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WFP Chatbot Infrastructure

Deployment Guide

This repository contains deployment infrastructure and application code for a Chatbot that allows for the creation of rules-based surveys to be administered via a chat application, such as Facebook Messanger. This document describes how to deploy this application.


To get started, you will need the following:

  • an AWS account, with credentials to manage Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, Lambda, and API Gateway services
  • an account on IBM's Bluemix
  • a Facebook Developer account, and a Facebook Page for your app
  • this git repo
  • a python virtual environment we like virtualenvwrapper for managing this)
  • the awscli and awsebcli installed on your development machine

Deploying the Backend

The backend API is responsible for serving survey questions, storing responses, and routing from one question to the next. The business logic lives here. The API is a Python application, leverages the Django application framework, and is meant to be deployed on Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk service. To deploy the base application:

1. clone this repo to your local development machine

$ cd /path/to/your/dev/directory/
$ git clone

2. create a virtual environment and install the requirements file

We've packaged up all the python dependencies in the requirements.txt file. If you make changes to the code and add new dependencies, be sure to update the requirements file.

$ mkvirtualenv h4h
$(h4h) pip install -r requirements.txt

3. build an initial set of Django migrations to test that everything works locally

This step will create a local sqlite database that contains all the tables you need to run the application locally. Whenever you actually deploy the application, these commands will be run automatically.

$(h4h) python make migrations
$(h4h) python migrate

4. start the dev server and make sure everything works

We can run the dev server on port 8000 with a simple command. If all goes smoothly, you should see something like this:

$(h4h) python runserver
System check identified 0 issues (0 silenced).
April 04, 2017 - 15:45:29
Django version 1.9.1, using settings 'h4h.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

If the application does not start, check the error message in your terminal; you are likely missing a dependency. Once started, you should see a listing of all the available api endpoints when you navigate to the root page. At this point, you are ready to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk

5. create the beanstalk environment

Before getting started, you might want to familiarize yourself with this tutorial, which explains how to deploy a Django application on Elastic Beanstalk. We're already done most of this stuff for you, so you can basically skip to deploying the site. To do so, you'll want to initialize a new environment using the commands:

$(h4h) eb init -p python2.7 h4h
$(h4h) eb create h4h-env
$(h4h) eb open

This will guide you through a set of prompts to setup your environment (the defaults will do for now). By the end of this, you should the django application running in your browser.

6. create the database

We need to create an Amazon RDS instance to store data for our application. Follow this tutorial to create a MySQL database and attach it to your Elastic Beanstalk environment. Make sure you do this from the Elastic Beanstalk console to let AWS take care of the setup for you. Once done, you'll want to re-deploy the application again with the following command:

$(h4h) eb deploy

At this point, the backend is setup and ready to go. You can modify the code as you see fit and re-deploy as above. For production, we recomend that you have at least two instances behind the load balancer to ensure stable service.

Deploying the Orchestrator

The Orchestrator is responsible for routing messages between the chat clients, the backend APIs, and the NLP engine. It is a single AWS Lambda function written in Python, and is attached to API Gateway for communication with other components.

1. Deploying the lambda function

TODO: write this section

2. Configuring the API Gateway

TODO: write this section

Deploying the NLP Engine

The NLP engine takes raw survey responses from end users and translates them to machine-readable metrics. It is a single AWS Lambda function written in Python, leverages the IBM Watson NLP APIs, and is attached to the API Gateway for communication with other components.

1. Setting up the Watson Integration

TODO: write this section

2. Deploying the lambda function

TODO: write this section

3. Configuring the API Gateway

TODO: write this section

Deploying the Facebook Messenger Bot

As an example, this repository includes a chatbot adapter for Facebook Messenger, which can be used as a template for other chat clients. It is a single AWS Lambda function written in Python, and is attached to the API Gateway for communication with the outside world and other components TODO: complete this section

Connecting the Components

TODO: write this section

Writing a Test Survey

TODO: write this section


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