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What is Buzzart?

Buzzart is a Django application ment to connect to external data sources / API's, and provide means to display this data in a meaningfull way. For example plotting gathered data in a dashboard.

Supported datasources

Buzzart currently supports the following datasources:

  1. Google Reporting / Google Metadata: enabling access to Google Analytics data
  2. Facebook Graph API: providing insights for Fanpages
  3. Mailchimp API: providing list and campaign statistics
  4. Niki API: providing woningaanbod
  5. Niki Interest API: providing subscriber information per project
  6. Twitter API: providing access to Twitter API
  7. Facebook Ads API: providing campaign statistics
  8. Google Ads API: (work in progress) providing campaign statistics
  9. SurveyGizmo API: basic implementation of user/password authentication and resources

Supported views

  1. Buzzart can generate data formatted for usage in Cyfe, a third party dashboarding system. It can be included using the 'private url' widget. Main url entry point for this view is http://buzzartdomain/cyfe
  2. Buzzart can generate mailings containing plots (images generated from interactive plots) plus contextual advise (provided by hand.) These advisory mailings are semi-automaticly generated over a given time span. Entry point: http://buzzartdomain/digest/{summary-id}. Mailings are sent by mandrill, a transactional mailing service.
  3. Buzzart can display gathered data in a dashboarding environment. Dashboard template is based on (sb-admin-2

Plotting data

For the plotting of data, initially the Google Visualisation API was used. In the dashboard environment however, Buzzart uses highcharts as a plotting library because of a nicer interface and a lot of options and variations.

Setting up



git clone
cd buzzart
virtualenv ~/virtualenv/buzzart
source ~/virtualenv/buzzart/bin activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage syncdb
python manage migrate
python manage runserver

Upgrading current installation

Using Fabric, you can automatically update a remote installation (acceptation or production). Updating acceptation (make sure you committed your changes):

cd [PROJECT_DIR]/deployment
fab config.acc upgrade

Updating production:

cd [PROJECT_DIR]/deployment
fab config.production upgrade

Creating your first project

  • login to http://buzzartdomain/admin
  • create new project, fill in all needed data
  • Analytics: create analytics settings object and link to project
  • Niki interesse: create niki interest object (if there is no nikiInterestAccount available, create a new one)
  • create Summary for project: koppelen aan project, fill in dates, texts (lorem ipsum) -> this is your report
  • you can access your report at: http://buzzartdomain/digest/ [^][summary_id

Managing users and restrictions

Buzzart uses object based permissions to enable project specific access for users. To manage this permissions follow these steps:

  • login to http://buzzartdomain/admin
  • Users->add new user
  • go to 'projects' and select the project you want to give the user access to
  • click 'Object permissions'
  • enter the username of the newly created user, click 'manage user'
  • select 'view project' permission and click 'save'
  • repeat the object permission steps for any other project the user has access to

That's it. Now when the user logs in to, he will see a list of projects under his permission.

Dashboard templates

A project has a 'template' property. The template is a subfolder under /dashboard/templates and determines the way your dashboard is rendered. Select your template while configuring/adding a project in the admin.

In your template, you can include widgets with predefined functionality. The titles of the widgets are pretty self explanatory. Exmample inclusion of a widget in your template:

<div class="row">     
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3">        
        {% include "widgets/niki-availability-pie-plot.html" %}

Google Analytics API

  1. Make sure you have setup a project setup in your Google Developer Console
  2. Enable 'analytics api'
  3. Under 'Credentials', set the REDIRECT URI setting in the Console to: http://buzzartdomain/complete/google-oauth2/
  4. Set JAVASCRIPT ORIGIN in the Console to: http://buzzartdomain
  5. Configure


Finally as superuser, access http://buzzartdomain/login/google-oauth2?next=/ , it will fetch an oauth token and link it to the current user.

Facebook Graph API Fanpages

  1. As superuser, access http://buzzartdomain/login/facebook?next=/ , it will fetch an oauth token and link it to the current user.
  2. Be sure the linked facebook user is administrator of the configured fanpage ids per project.
  3. Go to the index page http://buzzartdomain/ and push 'Update facebook tokens fanpages'. It will gather a never expiring access token for each of the configured fanpages.

Mailchimp API

  1. Create a Mailchimp API token for the mailchimp account you want to access.
  2. Get the List Id from your Mailchimp account
  3. Test the setup by calling http://buzzartdomain/cyfe/mailchimp/?apikey={api_key}&lid={list_id}
  4. Enter the API token and List Id for your project

Niki API

  1. Retrieve an Oauth1 token for your application. (At the moment a key is hardcoded in Buzzart)
  2. Test the connection by calling http://buzzartdomain/niki/projects, this will retrieve a list of all projects available for your token.
  3. Configure the resource (from the above response) for your project

Facebook Ads API

  1. Create and configure a facebook app
  3. The access token can be obtained using the graph api explorer
  4. Make sure your facebook app has 'app secret proof' enabled
  5. Permissions for the ACCESS_TOKEN should include 'manage_ads'
  6. Test your setup by accessing http://buzzartdomain/fbads


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