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This is the high energy physics module for the OWLS analysis framework. This module implements many of the features of the ROOT analysis framework using the Pandas data analysis library. Instead of using ROOT TTree objects, this library relies on the Pandas DataFrame structure and uses the Numexpr JIT eval() functionality in Pandas to efficiently evaluate kinematic and selection expressions. See the "Usage" section below for more information.


The OWLS analysis framework supports Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.


Installation is most easily performed via pip:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you may execute manually, but this is not supported.


Although this module exposes functionality for low-level expression manipulation and evaluation, it is more useful for its high-level Process and Region manipulation facilties, which expose object-oriented interfaces to automatically load data and manipulate expressions efficiently.

The Process class represents a physical process considered in an analysis. It contains a list of ROOT data files containing the simulated or recorded events for a process as well as metadata describing how to display the process in lists or plots.

The Region class represents a potentially weighted event selection of event. Processes can be "projected" into regions, and these projections can be used to compute counts or histograms. Regions also contain metadata describing their display parameters.

Finally, the Calculation class represents a calculation to be made using a process/region pair. This could be something like a count or a histogram, and indeed implementations of both of these are provided by the library using the owls-cache/owls-parallel modules for efficiency.

The Calculation class is also subclassed by the HigherOrderCalculation class. HigherOrderCalculation implementations are designed to wrap Calculation classes and perform derivative calculations. They can be used for things such as background estimation (using a multi-region extrapolation) or uncertainty estimation (using varied systematics). Because fundamental calculations such as counting and histogramming use the owls-cache and owls-parallel module to batch and parallelize their operations, higher order calculations can freely compute thousands and thousands of counts or histograms or any other calculation without worrying about code structure/organization while still reaping the benefits of caching, batching, and efficient data loading.

The Estimation class is provided as a base for background estimation calculations, and provides useful, type-agnostic algebraic facilities for counts and histograms. The Uncertainty class provides a base for uncertainty estimations, and facilities for plotting those uncertainties.

Facilities for N-dimensional plotting are also provided by the Plot class, but sadly this is really just a wrapper around ROOT's plotting. Ideally we'd switch to something like matplotlib, but unfortunately ROOT is the only plotting engine that provides some of the more obscure features needed for High Energy Physics plots.

For more information on all of these classes and the various utility functions that accompany them, see the meticulously crafted Python docstrings. If you have access to the owls-hsg4 analysis code, you can see the full OWLS framework in action.


The OWLS high energy physics module







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