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Dependency Parsing Experiments using Makefile

Makefile included in uparse directory allows you to perform several dependency parsing experiments using MaltOptimizer and Maltparser

To perform experiments, edit Makefile to set CONLL_DIR location to your CoNLL format pentreebank corpus location. Directory you will provide should include a separate directory for each section of the corpus (00-24)

Now you can start experiments. Here are a few make calls for the experiments

  • make all will execute a default experiment by performing parameter optimisation using section 22, train an optimised dependency parser using sections 2-21 and test the parser using section 23
  • make all TASK_IDENTIFIER=ws.50 TRANSFORMOPT="--tagmode tagfile --tagfile ../data/upos/ws.50.gz" will first replace all tags/cpostags in given corpus by tags given with --tagfile option and will initiate make all

All experiments will create a result.<TASK_IDENTIFIER>.tar.gz file into uparse directory. This file contains

  • model.eval including LA, LAS, UAS performance metrics
  • model.out including parser output for section 23
  • phase3_optFile.txt including Maltparser options
  • addMergPOSTAGI0FORMStack0.xml including features to be used by Maltparser.

usage: [-h] [--file FILE] [--directory DIRECTORY]
                [--extension EXTENSION] [--section SECTION]
                [--tagmode {nochange,tagfile,onetagperword,remove,random}]
                [--tagfile TAGFILE] [--ambigious]
                [--formmode {nochange,formfile,remove}] [--formfile FORMFILE]
                [--subsmode {nochange,best}] [--subsfile SUBSFILE]

CoNLL file transformer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE           CoNLL files to read
  --directory DIRECTORY
                        CoNLL directory to read
  --extension EXTENSION
                        CoNLL file extension to read
  --section SECTION     WSJ sections to be filtered out
  --tagmode {nochange,tagfile,onetagperword,remove,random}
                        Tag manipulation operation on corpus
  --tagfile TAGFILE     Tag file to be used. Only valid when used with
                        --tagmode tagfile|random
  --ambigious           Threat tags as ambigious by not using a dictionary
  --formmode {nochange,formfile,remove}
                        Form manipulation operation on corpus
  --formfile FORMFILE   Form file to be used. Only valid when used with
                        --formmode formfile
  --subsmode {nochange,best}
                        Form manipulation operation on corpus
  --subsfile SUBSFILE   Substitution file to be used. Only valid when used
                        with --subsmode formfile

$ python2.7 -h
usage: [-h] [--wsj10 | --wsj20 | --wsj40 | --wsj]
                 inputwildcard output

Cleanup & Filter CoNLL corpus

positional arguments:
  inputwildcard  File wildcard showing CoNLL corpus file(s) including one or
                 more dependency graphs
  output         Target CoNLL corpus file used to store clean and filtered
                 CoNLL corpus

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --wsj10        Cleaned sentences of maximum length 10
  --wsj20        Cleaned sentences of maximum length 20
  --wsj40        Cleaned sentences of maximum length 40
  --wsj          Cleaned sentences of full corpus

$ python2.7 -h
usage: [-h] [--ignoreroot] [--minlength MINLENGTH] goldfile modelfile

Evaluate two parsings

positional arguments:
  goldfile              Source CoNLL corpus file including gold dependency
  modelfile             Model CoNLL corpus file including model dependency

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --minlength MINLENGTH
                        Minimum sentence length to be considered in evaluation

$ python2.7 -h
usage: [-h] [--rhead | --lhead] input output

General some popular baseline parsings for given corpus files

positional arguments:
  input       Source CoNLL corpus file including gold dependency graphs
  output      Model CoNLL corpus file including model dependency grapgs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --rhead     Right head parsing
  --lhead     Left head parsing

$ python2.7 -h
usage: [-h] [--parallel parallel]
                   input output [sections [sections ...]]

Generate CoNLL format by reading penntreebank trees

positional arguments:
  input                Treebank directory containing sections of penntree
  output               Target CoNLL directory
  sections             Section filter for generation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --parallel parallel  Number of parallel slaves to perform conversion


./ --brush --cnf ./data/treebank/treebank.mrg > ./data/json/_penntreebank.json

./ --noextendedtag ./data/json/_penntreebank.json > ./data/json/penntreebank.json

./ --tagfile ./data/upos/ws.100.gz ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.json > ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/

./ --tagged --maxlength 40 0.80 ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.json

./ ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.train > penntreebank.counts

./ --parallel 8 penntreebank.counts ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/ > ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.p1.out

./ ./data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.key data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/json/wsj/wsj.p1.out


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