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1. python 2.7
2. foreman
3. gunicorn
4. local virtualenv install
5. postgresql 9.1
6. phantomjs

Installation Instructions

  1. Install virtualenv: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv.

  2. Install foreman: gem install foreman

You may need to first install gem with sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1.

  1. Install gunicorn dependencies: sudo apt-get install -y libevent-dev python-gevent.

  2. Install postgresql: sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1 postgresql-server-dev-9.1.

You may want to change the default password for the postgres user with sudo -u postgres psql - this will get you into the psql shell as the postgres user. Then you can alter password postgres password 'some_pass'; to give the postgres user an actual password.

  1. Set up the local database for development, perform the following commands in the terminal after installing postgres.

    1. psql -Upostgres or sudo -u postgres psql
    2. CREATE USER tgb_db_admin with PASSWORD 'ilovetgb';
    3. ALTER USER tgb_db_admin CREATEDB;
    4. CREATE DATABASE tgb_db with OWNER tgb_db_admin;
    5. \q
  2. Download and install the python dev package with sudo apt-get install python-dev.

  3. Clone the_game_bazaar repo into a directory with git clone

  4. Create and activate virtualenv within the cloned repository by doing virtualenv --distribute venv and then source venv/bin/activate. Then install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

  5. Populate the database model with python syncdb.

To run locally: foreman start and then visit http://localhost:5000

You will have to source venv/bin/activate in each terminal you want to develop in.

Testing Instructions

Run the TEST bash file as so:


To test the javascript models (unit tests), visit the domain /jasmine. Each line of text that is green is a successful test.

You may install phantomjs by downloading the binary from and putting it in your PATH. Installing phantomjs will have ./TEST automatically run the jasmine tests from the CLI and output their status.

The TEST file will automatically generate a coverage report for the Django server and the information will be output to the terminal.

It is possible to view this coverage report in HTML format by opening htmlcov/index.html after the test is complete.

Miscellaneous Problems

If you get errors related to 'permission denied', chances are the 'tgb_db_admin' user doesn't have createdb permission. To fix this, run a postgres shell with


You should be logged in as a superuser (the prompt will look like username=# instead of username=>). Then execute the following sql:


You can now quit the shell with \q.

Resetting Your Database

python reset_db --router=default
python syncdb

This will delete all your current data and update the db to have the new fields in the models.


  1. First tag the release branch with a descriptive name of the release with git tag -a <tagname> -m "message"
  2. Push it to github with git push --tags.
  3. Then push to heroku with git push heroku release.
  4. If you need to reset the database in heroku (which you most likely will), you can't reset_db since Heroku doesn't allow it. Instead use heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL, followed by heroku run python syncdb.


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