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*     VERSION  *
* Version: 0.53
* Date   : 2009-08-15
* Authors: JB

## IMAGE ####################
V0.2 image_read
V0.1 image_write
V0.1 image_show_grid
V0.3 image_show
V0.3 image_show_get_pts
V0.1 image_show_stereo_get_pts
V0.2 image_plot_match_points
v0.3 image_plot_points
V0.1 image_plot_lines
V0.2 image_im2mat
V0.2 image_mat2im
V0.1 image_anaglyph

## COLOR ####################
V0.1 color_color2gray
V0.1 color_gray2color
V0.1 color_norm_gray

## SPACE ####################
V0.1 space_gauss
V0.1 space_mask_blending
V0.1 space_conv
V0.2 space_conv_im
V0.1 space_non_max_supp
V0.1 space_harris_ctl
V0.1 space_harris_th
V0.1 space_harris
V0.2 space_reg_ave
V0.1 space_align
V0.1 space_merge
V0.1 lucas_kanade
V0.2 space_match_points
V0.1 space_G_transform

## GEOMETRY ######################
V0.1 geo_homography

## STATISTICS ####################
V0.1 stats_norm2D_pts
V0.1 stats_dist_pts
V0.1 stats_ori_pts
V0.1 stats_hist
V0.1 stats_hist_clean_ori_pts
V0.2 stats_ransac_trans
V0.1 stats_list_stat
V0.1 stats_LMS_trans

## RESTORATION #############################
V0.1 resto_wiener

*        DOCUMENTATION         *

## IMAGE ####################
    Read an image from file, return PIL data.
    => [name] image filename (png, bmp or jpg)
    <= im     PIL image data

image_write(im, name):
    Write PIL image data to file format
    => [im]   PIL image data
    => [name] Filename to export the image (might be png, bmp or jpg)
    <= nothing

image_show_grid(image, dgrid, color = 'red'):
    Display PIL image data to window Tkinter form, and draw
    a grid with an interspace define byd dgrid.
    => [image] PIL image data
    => [dgrid] Interspace of the grid
    => <color> Link color: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'white' or 'blue'
               (default red)
    <= nothing

    Display PIL images data to window Tkinter form.
    => [images] list of PIL images data (no more than 2)
    <= nothing

image_show_get_pts(image, nbpts, rad = 35):
    Display PIL image data to window Tkinter form in order
    to select some points with the mouse.
    => [image] PIL image data
    => [nbpts] Number of points required
    <= [pts]   List of points [[y0, x0], [y1, x1], ..., [yi, xi]]

image_show_stereo_get_pts(im1, im2, nbpts):
    Display two PIL images data to window Tkinter form in order
    to select some points with the mouse
    => [im1]    Left PIL image data
    => [im2]    Right PIL image data
    => [nbpts]  Number of points required
    <= [pts]    List of points [[y0, x0], [y1, x1], ..., [yi, xi]] 

image_plot_match_points(im1, im2, m1, m2, kind = 'pointlink', color = 'black'):
    Plot the two lists of points matched to PIL image data.
    => [im1]   PIL image data link with p1
    => [im2]   PIL image data link with p2
    => [m1]    list of points matched with [m2] from [im1],
               [[m1_x0, m1_y0], [m1_x1, m1_y1], ..., [m1_xi, m1_yi]]
    => [m2]    list of points matched with [m1] from [im2],
               [[m2_x0, m2_y0], [m2_x1, m2_y1], ..., [m2_xi, m2_yi]]
    => <kind>  kind of plot:
               'point'     plot list of points [m1] and [m2] on [im1] with points
               'link'      plot list of points [m1] and [m2] on [im1] with lines
               'pointlink' plot list of points [m1] and [m2] on [im1+im2] with points and lines
               (default 'pointlink')
    => <color> link color: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'white' or 'blue'
               (default black)
    <= im      PIL image data with points plotted

image_plot_points(im, pts, kind = 'point', color = 'red', num = 0, rad = 3):
    Plot list of points to PIL image.
    => [im]    PIL image data
    => [pts]   list of points [[y0, x0], [y1, x1], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => <kind>  kind of plot, 'target': circles and one pixel centered to the points,
               'point': circles centered to the points,
               'pixel': only pixels set to point position
               (default 'point')
    => <color> color plot ('red', 'blue' or 'green') (default 'red')
    => <num>   set to one to diplay the point number near to the point (default set to 0)
    <= im      PIL image data with points plotted

image_plot_lines(im, l1, l2, color = 'black'):
    Plot the lines according list of points to PIL image data.
    => [im]    PIL image
    => [l1]    list of points (head of the lines),
               [[l1_y0, l1_x0], [l1_y1, l1_x1], ..., [l1_yi, l1_xi]]
    => [l2]    list of points (tail of the lines),
               [[l2_y0, l2_x0], [l2_y1, l2_x1], ..., [l2_yi, l2_xi]]
    => <color> link color: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'white' or 'blue'
               (default black)
    <= im      PIL image data with lines plotted

    Transform PIL image to Numpy array (gray, RGB , and RGBA images)
    => [im] PIL image data
    <= mat  Numpy array, [l], [r, g, b] or [r, g, b, a]

    Transform Numpy array to PIL image (gray, RGB, and RGBA images)
    => [mat] Numpy array [l], [r, g, b], or [r, g, b, a]
    <= im    PIL image data

image_anaglyph(imr, iml):
    Create anaglyph image (3D) from right and left images, return image
    => [imr] right PIL image data
    => [iml] left PIL image data
    <= anaglyphe PIL image data

## COLOR ####################
    Convert color image to gray image
    => [im] color PIL image data
    <= im gray PIL image data

    Convert gray image to color image
    => [im] color PIL image data
    <= im gray PIL image data

    Normalize gray scale color of a numpy array (0 to 255)
    => [mat] Numpy array L or RGB
    <= mat   Numpy array normalized

## SPACE ####################
space_gauss(w, sig):
    Create the 2D Gaussienne matrix (numpy array)
    => [w]   window size, must be odd
    => [sig] sigma value to the Gauss function
    <= mat   Numpy array

space_mask_blending(h, w, a, b, c = 1.0):
    Mask blending
    => [h] size image
    => [w] size image
    => [a] alpha
    => [b] beta
    => [c] gamma
    <= mask numpy array only luminance
    More details see Bert 2007 thesis p121

space_conv(matim, mat):
    Space convolution between two matrices (numpy format)
    => [matim] Numpy array as image
    => [mat]   Numpy array as convolution matrix
    <= res     Numpy array, result of the convolution (same size as [matim])

space_conv_im(im, mat):
    Space convolution between image and a matrix
    => [im]  PIL image data
    => [mat] Numpy array as convolution matrix
    <= res   PIL image data, result of the convolution (same size as [im])

space_non_max_supp(mat, sw):
    Extract local maximum value to Numpy matrix
    => [mat] input Numpy array
    => [sw]  size of window local research (must be odd)
    <= res   Numpy array with local maximum value

space_harris_ctl(mat, nb_pts):
    Control threshold loop to harris matrix, this function return
    the corner feature according the number of points desired.
    => [mat]    Numpy array given by Harris detector
    => [nb_pts] number of points desired
    <= pts      list of features selected [[y0, x0], [y1, x1], ..., [yi, xi]]

space_harris_th(mat, th):
    Extract corner feature according the value matrix
    given by Harris detector and a threshold
    => [mat] Numpy array given by Harris detector
    => [th]  threshold value used to extract features
    <= pts   list of features selected [[y0, x0], [y1, x1], ..., [yi, xi]]

    Harris detector
    => [im] PIL image data
    <= res  Numpy array, response of the corner detector

space_reg_ave(lmat, p, ws, tx, ty, N = -1):
    Images average after registration by grid alignment
    => [lmat] list of images (numarray [L] or [R, G, B])
    => [p]    feature point tracked [y, x]
    => [ws]   window size tracked (must be odd)
    => [tx]   delta x to align (from p-tx to p+tx)
    => [ty]   delta y to align (from p-ty to p+ty)
    => <N>    number of images used in lmat list (default -1 meaning all)
    <= ave    result average (numarry only luminance)

space_align(I1, I2, p1, sw, tx, ty, p2 = -1):
    Gridding aligment method between two images
    => [I1]   image 1 (numarray only luminance)
    => [I2]   image 2 (numarray only luminance)
    => [p1]   feature point tracked [y, x]
    => [sw]   window size tracked (must be odd)
    => [tx]   delta x to align (from p-tx to p+tx)
    => [ty]   delta y to align (from p-ty to p+ty)
    => <p2>   if the feature point tracked is known in the second image,
              in this case used to refine the alignment (see mosaicing),
              (default -1 meanning same position as p1)
    <= xp, yp relative alignment parameters

space_merge(I1, I2, p1, p2, method = 'ave'):
    Merge two images into another one according their alignment parameters
    => [I1]     image 1 (numarray [L] or [R, G, B])
    => [I2]     image 2 (numarray [L] or [R, G, B])
    => [p1]     interest point to image 1 [[y1, x1]]
    => [p2]     same interest point p1 to image 2 [[y2, x2]]
    => [method] merging mode 'ave' average or 'ada' adaptative
    <= I3       result image L or RGB

lucas_kanade(im1, im2, p, sw, maxit):
    !!! DRAFT !!!

space_match_points(im1, im2, p1, p2, sw, kind='full'):
    Match list of points p1 with list of points p2 according
    texture distance of windows centered to each point. All points are
    search and distance is define as Squared Euclidean.
    => [im1]  PIL image data as image 1
    => [im2]  PIL image data as image 2
    => [p1]   list of points p1 from [mat1], [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => [p2]   list of points p2 from [mat2], [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => [sw]   size of window in order to calculate the distance, must be odd (window centered to point)
    => [kind] kind of window, 'full' or 'cha' (default 'full')
    <= m1     list of points m1 order with match list of points m2
    <= m2     list of points m2 order with match list of points m1
    m1 = [[m1_y0, m1_x0], [m1_y1, m1_x1], ..., [m1_xi, m1_yi]]
                |               |                    |
    m2 = [[m2_y0, m2_x0], [m2_y1, m2_x1], ..., [m2_xi, m2_yi]]

space_G_transform(G, im, method = 0):
    Apply homography transformation to an PIL image
    => G        homography matrix (numpy array 3x3)
    => im       PIL image (L or RGB)
    => <method> method use to warp image 'NEAREST', 'BILINEAR' or 'BICUBIC'
    <= res      PIL image transformed

## GEOMETRY ######################
geo_homography(p1, p2):
    Compute the homography matrix (need at least 4 points per pair)
    use DLT method (Direct Linear Transformation)
    => [p1] list of points p1 [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => [p2] list of points matched with p1 [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    <= [H]  Homogenous homography array [3x3] 

## STATISTICS ####################
    Normalize point in order the average distance between points and
    centroid is equal to sqrt(2). This is used to compute the 
    homography according Hartley and Zisserman normalization.
    => [p]  list of points [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    <= newp list of points normalize, same format as p
    <= T    transformation matrix used to normalize, numpy matrix format 3x3

stats_dist_pts(pts1, pts2):
    Return list of distances between list of points pts1 and pts2
    => [pts1] Numpy list [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => [pts2] Numpy list [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    <= [d]    Numpy list of distance between pts1 and pts2 [d0, ..., di]
              Euclidean distance

stats_ori_pts(pts1, pts2, kind = '-pi+pi'):
    Return the orientation angle composed by the vector pts1 and pts2.
    The point pts1 is defined as base and pts2 as head.
    => [pts1]  Numpy list of base points vector [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => [pts2]  Numpy list of head points vector [[y0, x0], ..., [yi, xi]]
    => <kind>  orientation angle range: '-pi+pi' or '02pi' (default '-pi+pi')
    <= [alpha] Numpy list of vector orientation in degree [a0, ..., ai]

stats_hist(list_val, step):
    Return histogram of the input list of values
    => [list_val] list of values
    => [step]     number of groups in the histogram
    <= [hist]     list of value of population bar graph
    <= [x]        list of value of step bar graph

stats_ransac_trans(p1, p2, th, nbcons, maxit):
    RANSAC algorithm for a translation model (tx, ty)
    => [p1]     Numpy list of points match with [p2]
    => [p2]     Numpy list of points match with [p1]
    => [th]     threshold consensus fitting model (in pixel))
    => [nbcons] number of elements required in consensus set
    => [maxit]  maximum iterations, if 'auto' test all points
    <= [tx, ty] model found
    <= [err]    SSE between model and consensus set
    <= [ID]     list of ID pts in the best consensus set

    Return some stats value from a list of values
    => [val] list of value (1d)
    <= [min] value min
    <= [max] value max
    <= [ave] average value
    <= [std] standard deviation value

stats_LMS_trans(p1, p2):
    LMS algorithm for a translation model (tx, ty)
    => [p1]     Numpy list of points match with [p2]
    => [p2]     Numpy list of points match with [p1]
    <= [tx, ty] model found
    <= [err]    SSE between model and consensus set
    <= [ID]     list of ID pts in the best consensus set

## RESTORATION #############################
    Wiener filter from scipy
    => [mat]    Numpy array
    <= wmat     Numpy array after restoration by Wiener filter

-=: Generated by pypack Tue Sep  1 20:02:36 2009 :=-


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