6.4 Calibration

Setting Description Default
default_squares Size of a square in chessboard pattern (millimeters) 1.0
default_chess Number of intersecting corners of inner squares (rows, columns), see 3.2 Calibration for illustration (9,6)
calib_flags OpenCV [calib3d flags] ( (Unfinished work)

6.5 Compare

Setting Description Default
buffer_size Video buffer size in frames 50
xml1_colour Colour representing mapped centroid (ground-truth) (B, G, R) (255,255,255)
xml2_colour Colour representing annotated centroid (B, G, R) (255,255,255)
fourcc Codec package name (must support .avi .mp4 etc.) DIVX

6.6 Compare Trainer

Setting Description Default
buffer_size Video buffer size in frames 50
trainer_colour Colour representing user-clicked training points (B, G, R) (0,255,0)
mapper_colour Colour representing reprojected trainer centroid (B, G, R) (255,255,255)
trainer_target Name of the trainer target being used (Always EEWand) EEWand
fourcc Codec package name (must support .avi .mp4 etc.) DIVX
min_reflectors Minimum of visible reflectors (requires at least 4 to be accurate) 4
ignore_baddata Prevent user from click and saving bad training points as specified in min_reflectors & check_negatives True
offset How many frames to advance 2
offset_mode Which frame step to use (mov or csv) mov

6.7 Evaluation Tool

Setting Description Default
outputformat File extension of output compariosn (xml or csv only) xml
plot Whether to plot frame-by-frame centroid comparison graphs at end of script True

6.8 Chessboard Extractor

Setting Description Default
buffer_size Video buffer size in frames 50

6.9 Fonts

Setting Description Default
font_scale OpenCV font scale 0.4
font_thick OpenCV font thickness 1
font_colour OpenCV font colour (B, G, R) (255,255,255)
font_family OpenCV [font type] ( FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX


UniSA 2015 ICT Project






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